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Barack Hussein Obama was born August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, the capital of of Hawaii. In his school years Obama was basketball player. He even won the state championship. After school he arrived to the Western college of Los Angeles, where he entered Columbia university and graduated in 1983. Having degree of the Bachelor, Barack Obama began to work in a large International Business corporations as editor of the department of financial information. Obama worked there for a year, and this was his first job after graduating from college.
Barack Obama made history on 4 November 2008 when he defeated Republican rival John Mc. Cain to become the first black president of the United States. He had already broken new ground in his White House Compaign, as the first black candidate to become the presidential chouce of either major US party
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA Born: August 4, 1961( age 53), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Nationality: American; Political Party: Democratic; Children: Malia Ann (b. 1988), Sascha (b. 2001) Residence: Kenwood, Chicago, Illinois; Signature:
President-elect of the United States l The first African American to be elected President of the US, Obama was elected to be the US Senator from Illinois in 2004 and served until his resignation on November 16, 2008, following his election to the Presidency. His term of office as the fotry-fourth US president began on January 20, 2009.
Campaign l l l Barack Obama will rebuit the military for 21 st century tasks: Obama will complete the effort to increase American ground forces by 65, 000 soldiers and 27, 000 Marines. They will also invest in 21 st century missions like counterinsurgency by building up their special operations forces, civil affairs, information operations, foreign language training and other units and capabitliies that remain in chronic short supply/, Provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump
l l l Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing 150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future. Whithin 10 years save more oil than American currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. Put 1 million Plug-in-Hybrid cars- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built in America. STOP THE WAR IN IRAQ In 2005, Time magazine named Him among the most influential people of the world, the british magazine New Statement placed him in a number of 10 persons, able to shake the world".
Do you know, that Obama: -Was the chairman of prestigious magazine “ Harvard Law Review” --His name mean “ blessed by God” -He is fan of Chicago White Fox -He is on the list of “ 10 person, that can change the World”
Political Positions In April 2005, Obama defended the New Deal social welfare policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and opposed Republican proposals to establish private accounts for Social Security. Obama has supported eliminating taxes for senior citizens with incomes of under $50, 000, and raising taxes on income over $250, 000, on capital gains, and on dividends. As an environmental initiative, Obama proposed a cap and trade auction system with no grandfathering to restrict carbon emissions and a ten year program of investments in new energy sources to reduce U. S. dependence on imported oil. Obama addressed the first high-profile Chicago anti-Iraq War rally (митинг) , and spoke out against the war. He addressed another anti-war rally in March 2003 and told the crowd that "it's not too late" to stop the war. Obama stated in 2007 that he would enact budget cuts in the range of tens of billions of dollars, stop investing in "unproven" missile (ракетные) defense systems, not weaponize space, "slow development of Future Combat Systems", and work towards eliminating all nuclear weapons.
Barack Obama is the author of two books: in 1995 he published his memoir, "Dreams from my father", and in 2006 “The Audacity of hope". Since 1992 Obama is married to Michelle Robinson Obama, a practicing lawyer. They have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.
Barack Obama still is the president of the USA!