Presentation_ Benefits of blood donation.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 12
Benefits of blood donation Moral, Health, Business Valeria Pavliukova
Outline Background Benefit 1 (Moral) Benefit 2(Health) Benefit 3 (Health+Money) Benefit 4 (PR) Conclusion References
Background Person voluntarily gives a blood Needed : - victims of burns and injuries - in complex operations - hemophilia and anemia One third will need a blood donation Every 3 sec. s. o. needs blood Lack of donated blood = social problem
Donation in the US 23 40 15 Can't donate Do donate 17 5 Never thought 17 Too busy Rest
Benefit 1 Moral satisfaction
Benefit 2 Health heart diseases cancer new blood
Benefit 3 Health+Money Tests on: hemoglobin level blood pressure body weight hepatitis B hepatitis C Syphilis HIV/AIDS
Benefit 4 PR (mutually advantageous cooperation) Companies Public people
Benefit 4. 1 Companies ‘Dunkin Donuts’ coffee for a pint of blood "Pint for Pint" (Baskin Robins)
Benefit 4. 2 Public people Stars of ‘Vampire Diaries’ Kelly Rowland http: //www. blood. co. uk/vip/gallery/celebrity-videos/
Conclusion Red Cross http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=y. YJEK 6 bv 8 Ys&feature=related
References 1. American Red Cross http: //www. redcrossblood. org/learn-about-blood/blood-facts-andstatistics 2. Chandramita Bora, Advantages of Donating Blood, 10. 12. 2011, http: //www. buzzle. com/articles/advantages-of-donating-blood. html 3. Blood types: Distribution stats, interesting facts, 2011 http: //bloodbanker. com/plasma/centers/category/blood-donation-terms/ 4. A Free Pound of Dunkin Donuts Coffee For a Pint of Blood Thursday, January 6, 2011, by Paula Forbes; http: //eater. com/tags/blood-donation 5. A pint of ice cream for a pint of blood Sunday, July 24, 2011 http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=z. YQCAAu. CVTo 6. Lack of blood donations proves costly for N. J. hospitals, January 07, 2009 http: //www. nj. com/news/index. ssf/2009/01/lack_of_blood_donations_proves. html
Presentation_ Benefits of blood donation.pptx