- Количество слайдов: 20
BASW visit to Palestine October - November 2011 Rupert Franklin & Guy Shennan
BASW in Palestine 2011 § Our Purpose § Our Observations § Future Plans
Guy Rupert Sarah Dave
Riad Arar Defence for Children International, PUSWP, Hebron Branch
Raed Amira Chair, PUSWP, Bethlehem Branch
BASW-PUSWP meetings § Nablus § Tulkarem § Bethlehem § Hebron § Jerusalem § Jenin
Issues facing social workers in Palestine - include. . . § The effects of the Israeli occupation § Illegal settlements § The Separation Wall § Movement § House demolitions § Child prisoners § The de-Arabisation of East Jerusalem
Children’s rights § DCI conference, Al-Najah University, Nablus § Qurtuba School, Hebron § Ofer Military Court, Juvenile Session § Treatment & Rehabilitation Centre for the Victims of Torture
Children’s Conference organised by DCI & An-Najah University The photos don’t show it but there was excellent participation by young people
We were not allowed to take our cameras into Ofer Military Court. The following images are from the internet. . .
23 January 2012 www. guardian. co. uk/world/2012/jan/22/palestinian -children-detained-jail-israel? INTCMP=SRCH Letters 26 January
TRC - Treatment & Rehabilitation Centre for the Victims of Torture
Next. . . § § § § BASW Palestine Network Group Website IFSW Mirroring Norway-Palestine social work links Ongoing contact with social workers in Palestine Knowledge exchanges Further visits and developing placement opportunities Seminars, conferences, networking in the UK
Local connections § Tower Hamlets & Jenin Friendship Association www. thjfa. org. uk § Newham Jenin § Hackney - Beit Sourik § § Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and its Tower Hamlets branch Jane Lindsay, social work lecturer, Kingston University. . .
Further contact If you want to be kept in touch with developments in the links between UK & Palestinian social workers, please leave us your email address on the mailing list Thank you Rupert Franklin & Guy Shennan Contact - guyshennan@sfpractice. co. uk