- Количество слайдов: 21
BEST III Consortium Update Voluntary Scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of European Overseas Karin Zaunberger, DG ENV 7 th EU Overseas Roundtable meeting, 31 March 2015, Brussels
Update of progress • • • Reminder BEST III activities BEST III working team Communications strategy & website BEST global strategy Progress of regional ecosystem profiling Outlook: timeline of next milestones
BEST III activities in a nutshell Lot 1: Establishing a BEST platform Setting up a Ø BEST working team (central team + 7 regional hubs) Ø BEST website & communication Ø BEST III Steering Committee and organise regular meetings Ø Organising fundraising activities to leverage long-term funding Ø Developing BEST investment strategies based on regional strategies Lot 2: Development of regional ecosystem profiles (EPs) Ø Preparatory work Ø Regional coordination of stakeholder involvement Ø Developing regional strategies
BEST central team Caribbean Macaronesia * BEST III working team 7 regional teams Amazonia South Atlantic Indian Ocean Polar and Sub-polar Pacific
BEST III Communication ü Communication strategy ü Website: http: //ec. europa. eu/best/ ü Printed material: brochures, banner ü Social media: @IUCNEur. Overseas ü Supporting channels: Europe Overseas Forum IUCN Europe overseas website ü E-newsletter (1 st edition in April 2015) ü @ EU Environment @ IUCN + Shorts films ( early 2016)
BEST website Homepage http: //ec. europa. eu/best/ ü Launched in June 2014 ü EN / FR ü Platform for information on project & progress, funding opportunities, news & events
BEST website Regions • Showcases 7 regions with facts − Main characteristics − Socioeconomic, Policy and Civil Society Context − Facts & Figures − Main challenges . . . and pictures • Ecosystem profiles to be uploaded here once completed
BEST website Current projects • with pdf factsheet of each project
BEST communication material BEST Banner BEST Brochures • explaining BEST Initiative • 2 -page factsheet of each project
BEST investment Strategies ü Assessment of funding needs per region ü Analysis of fundraising environment ü Existing funding sources in the EU ü Trends in environmental funds ü New and ongoing funding for conservation + ü First draft of BEST fundraising strategy + Bilateral meetings with potential partners for BEST
Development of regional ecosystem profiles (EPs) üHubs developed regional factsheets üEstablished regional and local contacts üData collection & stakeholder consultations ongoing üRegional outreach & buy-in üFirst drafts of EPs
CARIBBEAN Hub 15 entities (FR / EN / NL) üOngoing EP consultations: informative presentations Caribbean team started in 11 entities & ongoing workshop planning üFirst draft of EP and OR and OCT factsheets ü> 200 regional & local contacts/15 entities üOutreach through newsletters, website, facebook, flyer, poster, 6 regional/international & 20 expert meetings er lett ews N Caribbean biodiversity poster BEST Caribbean webpage http: //www. car-spawrac. org/? The-context, 599 n bea ib Car sheet fact +15 ntal e ronm ets i env tshe fac
MACARONESIAN Hub 3 ORs (PT / ES) üOngoing EP consultations: 6 EP workshops in 3 entities in Macaronesian team Nov 2014, 80 people mobilized, follow-ups planned üFirst EP draft online available for stakeholder review ü> 450 regional & local contacts – large research network and synergies with Net. Biome-CSA üOutreach through website, local newspaper, flyer, poster üOnline-Geoportal as tool for EP process Macaronesian factsheet + 3 additional factsheets/entity Poster Website & Online - Geoportal http: //www. azores. gov. pt/Gra/BEST_III_Macaronesia Media Local newspaper
SOUTH ATLANTIC Hub 4 remote island groups üOngoing EP consultations: first presentations & sity Biodiver poster stakeholder engagement, workshops planned üFirst EP draft under stakeholder review ü 55 regional & local contacts, üOutreach through website, local news release, flyer, poster Ascension, St Helena & Tristan da Cunha - very remote location of islands logistical challenges New: Falklands now under South Atlantic hub (SAERI home base) South Atlantic team Ascension Island news release South Media Atlantic factsheet SAERI Website http: //www. south-atlantic-research. org/research/current-research/94 -biodiversity-and-ecosystem-services-in-territories-of -european-overseas-best-iii
PACIFIC Hub 2 large sub-regions üOngoing EP consultations: presentations mobilized many regional/local stakeholders, workshops ongoing üEP draft for Wallis and Futuna & gap analysis for NC ü> 100 contacts for French Polynesia & Pitcairn ü> 75 contacts for New Caledonia & Wallis and Futuna üGreat coverage in local news & radio stations (FP) Ongoing EP consultations In the local newspaper Large region, work implemented by 2 sub-teams West Pacific team fic est Paci W et factshe East P acific factsh eet East Pacific team
INDIAN OCEAN Hub 2 ORs & 2 uninhabitated OCTs üOngoing EP consultations: Joint meetings with Mayotte (existing biodiversity strategy) and Réunion, in contact with stakeholders/experts for 2 uninhabited OCTs üFirst EP draft chapters ready for stakeholder review in June ü> 60 contacts for 4 entities Coordination with TAAF for Scattered Islands (Îles Eparses) Indian Ocean team ty iodiversi B poster Indian Oc ean factsheet
AMAZONIAN Hub French Guiana in South America üOngoing EP consultations: first presentations mobilized great interest, formation of local SC and 4 working groups: marine ES, terrestrial ES, KBAs, threats üEP document: Focus on ecosystem services (ES), first chapters discussed in workshops with working groups ü 150 contacts in French Guiana Support from French Guiana bishop for environmental initiative Amazonian team Local newsletter announcements Amazonian factsheet
POLAR & SUB-POLAR Hub Arctic & Antarctic regions üOngoing EP work: Data collection & workshops for TAAF Polar & Sub-polar factsheet region ongoing, consultation meeting planned for British Sub-Antarctic islands (May 2015), contact with SPM, New contacts for Greenland üEP document: review of documents & context drafting ü 46 contacts, mostly experts (research) of the regions and government 2 remote sub-regions, sparsely or not at all inhabited challenges in logistics and local engagement Polar & sub-polar region team Announcement of Red List for TAAF region
Timeline for main deliverables/ milestones Year 2 (2015): Ongoing BEST III activities & additional events ---------Regional Ecosystem profiles and BEST strategies -------------Regional Workshops for consultation--and validation of the regional ecosystem profiles outcomes January Meeting with Commission and SC meeting June Side event at Green Week September Meeting with December Commission October &SC meeting November BEST event with EP Intergroup ------------Regional information and outreach events -------------------------------Meetings with Donors -------------------------------------- Info on the BEST website ----------------------------------Potential new BEST Partnerships -----------
Work plan – Year 2 (2015) Lot 1/2 1/2 2 1 1 1 M 13 M 14 M 15 M 16 M 17 M 18 M 19 M 20 M 21 M 22 M 23 M 24 Milestones, deliverables and interim reports Meeting with Commission & Steering Committee First interim reports Reports of 1 st round of interns Information events 1 Information event throughout this period Regional workshops for consultation & validation of Regional workshops throughout this period the regional ecosystem profile (EP) outcomes Regional EPs & BEST strategies 2 Regional EPs and BEST strategies delivered Information of funding possibilities on website; and Updates on the website throughout this period other info Min. 8 bi-/multilateral donor meetings 3 Meetings to take place throughout this period Global BEST Strategy Finalized once regional BEST strategies done Partnerships potentially established throughout this period Min attendance at 4 external events related to Presentations and attendance at events throughout this period BEST per year (incl. 2 speaking opportunities) 4 Deliverables / milestones Lot 1: Establishment of BEST platform Lot 2: Development of ecosystem profiles Lot 1 & 2 Internship in regional hub Intern event in Brussels (to be confirmed) Internship – year 2 Amazonia Caribbean Indian Ocean Macaronesia Pacific – East (FP, Pitcairn) Pacific – West (NC, WF) Polar and Sub Polar – South Polar and Sub Polar – North* South Atlantic M 13 M 14 M 15 M 16 M 17 M 18 M 19 M 20 M 21 M 22 M 23 M 24
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