- Количество слайдов: 40
AGENDA FOR THE BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE DATE OF MEETING: Thursday, April 6, 2017 TIME OF MEETING: 7: 00 PM LOCATION: Beech Street Center, 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT UPDATE FOR THE COMMUNITY 1. Call to order 2. Project Introduction 3. Owner’s Project Manager Introduction 4. Superintendent’s Educational Plan Update 5. Public Comments 6. Adjourn
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FEASIBILITY STUDY BUDGET $1, 750, 000 OPM Budget $400, 000 Designer Budget $1, 100, 000 Environmental and Site Investigation Budget $150, 000 Other $100, 000
Thomas Gatzunis Daedalus Projects, Inc.
PROJECTS, INC. FIRM ORGANIZATION: • 30 full-time employees all regular employees, no consultants • 5 Project Managers • 3 Assistant Project Managers • 13 Project Representatives • 5 Cost Estimators MSBA HIGH SCHOOL PROJECTS (IN PROGRESS OR COMPLETE): • Boston, Dearborn STEM (6 -12) • Franklin High School • Leominster High School • Rockland High School (+ MS) • Medfield High School (+ MS) • King Philip Regional High School
The Team Richard Marks President, MCPPO Thomas Gatzunis P. E. , C. B. O. , MCPPO Project Executive Project Director 30+ Years of Experience Shane Nolan Senior Project Manager 20+ Years of Experience Alicia MK Monks, AIA, LEED AP Delwyn Williamson Archie Adams Sidni Bragg Design & Sustainability Review Cost Estimating Project Controls Matt Jackson BIM Consultant 22+ Years of Experience 30+ Years of Experience Assistant Project Manager 2+ Years of Experience 10+ Years of Experience 20+ Years of Experience
Experience: New High Schools Dearborn STEM 6 -12 / Early College Academy; Boston, MA § $60, 245, 000 § 126, 000 SF new construction § Construction Manager at Risk (c. 149 A) § Demolition of the existing building and new construction of the Commonwealth’s first new, dedicated STEM school § Extensive community engagement Franklin High School Franklin, MA § $101, 851, 315 § 306, 543 GSF new construction § Featuring a “Model” high school design plan § New construction on occupied site followed by demolition of former high school, extensive sitework and construction of playfields § LEED Silver Certified § Completed on time and UNDER budget
Experience: High School Renovation John W. Rogers Middle School & Rockland High School Rockland, MA § $82, 223, 198 § 162, 281 SF renovation to existing high school + 115, 931 SF new middle school (attached) § Phased / Occupied site § Construction Manager at Risk (c. 149 A) § LEED Gold Certified § Completed on time and UNDER budget Leominster High School Leominster, MA § $44, 403, 080 § Phased / Occupied renovations to 282, 343 GSF of the existing building + new construction of a 14, 000 SF science labs addition § Construction Manager at Risk (c. 149 A) § All new MEP systems § Constructed 24 temporary classrooms for swing space
Local Experience: Belmont Projects Chenery Middle School Belmont, MA § Richard Marks, Project Manager § $20, 000 § Completed in 1997 § New construction of a 180, 000 SF middle school Town of Belmont, MA § Thomas Gatzunis, P. E. , C. B. O. § Currently overseeing repair of two fire stations (OPM On-call Contract with Town of Belmont) § Previously served as Building Commissioner and Town Engineer for Town of Belmont § Conducted annual inspections of all public buildings § Extensive knowledge and understanding of Town infrastructure
Key Project Constituents TOWN OF BELMONT: § Belmont High School Building Committee (“BHSBC”) § Belmont High School Faculty, Staff, and Students § Town of Belmont, Board of Selectmen § Belmont School Committee § Town of Belmont Departments MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL BUILDING AUTHORITY: § MSBA Board of Directors § MSBA Facilities Assessment Subcommittee § MSBA Project Manager and Project Coordinator § Massachusetts Tax Payers
(“MSBA”) FUNDING: § The MSBA will provide state funding based on a percentage value of the total eligible costs of the project (36. 89% for the Feasibility Study) § The Town of Belmont will be able to utilize the MSBA Pro. Pay system to submit requests for Progress Payments for the reimbursement of costs incurred throughout the project OVERSIGHT: § The MSBA Designer Selection Panel, made up of 12 appointed members plus 3 Belmont designees will select the Architect for the project. § The MSBA’s Board of Directors, Facilities Assessment Subcommittee, Project Manager, and Project Coordinator will work with the OPM and School Building Committee to make certain that the project meets all necessary educational requirements
MSBA Core Program Process Overview CURRENT MODULE
Timeline: Projected Schedule & Milestones Submit Preferred Schematic Report to MSBA DSP meeting to interview Designers (target) OPM Selection Q 1 2017 Q 2 2017 Submit Schematic Design to MSBA Submit Preliminary Design Program to MSBA Module 3: Feasibility Study Designer Selection Q 3 2017 Execute MSBA Funding Agreement (target) MSBA Board Meeting to Approve Preferred SD (target) Execute contract with Designer DSP meeting to review Designer Proposals MSBA Board Meeting to Approve Project Scope & Budget (target) Q 4 2017 Q 1 2018 Module 4: Schematic Design Q 2 2018 Q 3 2018 Q 4 2018 Deadline to Secure Funding Module 5: Secure Funding Q 1 2019 Q 2 2019
Owner’s Project Manager (“OPM”) OPM TASKS & RESPONSIBILITIES (FEASIBILITY STUDY): § Liaison to the Massachusetts School Building Authority » “The OPM will serve as the focal point of management and communication and oversee all parties working on a project. The OPM will have a number of responsibilities that extend through all stages of a project” (MSBA: OPM Scope of Services Information) § Cost Control » Develop and Monitor project budget, Prepare/Reconcile cost estimates, Review/Recommend actions on project invoices and change orders § Project Schedule » Develop and Monitor project schedule, Consult & Advise team on appropriate schedule adjustments or revisions § Public Process » Assist and advise on process to keep public informed of project progress
MSBA Module 2: Forming the Project Team Scheduled 4/3/2017 - 5/3/2017 Module 2 Completed 3/1/2017 Completed 4/3/2017 Target 6/2017
MSBA Module 3: Feasibility Study KEY TEAM MEMBERS: § Belmont High School Building Committee (“SBC”) § Owner’s Project Manager (“OPM”) § Designer (Architect) § Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”)
Belmont High School § Existing facility opened in 1970 § Existing site = 33 acres (formerly a landfill) § § Two-story building, concrete slab foundation (on piles) Total SF = 257, 120 § Current enrollment = 1, 264 § Total faculty & staff = 171
Belmont High School KEY OBJECTIVES FEASIBILITY STUDY: § Develop cost effective solution to improve educational facilities § Work with Architect, the Permanent Building Committee and the High School Building Committee to develop best solution § Address district-wide enrollment issues § Identify and Address Site Issues § Limit expansion on site & reconfiguration of outdoor athletic spaces § Address phasing & occupied construction § Identify and address milestone requirements: § Debt exclusion vote § Swing space § Occupancy issues § Life-cycle costs / operational budgets § Determine best method to procure construction (CM-R)
Belmont High School PRIORITIES: § Address district overcrowding issues § Determine grade configuration that would best serve the needs of the District § 9 -12 § 8 -12 § 7 -12 § School facility systems § Replacement, renovation, or modernization options § Evaluate energy conservation and energy-related costs § Replace or supplement obsolete facilities to provide a full range of programs consistent with state and local requirements
Working with the Town of Belmont LOCAL PROCESS: § Regular SBC meetings with the OPM and the Designer § § Monthly or bi-weekly meetings to review progress Programming meetings with Belmont High School representatives, the OPM, and the Designer § High School Faculty and Staff § High School Student small group forums COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: § Project updates posted regularly (in digital and/or print) § Public presentations § Community forums
John Phelan Superintendent of Schools
Belmont High School Building Committee Education Programming Update April 6, 2017 25
BPS K-12 Enrollment From October 1, 2010 to October 1, 2016
Enrollment – District Wide Aggregate Increase over 5 Year Period & Projection over the next 3 Year Period Oct. 1, 1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 BPS K-12 Enrollment 3994 4222 4303 142 86 81 Increase, 2011 to 2016 4136 94 3900 Oct. 1, 2019 4408 **4705 105 508 Given the average five year increase is 101 students per year our current projection of 4705 by 2019 SY is accurate. 1/5/16 27
Elementary Class Sizes (10/1/16) (Guidelines) 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Total # > % > Guidelines K (18 -22) 1 8 6 15 14 93% 1 (19 -23) 3 10 2 15 0 0% 2 (19 -23) 1 4 3 7 2 17 9 53% 3 (20 -24) 1 2 4 7 1 15 8 53% 4 (20 -24) 1 1 5 7 1 15 1 7% 1 1 3 17 20 24 10 1 77 32 42% Total 28
Summary of additional Spaces provided and needed in short term: • Our enrollment increases by 100 students per year. • Our elementary class size is increasing each year and many classes are above School Committee recommended levels. • The district has provided over 15 additional classrooom spaces over the last 2 years. • 12 modular classrooms are in use at BHS and CMS. • The need for additional space at the elementary level – including the option for modular space being discussed and researched. 29
Elementary Enrollment Projections per Fall 2016 Update from Mc. Kibben Associates 19/20 340 360 372 20/21 338 356 369 21/22 342 353 368 381 377 378 373 409 (+2) 352 392 389 348 347 369 405 348 386 Grade K 1 2 15/16 313 370 (+1) 355 16/17 350 329 391 (+2) 17/18 346 367 339 3 341 365 399 (+2) 344 4 349 350 5 332 Average Class Size Chart by total population by grade Total K-4 335 350 360 380 400 18/19 344 363 376 14 24 25 26 27. 1 29 15 (Standard) 22. 3 23. 3 24 25. 3 27 16 (Plus 1) 21 22 23 24 25 17 20 21. 1 22. 3 24 30
Chenery Middle School Enrollment Forecast Year 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 Enroll 1359 1388 1419 1490 1491 1528 1539 1513 1546 # change 36 29 31 71 1 37 11 -26 33 % change 2. 70% 2. 10% 2. 20% 4. 90% 0. 10% 2. 40% 0. 70% -1. 70% 2. 10% CMS Enrollment Projection 2016/17 -2024/25 1600 1550 1528 1500 1490 1450 1400 1359 1388 1539 1491 1513 1546 1419 1300 1250 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Data Source: Mc. Kibben Associates, October, 2016 22/23 23/24 24/25 31
Belmont High School Enrollment Forecast Year 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 Enroll 1264 1301 1320 1360 1398 1427 1458 1522 # change 18 37 19 40 38 29 31 70 -6 % change 1. 4% 2. 9% 1. 4% 3. 0% 2. 7% 2. 0% 2. 1% 4. 7% -0. 4% BHS Enrollment Projection 2016/17 -2024/25 1600 1550 1528 1500 1450 1400 1398 1458 1360 1350 1301 1300 1250 1427 1522 1320 1264 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Data Source: Mc. Kibben Associates, October, 2016 22/23 23/24 24/25 32
Belmont Public School District K-12 Enrollment Forecast Grade 2016 -17 2017 -18 2018 -19 2019 -20 2020 -21 2021 -22 2022 -23 2023 -24 2024 -25 Elementary 1785 1824 1836 1805 1832 1830 1827 1823 1820 Middle 1359 1388 1419 1490 1491 1528 1539 1513 1546 BHS 1264 1301 1320 1360 1398 1427 1458 1522 Total 4408 4513 4575 4655 4721 4785 4824 4864 4888 33
MSBA Building Process ü. Present Stage July 2017 Start 34
What is the long range plan? • The Belmont High School Building Committee (BHSBC) has three space configuration options as part of the MSBA proposal: (A. 7 -12), (B. 812), (C. 9 -12) • Each options solves part or all of our space and enrollment needs. • The Space Task Force is working in tandem with the BHS-BC to provide flexible space options for the elementary school level. 35
2. Enrollment, Class Size and Space Issues BHSBC/ MSBA: Grade Configurations MSBA Configuration Options 9 -12 * Elementary Middle School q. K-4 q 5 -8 8 -12 * q. K-4 ü 5 -7 HS and MS levels would have space – Elementary level issues not addressed. üK-3 ü 4 -6 All levels would be provided space to accommodate increased enrollment. 8/9… 10 -12 8… 9 -12 7 -12 * Notes MS and Elementary enrollment / space issues not addressed. 7/8… 9 -12 7, 8, 9 … 1 --12 * MSBA / BHS-BC q. Space Issues Still to be Resolved by Town 36
2. Enrollment, Class Size and Space Issues BHSBC/ MSBA: Education Facilitator • The BHS-BC has enlisted the support of a Facilitator who specializes in supporting districts through the education visioning process when building a new school. This work will inform our Education Plan. • The Education Facilitator has met on three occasions with our BPS educators and we are currently planning two “community” all day sessions on May 4 and May 5, 2017 • These forums will generate discussion and answer questions on what the district vision of good “teaching and learning” is and how this work can be enhanced by new space. • These forums will also outline careful separation and educational connections of each of the three grade configuration options. 37
2. Enrollment, Class Size and Space Issues Challenges Decision and Roles on Configuration Options BOS BHS-BC Configuration Options School Committee 38
Questions / Comments Please provide your name and address for the record
Motion to adjourn