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BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Manufacturing Prospers Tourism Thrives Swiss Banks Prosper High Incomes International Respect
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 1. Manufacturing Prospers • • When WWII ended, many industrialised countries were shattered by the war Switzerland changed from agricultural based to industrialisation Mainly because she was untouched by war Thus was able to industrialise rapidly
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 1. Manufacturing Prospers • • Raw materials limited but people are diligent and very well-educated Equipped with necessary skills for work in industry Swiss craftsmen are very skillful and creative Known for producing very fine and exquisite watches known for accuracy and precision
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 1. Manufacturing Prospers • • Swiss creativity – first to mass produce tiny mechanical parts in 1845 – long before others had the technology Gained an enormous advantage over others in the production of
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 1. Manufacturing Prospers • • Swiss manufacturing industry today – produces very specialised & high-quality products Precision machines and instruments, electronic devices, medical and chemical products Exported throughout the world Manufacturing industry continues to prosper – high investment in R&D of hightech industries
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 1. Manufacturing Prospers • • • Another factor – relationship between workers and employers harmonious Any quarrels usually settled peacefully without strikes Another way of compromise
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 2. Tourism Thrives • • Beautiful lakes, snow-capped mountains and resorts – main attraction for tourists to Switzerland Swiss cleverly developed their mountains into tourist attractions More than 11 million tourists each year A favourite because of landscape, firstclass air and rail transportation
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 2. Tourism Thrives • • • Instead of quarrelling over language and religion, the Swiss made use of their multi -cultural characteristics to their advantage This attracts tourists worldwide Swiss tourist industry would not have developed if there was no internal peace and harmony
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 3. Swiss Banks Prosper • • Switzerland – an international banking centre More than 4, 000 branches of banks and financial institutions Political stability, harmony, neutrality make it a safe country for people worldwide to deposit their money there These conditions have given stability to its currency, the Swiss franc – freely convertible to other currencies
THE LATEST SWISS BANK SCANDAL 3. Swiss Banks Prosper • • • Swiss banking laws : gives depositors a safe feeling Eg A Swiss law that protects bank depositors Their amount of deposit cannot be disclosed to anyone or any government All Swiss banks must follow this secrecy law Because of this, Swiss banks have
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 4. High Incomes • • • Manufacturing and tourism industries contribute 65% of the country’s total income Benefit of living in peace ensured that these two industries prospered As a result, Swiss enjoy high incomes – average annual income one of the highest in the world
BENEFITS OF LIVING TOGETHER IN PEACE 5. International Respect • • • Many international organisations have their HQs in Switzerland Shows that the world respects Switzerland Eg International Red Cross HQ, the Palace of Nations which is the European Office of the UN are in Geneva Many int’l meetings are held there Commanded respect because of its peace and neutrality
LESSONS FOR SINGAPORE 1. Participation from population 2. Tolerance 3. National defence 4. Multi-cultural society 5. Creativity and skills
LESSONS FOR SINGAPORE 1. Participation from population • Swiss have shown that they are mature and responsible in their decision-making process • Able to make difficult decisions and bring suggestions to the government through feedback
LESSONS FOR SINGAPORE 2. Tolerance • Swiss are very tolerant people • Eg G-Swiss exercise tolerance and patience towards minority groups which are careful not to be demanding or unreasonable • All groups practise mutual respect and understanding
LESSONS FOR SINGAPORE 3. National Defence • Importance of national defence deeply rooted in the Swiss • Given its size, it is remarkable to note that it was able to deter invasion of its territories during the two WW • With similar military preparedness and capability, Singapore can also defend itself
LESSONS FOR SINGAPORE 4. Multi-cultural Society • By allowing different language and religious groups to retain their culture, Swiss have been successful in forging harmony and unity • We should do the same
LESSONS FOR SINGAPORE 5. Creativity and Skills • Limited natural resources and small physical size have not prevented the Swiss from prospering economically • Creativity and skills – go beyond their limitations to benefit themselves and the rest of the world • Openness of Swiss society
CONCLUSION Switzerland a model of harmony and unity A fine example for small countries A model for working out conflicts arising from racial and religious differences
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