Speech Act Theory lecture.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 9
SPEECH ACT THEORY (Austin J. L. 1955 -1962, Searle J. R 1969) 1. Austin J. L. How to Do Things with Words. — Oxford, 1962. Остин Дж. Л. Слово как действие // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. — 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Вып. 17: Теория речевых актов. — М. , 1986. — С. 22— 130. Searle J. R. , Kiefer E, Bierwisch M. (eds. ) Speech Act Theory and Pragmatics. — Dordrecht; Boston, 1980. Searle J. R. , Vanderveken D. Foundations of Illocutionary Logic. — Cambridge, 1985. Сёрль Дж. Р. Классификация иллокутивных актов // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. — Вып. 17: Теория речевых актов. — M. , 1986(b). — С. 170— 194. Сёрль Дж. Р. Косвенные речевые акты // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. — Вып. 17: Теория речевых актов. — М. , 1986(с). — С. 195— 222. Сёрль Дж. Р. Что такое речевой акт? // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. — Вып. 17: Тео рия речевых актов. — М. , 1986(а). — С. 151— 169. Сёрль Дж. Р. , Вандервекен Д. Основные понятия исчисления речевых актов // Новое в за рубежной лингвистике. —Вып. 18: Логический анализ естественного языка. — М. , 1986. — С. 242— 264.
Speech Act Theory-communicative approach, based on the activity approach to language According to Austin's: 1. the idea of an "illocutionary act" can be captured by emphasizing that "by saying something, we do something", 2. i. e. o when someone orders someone else to go by saying "Go!", o when a minister joins two people in marriage saying, "I now pronounce you husband wife. " These actions are caused by the intention of the speaker
Locution, illocution and perlocution o locutionary act: the performance of an utterance o illocutionary act: the semantic 'illocutionary force' of the utterance, thus its real, intended meaning. (so, it fulfills illocutionary function — IF). o perlocutionary act: its actual effect, such as persuading, convincing
type of illocutionary speech act is that performed in the utterance of what Austin calls performatives types of illocutionary speech acts: Representatives (assertives) = speech acts that commit a speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition I say that o directives = speech acts that are to cause the hearer to take a particular action, e. g. requests, commands and advice Ladies and gentlemen, please give me your attention o o commissives = speech acts that commit a speaker to some future action, e. g. promises I will try my best to be at home for dinner o declarations = speech acts that change the reality in accord with the proposition of the declaration You are fired. oexpressives = speech acts that express the speaker's attitudes and emotions towards the proposition, e. g. congratulations, excuses and thanks Sorry for that!
indirect speech acts o o the meaning of the linguistic means used may also be different from the content intended to be communicated. One may, for instance, say, "Peter, can you open the window? ", thereby asking Peter whether he will be able to open the window, but also requesting that he do so. Since the request is performed indirectly, by means of (directly) performing a question, it counts as an indirect speech act.
indirect speech acts o o o o Could you pass the salt? I’d be much obliged if you would pay me the money back soon. Do you want to hand me that hammer over there on the table? Why don’t you be quiet? It would be a good idea if you gave me the money now. How many times have I told you (must I tell you) not to eat with your fingers? I would appreciate it if you could make less noise.
Pragmatic focus of the text o o o speech acts do not exist by themselves, they are connected in the text according to the main strategy of the text ADVERTISING may perform different functions: assertives (product information, including images), commissives (quality or security guarantee), expressives (expression of admiration for the product and its qualities, including a series of visual aesthetics) etc. But! The pragmatic focus of advertising is always the directives: Go and buy!
Speech Act Theory lecture.ppt