- Количество слайдов: 39
Behaviour Change for Climate Changing Behaviour: What do you know? Bridgewater Hall, Manchester Thursday, 5 th March 2009 George Marshall, Climate Outreach Information Network Oxford UK
Problem strategies One size fits all Top down communications Ignoring cultural context
Problem messages We’re all going to fry ‘Save the planet’ Change! Easy steps
Environmental Defense -Runaway Train Audience Message Messenger Medium Action General public It’s urgent Green NGO, ad agency TV Ad- youtube Take action? Share this ad?
Problem messages We’re all going to fry ‘Save the planet’ Change! Easy steps
Problem messages We’re all going to fry ‘Save the planet’ Change! Easy steps
Act on CO 2 - UK Government Audience Message Messenger Medium Action Public (middlerange non-green) Save energy, reduce emissions Ad agency TV and print ads. Websites Simple actions. Calculate emissions
Typical ‘tips’ with their actual annual savings Kg Co 2 % Average person’s annual emissions Never use a new plastic bag 5 0. 04% Change one standard lightbulb to a low-energy lightbulb 17 0. 14% Never leave your TV on standby 25 0. 2% Turn down heating in average house 230 by one degree 1. 8% Commute to work by bus 400 3% Become a vegetarian 500 4% Make one fewer flight 500– 12, 000 4 -96% (depending on the flight)
Recent focus group findings The longest and the most frequent flights were taken by those who were most aware of environmental issues "I recycle 100% of what I can, there's not one piece of paper goes in my bin, so that makes me feel less guilty about flying as much as I do. “ Quote of participant Exeter University research: cited The Guardian 24 th September 2008
Winning strategies World view Peer to Peer Make action possible. . …and FUN!
Case Study: Don’t Mess with Texas The audience was general public but especially young working class men The action was to stop them littering on the roads The campaign has been running for 12 years. It includes bumper stickers, t-shirts, and encourages people to report other litterers.
George Audience Message Messenger Medium Action Middle Americans not greens Gas guzzlers support terrorists NGO, ad agency Adverts Buy a fuel efficient car
Winning strategies World view Peer to Peer Make action possible. . …and FUN!
COIN Open House Programme Audience Message Messenger Medium Action Peer Groups Designed by householder Ordinary people Open houses Eco-renovate houses
Over 1, 500 people visited 8 houses during one weekend
COIN Speaker Training Programme Audience Message Messenger Medium Action Peer Groups Designed by speaker Ordinary people Individual presentations Give talks. Promote belief and lifestyle change
Over 900 people trained by COIN at one day speaker training events
Winning strategies World view Peer to Peer Make action possible. . …and FUN!
Group support
Winning messages Rewards People like you Tell a story Resonant Metaphors
Rewards Money Time Validation Pride Status Acting out your principles
Winning messages Rewards People like you Tell a story Resonant Metaphors
What happened when people saw this message in the Arizona Petrified Forest National Park? your heritage is being vandalized every day by theft. losses of petrified wood of 14 tons a year, mostly a small piece at a time
Winning messages Rewards People like you Tell a story Resonant Metaphors
Story one A terrifying future is coming. Whatever we do, it will be a disaster. We must immediately change our way of life and give things up to prevent it being even worse. And even then it may be too late. Story two We need to be ready for the big changes that are coming. Because we are smart we can work together to adapt and protect ourselves. And the changes we are making will lead to a healthier and happier life.
Winning messages Rewards People like you Tell a story Resonant Metaphors
I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas. . I am married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slaveowners. I have family of every race and every hue, scattered across three continents, and for as long as I live, I will never forget that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible. Diversity Land of Opportunity Progress Change New Vision
Resonant themes Welsh Rugby Union Trades Unions Resilience Pride Independence Self Reliance Solidarity Jobs Negotiating Power Social Progress
Questions Is the change worthwhile? Is it voluntary or enforced? Can people take ‘ownership’? Can it multiply beyond target group?
george@coinet. org. uk www. coinet. org. uk