Battle of the Ice.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
Battle of the Ice (April 5, 1242) Fulfilled: pupil 11 -2 class Anastasia Nikolaeva
Opponents Novgorod Republic Grand Duchy of Vladimir Pskov Republic Livonian Order Teutonic Order Kingdom of Denmark Bishopric of Dorpat
Commanders and leaders
The beginning of the war The campaign against Russia started approximately in 1240 and it was directed, note on the elimination of paganism! The Germans forcibly wanted to impose on Russia to Catholicism. Needless to say, Catholicism and Orthodoxy things are diametrically opposite. If the plan of the Teutons then succeeded, Russian culture in the present moment would have a completely different view, having lost their originality and uniqueness.
The alignment of forces and troops One part of the army were princely, militias boyars and urban shelves. Another part of the army (in the red corner of the ring) was the team of Alexander Nevsky of Novgorod garrison, militia him and two teams Bishop. The total number of Russian troops was 15 -17 thousand. On the side of the Order, in the ice battle took part troops headed by a master, a significant number of Danish vassals, a militia of Dorpat. The total number of the Germans entered the battle, estimated historians about 10 -12 thousand
Battle of the Ice.pptx