- Количество слайдов: 37
Benchmark I Standards 11_1. 2 -11_3. 5
Declaration of Independence We are no longer part of British Empire n All men have unalienable rights n People have right to remove the government n
Separation of Powers No one branch of government has total power…power is shared equally. n Legislative =Congress-Senate n & -House of Representative. Executive = President- Vice President & Cabinet. Judicial = Supreme Court.
Checks & Balances n Idea that every branch of government has different jobs to avoid on a group having too much power.
Natural Rights Every person should have the right to life, liberty, and property n John Locke n
Articles of Confederation n 1 st US government…failed because it did not have a strong central government
Bill of Rights Lists right of all Americans n 1 st- Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and Petition. n 2 nd-Bearing Arms n 3 rd-Quartering Troops n 4 th-Searches & Seizures n
Bill of Rights Continued 5 th-Criminal Proceedings; Due Process; Eminent Domain. n 6 th-Criminal Proceedings. n 7 th-Civil Trials. n 8 th-Punishment for Crimes. n 9 th-Unenumerated Rights n 10 th-Powers Reserved to the States n
continued n Establishment Clause says government cannot force everyone to be religious.
The Federalists n Supported Constitution , but did not want a Bill of Rights. They wanted a strong central government.
Antifederalists n Wanted a Bill of Rights…protect people from bad government. They wanted a weak central government, so the government will not have total control.
Constitutional Convention Plan to create a new federal government n Decide how much power does each state get in new government n
Virginia Plan Favored large states n Bi-cameral legislature n Representation based on population n
New Jersey Plan Favored small states n Uni-cameral legislature n Equal representation n
The Great Compromise Bicameral legislature n Lower House representation based on population n Upper House equal representation two senators per state n
Checks and Balances n No branch of government will have too much power
Bill of Rights n The belief in individual liberty n 1 st Amendment n. Freedom of Speech n. Freedom of Religion n. Establishment Clause, government will not have a national religion
Industrialization Factories, create jobs, life easier for all. n Products made by machines n
Tenement housing Multi family apartments (poor housing) n Shaped like a dumbbell n 5 to 6 floors high n
Child Labor Help supplement the low annual income of factory workers n Small, so had to get into places where adults couldn’t n
Job Conditions A lack of workplace safety n Long hours (12 -16 hours a day) n Six days a week n
Factory workers major problem n Government officials and bosses corrupt
3 distinct classes Upper class- wealthy n Middle class- shop owners n Lower class- workers n
Immigration Old immigrants- came from western and northern Europe. n New immigrants- eastern and southern Europe 1890 -1900 s n Their coming gave growth to cities. n
Northeast US Large industrial cities n Immigrants moved into cities n
Urbanization Growth of cities n Early 1900 s, rural to urban n
Ghettos n Immigrants in same area similar language, race, and ethnicity.
Skyscrapers Steel skeleton n Changed look of cities, allowed cities to go up n
Transportation Electric trolleys n Subways and elevated trains, to move large numbers quicker n
City (urban) Planners n Designed cities infrastructure, parks, sewage, utilities, and transportation.
Factors of Industrializationwhat a city needs to be rich Natural resources: from the earth, oil, iron, gold. n Population: immigrants work for a little wage n Inventions: create jobs and new ways to earn money n Bell- telephone Wright Brothers- airplane Eastman- camera Edison- light bulb
Distribution of Wealth n Earning went to a small group of people… rich got richer
Transcontinental RR n Completed in 1869, connected the US from coast to coast.
Laissez-Faire Government should not get involved with business. n Social Darwinism: rich deserve their money because they worked harder for it…strong will survive. n
Government Aid (RR) Government gave free land to railroad companies for every one mile of track…(10 acres/mi) n RR sold land to earn money. n
Robber Barons n Super Rich n Rockefeller - Oil n Carnegie - Steel n Morgan - Banking
Religion 1 st Amendment right n Establishment Clause n Free Exercise Clause n