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Bertil Hylén Formerly Analyst at VTI Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut Swedish National Road&Transport Research Institute Formerly National Expert EC DG MOVE E 2 Evaluator for EU projects hyl. ben@telia. com Tel +46 728 58 15 58
Basic data (Source: EC DG MOVE España 506 000 47 M 476 250 ? 23 500 21 % 10 km 2 Inhabitants cars per 1 000 inh M train km pr year Billion pass km/year Rail pkm per inh/year PT market share Billion tonne km/year Few Transport Authorities One rail operator Interregional bus deregulated 2012 + UIC) Sverige 450 000 km 2 10 M Inhabitants 465 cars per 1 000 inh 150 M train km per year 12 Billion pass km/year 1 200 Rail pkm per inh/year 17 % PT market share 22 Billion tonne km/year Transport Authorities cover 100% 7+ rail operators Interregional bus deregulated
Sweden rail map 10 000 km+ network Mainly single track V/max 200 km/h Serious capacity problems! Three train categories – IC, reg, freight 320 km/h line decided – Stockholm - Linköping
Sweden - Public Transport sector • • • 100% covered by Passenger Transport Authorities (PTAs) by law Competitive tendering of PT is the norm Operators: Nobina, Transdev, Arriva, Keolis, SJ, MTA www. resrobot. se timetable info between 50 000 stations/stops www. resrobot. se multimodal tickets betw. 3 500 stations/stops • Buses normally owned by operators • Rolling stock normally owned by PTAs or Transitio
Sweden – Rail sector • • IM Trafikverket (rail and road), Regulator Transportstyrelsen RUs: SJ, Green Cargo, MTAB, Hector, Transdev, Arriva, MTR + others Jernhusen owns major stations, Euromaint dominates maintenance Same pay and pensions agreement for staff regardless of ownership • • Low access charges, < 1 € per trainkm Gradual ”accidental” deregulation, now fully open market Commercial services on 7 -8 lines – about half of pass km Rail is politically hot – always and especially when problems occur
Stockholm SL area • • • Operator Stockholmståg, SJ 100% daughter company All EMUs owned by PTA or Transitio Operator has to use maintenance facilities owned by SL Gross cost agreement with incentives 10 M trainkm/year
Västtrafik Photo by Fredrik Tellerup Courtesy jarnvag. net - Operated by a division of SJ - All EMUs owned by the PTA - PTA refers the operator to three maintenance facilities where the PTA has ”grandfathers rights” to capacity - 70/30 split contract. 70% is a fixed amount, 20% depends on n of passengers, 10% on quality - 11 M trainkm/year
Skånetrafiken – polycentric region 125 * 125 km; 1, 3 M inhabitants
Skånetrafiken Photo by Fredrik Tellerup Courtesy jarnvag. net - All EMUs are owned by PTA - Maintenance is contracted by PTA not by the operator (Arriva) - PTA may become financially involved in future maintenace depot and stabling tracks - 10 Million trainkm/year for ”Pågatåg”, in Sweden only - Öresundståg – also operating to Denmark – is another contract - Impressive growth for many years but now stabilised
Öresund Region
Mälardalen MÄLAB – complicated set-up Five PTAs join to overcome 350 year old region boundaries Sweden’s core area; 3, 8 M inhab. Complicated fare/ticketing structure… MÄLAB will buy its own rolling stock for lines to be tendered and use SJs on non-tendered lines. New depot in Eskilstuna financed by MÄLAB, RU may use other depots if they wish. Not settled.
Transitio and other rolling stock matters • • www. transitio. se Rolling stock company owned by PTAs 135 EMUs leased to PTAs or their operators EMUs used only in PTA (subsidised) services • Started by Bombardier but today no links to any manufacturer • Unique in Europe?
Sweden – failures to be avoided » Northern Sweden – damages paid to RU » Stockholm area – near collapse 2000 » Västtåg – dropped out, damages paid to PTA » Skåne – RU had no money for maintenance
Rolling stock maintenance • Mixed (messy? ) picture – history and geography still important • Capacity problems! ERTMS may be OK on the main lines but you need stabling and maintenance capacity for more trains • Jernhusen and others own yards and buildings but • Euromaint, Mantena and others carry out the actual maintenance Little regulatory intervention so far
Transportstyrelsen - Regulatory issues So far focus on safety issues - Implementation of EU Reg 2013/1078 - Maintenance companies’ Safety Methods and Risk Assessment - Heritage railways need special attention - Metro and tram systems have been subjected to special audits - Little or no intervention (so far) in market matters
On-going review of rail organisation • • Should the state facilitate rolling stock access for new entrants? Should rolling stock owned by PTAs be leased to commercial RUs? Are there any market discrepancies in the maintenance sector? Regulators role to be developed
Lessons for other countries Ø Focus on regional Public Transport first Ø Introduce Regional PTAs with all over responsibilities (info, ticketing, interchanges) Ø Create a national timetable base, demand input from all operators Ø Contract incumbent RU (and IM) to operate with strong incentives Ø Ø Contract bus operators, later with competitive tendering Beware of low bids! Introduce Resrobot system for multi-modal travel Prepare for the unexpected and unwanted!
Lund, southern Sweden ”Extremely central” station 115 000 inhabitants + students 300 trains per day 40 000 train passengers per day Present central station will be retained for possible HS services (if there is still enough capacity)
Danmark Tonnekm billion Staff Very dubious figures ! Rail pass market share Pass km per inh. /year Pass km billion population million Train km/ line km regardless of n of tracks Proportion double/mult track Train km million z) Rail net work line km Europe basics 2010 2 646 44 74 28 000 5, 6 6, 3 1 125 9, 9 2, 2 12 000 29 841 58 525 17 500 63, 1 85, 9 1 361 9, 8 30, 0 160 000 Netherlands 2 886 68 145 39 000 16, 7 15, 4 922 9, 0 5, 9 14 000 Schweiz 3 597 55 166 46 000 7, 9 19, 1 2 417 17, 2 11, 1 28 000 Great Britain 16 175 64 500 31 000 62, 4 55, 8 942 7, 3 18, 6 90 000 Sweden 11 000 18 135 12 200 9, 3 11, 2 1 204 9, 2 23, 5 16 000 Germany 33 707 54 1 050 31 000 81, 7 83, 0 1 015 7, 9 107, 3 138 000 EU UIC UIC/EU EU EU France Källor EU UIC, own