Be & Have LARISA School of Language

- Размер: 2.5 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 80
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Be & Have LARISA School of Language
Preview 2 -1 Yes/noquestionwith be 2 -2 Shortanswerstoyes/noquestions 2 -3 Questionswith be : using where 2 -4 Using have and has 2 -5 Using my , your , his , her , our , their 2 -6 Using this and that 2 -7 Using these and those 2 -8 Askingquestionswith what and who + be Review CONTENTS
3 yes no Chile is acountry. Is. Chileacountry? PREVIEW
4 Issoccerasport? yes no Soccerisasport. PREVIEW
5 Is. Parisacountry? yes no Parisisacity. PREVIEW
6 Is Mark at school today? YES/NOQUESTIONSWITH
7( ? ) for questions BE + SUBJECT + BE (a) Is Mark home? Mark is home. (b) Are they bugs? They are bugs. subjectbe (. ) for statements subject be. QUESTION STATEMENT YES/NOQUESTIONSWITH
8 Question: ________ Answer : Yes, thebabyisagirl. Is the baby agirl? Let’s. Practice
9 Are ants bugs? Question : ______ Answer : Yes, antsarebugs. Let’s. Practice
10 Question : _______ Isicecreamcold? Answer : Yes, icecreamiscold. Let’s. Practice
12 QUESTION SHORT ANSWER (a) Is George happy? Yes, he is. Yes, he’s. not: SHORTANSWERSTOYES/NOQUESTIONS
14 QUESTION SHORT ANSWER (b) Are they bugs? Yes, they are. Yes, they’re. not: SHORTANSWERSTOYES/NOQUESTIONS
16 Yes , he’s. Yes , they’re. Yes , I’m. Correct? no. SHORTANSWERSTOYES/NOQUESTIONS
17 A: ____youafraidoflions? B: Yes, ____. A: ____youafraidofdogs? B: No, ______afraidofdogs. Ilikedogs. Iam Are I’m not. Are Let’s. Practice
18 A: Arelimessour? B: Yes, _______. A: ___limesred? B: No, limes____green. A: Are_____expensive? B: No, _____. theyare Are are limes they aren’t Let’s. Practice
19 Where is the glass? QUESTIONSWITH BE : USING WHER
20 +Long. Answer. Question Short. Answer BE + SUBJECT (a) Is the glass onthetable? The glass is on the table. Yes, it is. QUESTIONSWITH BE : USING WHER
21 +Long. Answer. Question Short. Answer BE + SUBJECT (b) Are t he glasses onthetable? The glasses are on the table. Yes, they are. QUESTIONSWITH BE : USING WHER
22 +Long. Answer. Question Short. Answer WHERE + BE + SUBJECT (c) Where is the glass ? The glass is on the table. On the table. QUESTIONSWITH BE : USING WHER
23 WHERE + BE + SUBJECT (d) Where are the glasses ? The glasses are on the table. On the table. bewhere +Long. Answer. Question Short. Answer. QUESTIONSWITH BE : USING WHER
24 Tokyoisin Japan. Long Answer. Is. Tokyo in. Japan? Short. Answer Yes, itis. Let’s. Practice
25 Theboyisinthepool. Where isthe boy? Inthe pool. Long Answer. Short. Answer Let’s. Practice
26 I have a butterfly. USING HAVE AND HAS
27 SINGULAR PLURAL (a) I have abook. (b) You have abook. (c) She has abook. (d) He has abook. (e) It has aredcover. (f) We have books. (g) You have books. (h) They have books. USING HAVE AND HAS
28 I they weyou + has itheshe + have. USING HAVE AND HAS
29 James____anewdesk. hashas have Let’s. Practice
30 Dogs____fourfeet. havehas have Let’s. Practice
31 Thegirl____acold. hashas have Let’s. Practice
32 You_____aspecial grammarbook. has have Let’s. Practice
33 My apple is red. USING MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, OUR, THEIR
34(a) I have anapple. My appleisred. (b) You have anapple. Your appleisred. SINGULAR ISUBJECT FORM POSSESSIVE FORM my your. USING MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, OUR, THEIR
35(c) She has anapple. Her appleisred. (d) He hasanapple. His appleisred. SINGULAR SUBJECT FORM POSSESSIVE FORM her he hisshe. USING MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, OUR, THEIR
36(e) We have apples. Our applesarered. (f) You haveanapple. Your appleisred. PLURAL SUBJECT FORM POSSESSIVE FORM yourwe our. USING MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, OUR, THEIR
37(g) They have apples. Their applesarered. PLURAL SUBJECT FORM POSSESSIVE FORM they their nounspossessive adjectives. USING MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, OUR, THEIR
38 Kojiiswearingshoes. ___shoesareblack. His myyourherhisourtheir Let’s. Practice
39 Elladaand. Jenaare wearingjeans. ____ jeansareblue. Their myyourherhisourtheir Let’s. Practice
40 Sheiswearingboots. ___bootsareold. Her myyourherhisourtheir Let’s. Practice
41 Dirkiswearingahat. ___hatisblue. His myyourherhisourtheir Let’s. Practice
42___ coatisbrown. His Ben___acoat. has His havehas myyourherhisourtheir Let’s. Practice
43____carisold. Steveand. Tia____ acar. have Their havehas myyourherhisourtheir Let’s. Practice
44 Susan____ abook. ____bookisverybig. Her hashavehas myyourherhisourtheir Let’s. Practice
45 have ____houseissmall. Our havehas myyourherhisourtheir Let’s. Practice
46 That horse is tall. USING THIS AND THAT
47(b)Iseeapenonthefloor. That pen isnew. This pen isold. (a)Ihaveapeninmyhand. that pen =notnear me, faraway this pen=nearme USING THIS AND THAT
48 CONTRACTION: that is = that’s (e) That’s herbook. (d) That isyourpen. (c) This ismypen. (f) This is (“ This’s ”)herbook. speakingonly notwriting USING THIS AND THAT
49 ___ isourcar. This thisthat Let’s. Practice
50____ishiscar. That Thisisourcar. thisthat Let’s. Practice
51___ismydog. This thisthat Let’s. Practice
52___ishisdog. That. Thisismydog. thisthat Let’s. Practice
53 These are my shoes. USING THESE AND THOS
54 SINGULARPLURAL (b)Yourshoesarein thekitchen. Those areyourshoes. (a)Myshoesarenext tome. These aremyshoes. this these that those. SINGULARPLURALUSING THESE AND THOS
55 ___cakeisfor. Jill. This thisthese Let’s. Practice
56 ___zebraisnear. _____zebrasare faraway. Those. This thatthose thisthese Let’s. Practice
57_____ catsareyoung. These ___ catisold. Thatthisthese thatthose Let’s. Practice
58_____peoplearehappy. Those. This ___manissad. thisthese thatthose Let’s. Practice
60(a) What is this(thing)? Itisakitten. ASKINGQUESTIONSWITH WHAT AND WHO +
61(a)Whatisthis(thing)? (b) Who is that(girl)? Thatis. Katerina. ASKINGQUESTIONSWITH WHAT AND WHO +
62 They’recarrots. (b)Whoisthat(girl)? (c) What are those(things)? (a)Whatisthis(thing)? ASKINGQUESTIONSWITH WHAT AND WHO +
63(b)Whoisthat(girl)? (c)Whatarethose(things)? (a)Whatisthis(thing)? (d) Who are they? They’remyfriends. ASKINGQUESTIONSWITH WHAT AND WHO +
64 is singularword pluralword are(a) What is this(thing)? (b) Who is that(girl)? (c) What are those(things)? (d) Who are they? Who people. What things ASKINGQUESTIONSWITH WHAT AND WHO +
65(e) What’s this? (f) Who’s thatgirl? CONTRACTIONS what is = what’s who is = who’s ASKINGQUESTIONSWITH WHAT AND WHO +
66 What_______herfavoritesport? Shelikestoplaysoccer. is what who is are Let’s. Practice
67 _______ yourfriends? Who are Yujiand. Fatimaaremyfriends. what who is are Let’s. Practice
68_______that? Who iswhat who is are Thatismy. Englishteacher. Let’s. Practice
69 are Carlosand. Lee. What____theirnames? what who is are Let’s. Practice
70 Mymathteacherarenice. Mymathteacherisnice. Correct ? no. REVIEW
71 Sheis n’thome. Correct? no. REVIEW
72 Thoseishisdog. Thatishis Correct? no dog. REVIEW
73 Thisisshehouse. _____house. Correct? no Thisisher. REVIEW
74 Thatcaritisred. Thatcarisred. Correct? no. REVIEW
75 Paris______acountry. Paris______acity. isnot is+ not ( where needed )am is are. REVIEW
76 Ducks______birds, but cows______birds. arenot aream is are + not ( where needed )REVIEW
77 Dogs_______birds. Dogs_______animals. arenot aream is are + not ( where needed )REVIEW
78 I_______athome. I______atschool. amnot am am is are + not ( where needed )REVIEW
79 Hello, myname___Marta. I___from Chile. I___twentyyearsold. ___mother___fortyyearsold, and ___sisterandbrother___thesame age. They___fifteen. _____names ___Juanitaand. Esteban. is am am My is are are my Their. REVIEW
80 Myname___Rolf. I____from Germany. I____thirtyyearsold. Annais___wife. She___thirtyyears oldtoo. We_____twodaughters. They___nineandsixyearsold. is am am my is are have REVIEW: AM , IS , OR AR