. Bener Ivan Constitutional law of RK constitution

. Bener Ivan Constitutional law of RK


Constitution creation 1993 – adoption of the first Constitution of sovereign Kazakhstan On August 30, 1995 adoption of the new Constitution which came into force on September 5, 1995.

The constitution of RK consists of 9 sections and 98 articles: Section 1 – General provisions; Section 2 – Person and citizen; Section 3 – President; Section 4 – Parliament; Section 5 – Government; Section 6 – Constitutional Council; Section 7 – Court and Justice; Section 8 – Local public administration and self-government; Section 9 – Final and transitional provisions.

The constitution – the main source of the law The constitution – the main source of the law and other normative legal acts established by government bodies. Each law, decrees of the President, regulatory acts of the Government, the resolution of various ministries, decisions of local executive bodies have to be made according to norms, ideas, the principles of the Constitution, not to contradict of. Laws and other regulations recognized as unconstitutional, including striking fixed by the Constitution the rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen, are cancelled and aren't subject to application. (Art. 74, section 6)

Constitutional Council The constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of 7 members which powers last six years. Life members of the Constitutional Council are by right Ex-presidents of the Republic. (St 71, section 6)

Personal rights and freedoms health, advantage, honor, life (articles section 2) Economic and social rights and freedoms the economic rights and freedoms for realization of production and use of material benefits of the work (Art. 26) Political rights and freedoms Political communication of the state and its citizens (Art. 32, section 2) Rights and freedoms of citizens of RK:

It isn't allowed in any form restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens for political reasons. In any cases aren't subject ogra-to the right and freedom nicheniye, provided by articles 10, 11, 13-15, point 1 of article 16, article 17, article 19, article 22, point 2 of article 26 of the Constitution. (Art. 39

The rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen can be limited only to laws and only in that measure in what it is necessary for protection of the constitutional system, protection of a public order, the rights and freedoms of the person, health and moral of the population. Any actions, capable to break an international consent admit unconstitutional. (St 39)

thanks for attention

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