Behaviouralism Bochkareva Svetlana.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
Behaviouralism seeks to examine the behavior, actions, and acts of individuals – rather than the characteristics of institutions such as legislatures, executives, and judiciaries – and groups in different social settings and explain this behavior as it relates to the political system Vocabulary Unbiased (fair, impartial) – беспристрастный; Executive (government agency) – орган исполнительной власти; Judiciary (court system) – судоустройство, судебная система;
Professor Charles Merriam emphasized the importance of examining political behavior of individuals and groups rather than only considering how they abide by legal or formal rules Vocabulary Attribute (ascribe) – приписывать кому-либо, относить за счёт кого-либо; Abide (remain) – придерживаться, выполнять;
Behaviouralism uses the following methods: v Sampling v Interviewing v Scoring and scaling v Statistical analysis Vocabulary Sampling – выборочный метод, взятие пробы;
A study of the United States Congress might include a consideration of how members of Congress behave in their positions Vocabulary United States Congress - законодательный орган, один из трёх высших федеральных органов государственной власти США
The main features of behaviouralism (given by David Easton - a Canadian-born American political scientist) v Regularities The behaviouralists hold the opinion that human behaviour, despite its differences, shows some remarkable uniformities in political behaviour, which can be generalised and formulated in a systematic theory. Vocabulary Regularity – закономерность, систематичность; Uniformity – единообразие, согласованность; Respect (relation, connection) – почитать, уважать, отношение, причастность, связь и т. д. ; Contend (claim) – утверждать, бороться;
Behaviouralists believe in empirical or scientific results only which can be achieved after scientific verification. Vocabulary Verification (check, examination) – контроль, проверка, удостоверение чего-либо
v Values The behaviouralists believe in value-free study. According to them, Political Science is a scientific study of politics in its functional aspect, carried through empirical methods and has nothing to do with moral or ethical questions. Vocabulary Values (merit) – достоинства, ценности; Value-free - идеологическая нейтральность, свобода от ценностных суждений; Reject (refuse) – отклонять, отторгать, чуждаться; Ethical (moral, honourable) – этический, нравственный, соблюдающий нормы морали;
v Pure Science Behaviouralists, by and large, insist on what they call "pure science approach". This means that whatever research they make, that should be applied in solving the problems of mankind. Therefore, they apply the scientific theory to the social problems.
v Integration Finally, the behaviouralists believe that social and political phenomena cannot be studied in isolation. Therefore, the political scientists have to study other social sciences like sociology, history, economics, anthropology etc. because the study of political phenomena requires one understanding of how the economic, cultural and other phenomena in society are unfolding themselves. Vocabulary Unfold – раскрываться, развёртываться, развиваться;
Behaviouralism Bochkareva Svetlana.pptx