- Количество слайдов: 24
Before the World War II. • Industrialization • Collectivization • Cultural revolution • Repressions
Industrialization (1928 -1940)
• Kazakhstan was one of the main areas of industrialization to transform agrarian country into industrial power, to produce and set up the machinery equipment of all sectors of the economy. Most of factories and plants have actually been built in those days. Kazakhstan continued industrialization until the Second World War. Industrialization led to the urban growth, the formation of a working class, heavy industry became the predominant field of economy – that was the great achievement for the previous cattle-breeding people, 90 % of whom before the Revolution lived in a countryside; working class was few, as well as national technical cadres; communication and transport facility was poorly developed. • Turksib railroad (construction began in 1927), connecting of three industrial regions: Ural, Siberia and Kazakhstan was built during the period of industrialization in Kazakhstan.
The Collectivization in Kazakhstan (1927 -1940)
• Modernizing Agriculture: Collectivization – The goal of this policy was to consolidate individual land labour into collective farms (колхо з) – The collectivization in Kazakhstan occurred in four distinct phases: – the campaign for rapid collectivization, November 1929 – March 1930; – retreat and experimentation with different types of collective farms, March 1930 – August 1932; – September 1932 – November 1934; – and the reconstitution of TOZ farms as agricultural cartel, December 1934 – December 1938.
Cultural revolution – In the first decades of Soviet power there was considerable progress in raising the cultural level of the masses in Kazakhstan. – In the late 20 s there was Kazakh alphabet reformes. – In 1928 the first educational institutes, which was named with Abay name opened. – Also a major event was the openning of State University of Almaty in 1934. – In 1939 year there was opening of State Library of Pushkin in Almaty. – In 1932 the Kazakh Academy of Sciences of the USSR base opened.
– In January 1926 Kazakh National Theatre which was headed by a talented director Zhumat Shanin opened in Kyzylorda. – In 1934, the film studio newsreels opened. – In 1938, "Lenfilm" placed first Kazakh soundstage Ama ngeldy – In January 1934 opened the Kazakh Musical Theater of Opera and Ballet – In the same year the Kazakh State Orchestra of the Kurmangazy and early in the war, a commission Academy of Sciences of the USSR to mobilize resources of the Urals Western Siberia and Kazakhstan on defense founded
Repressions. • Political repression - one of the saddest chapters in the history of Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan are the largest camps were Gulag, Algeria, Steplag and Karlag. Republic, in practice, turned into one big prison. During the years of repression in the camp were deported to Kazakhstan more than 5 million people. According to some estimates, the total number of prisoners is much higher than this figure. In the period from 1921 to 1954, in Kazakhstan, was convicted about 100, 000, to 25 000 of them had death by shooting.
Stalin repressions are the mass repressions which have begun in the USSR in the late twenties.
Members of «Alash» Халел Досмухамедов Алихан Букейханов
Founders of the Kazakh Soviet literature of Zhusupbek Ajmauytov.
In 1937 -1938 terror accepted mass character.
Representatives of the Kazakh literature Сакен Сейфуллин Магжан Жумабаев Майлин Беимбет
The founder of the Kazakh linguistics Bajtursynov
Kazakhstan there was a camp called "Карлаг" where people which was subjected to repression, lived. For the content of women and children of "traitors of the native land» in territory of Kazakhstan special camp "AЛЖИР" was created.
World War II
After the World War II • Monetary reforms • Agriculture development • Virgin lands
The reconstruction and development of Kazakhstan in 1946 -1951 • After the successful conclusion of the war, the state forcibly reasserted its control of this land; between 1946 and 1950 some 600, 000 hectares of land were "returned" to the collective farms.
Monetary reforms in the USSR
• Monetary reform of 1947 and further changes in the monetary system of the second Soviet currency reform was carried out in 1947, her need was determined that during the war years (1941 -1945). • Success of monetary reform contributed to a stable balance the state budget in 1946 ° In December 1947 the abolition of cards for food and industrial goods. ° As a result of the reform were to eliminate the consequences of World War II in the circulation of money, without which it was impossible to cancel the card system and move to trade for a single price.
Agriculture development. Virgin land development. • Because of a strong drought in the European part of the USSR maintenance of the country with the foodstuffs has been assigned to east areas, including Kazakhstan. The culture of plant growing in republic was very low. Because of shortage of technics up to 60 th years as draft force was used the cattle. In 1949 the agriculture plan for development has been accepted. Debts on 214 million rbl. , the technician cattle and 540 thousand in hectare of illegally withdrawn earths have been returned collective farms of Kazakhstan. Concentration of collective-farm manufacture has yielded results: became more productive to be used technics, expenses were reduced. The agriculture of Kazakhstan could not provide the country with necessary quantity of the foodstuffs, and the industry - agricultural raw materials. There was a deficiency of the foodstuffs. In 1946 -1950 th years from each hectare on the average collected only 5 -6 c of grains. In 1951 the quantity of cattle in republic was below level of 1928 The country leaders began to solve a problem an extensive way to master huge squares of the new earths.
Development of a virgin land • In the end of 1953 questions of development of a virgin land were discussed, named regions: Ural Mountains, Siberia, Kazakhstan. The heads of Kazakhstan considering that the big squares will damage (Z. Shajahmetov's) animal industries, have been removed from the posts. Under instructions of the Center the first secretary of Central Committee KP of Kazakhstan had been selected P. K. Ponomarenko. Which was replaced later by its assistant L. I. Brezhnev. The decision on development of virgin lands was accepted in the spring of 1954. It was supposed to master 13 million in hectare of the earth, to receive on them 1100 -1200 million poods of grain, including commodity - 800 -900 million poods. On an appeal of party and Komsomol to join numbers valorous from all ends of the USSR to Kazakhstan people have started to be flown down. At first all of them lived in steppe in tent small towns, carriages, dugouts. In first two years to Kazakhstan there have arrived 640 thousand persons from which 150 thousand were machine operators only Целинников free of charge delivered to destination, rendered material aid 500 -1000 rbl. on a family and on 150 -200 rbl. on its each member. Gave out credits for habitation building (35 % of this sum were repaid at the expense of the state) and purchase of cattle of Tselinniki were released from the agricultural tax for the term from 2 till 5 years.