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Banking in Ukraine
The current banking system in Ukraine is two-tiered: two-tiered Central bank O The central bank of Ukraine is the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), it controls the national currency, supervise the banking system and issue current banking regulations. Commercial banks O Commercial banks operate under the authorization and supervision of the NBU, including the stateowned Export-Import Bank and a specialized commercial Savings Bank.
Historical Background O The Kyiv office of the State Commercial Bank was founded half a century ago, in 1839. Later a large one-store house built in Empire style in Institutskaya street was purchased for the Bank. (The Kyiv office of the State Bank of Russia, established in 1860 on the basis of Posikov and Commercial Banks was located in this very building).
The National Bank of Ukraine O The primary function of the NBU is to ensure the stability of the national currency, the hryvnia (UAH). The NBU is also tasked with maintaining the stability in the banking system and price stability, within the scope of its power. The highest governing body of the NBU is the 15 -member Council. Seven members are appointed by the Verkhovna Rada and seven by the President. The Bank Governor, who is nominated by the President and appointed by the Rada, acts ex officio as the 15 th member. The Council is responsible for developing the principles underlying the country's monetary policy.
Commercial banks in Ukraine: O Privat. Bank O Pravex Bank O Alfa-Bank Ukraine O Procredit Bank O Universal Bank, Ukraine O Rodovid Bank O Classicbank O Zakhidinkombank O Avtozazbank O Finance and Credit Bank O Index Bank O Avtokrazbank O Raiffeisen Bank Aval O OTP Bank O Nadra Bank O Prominvestbank O Uni. Credit Bank, Ukraine
Commercial banks require a license from the NBU to operate. The NBU has established requirements for capital adequacy, minimum statutory capital requirements and minimum regulatory capital requirements.
The range of commercial banks activities includes: O receiving deposits of enterprizes, O institutions and households, O crediting of economic entities and households, O investments in securities, O formation of cash balance and reserves, O cash and settlement servicing of the economy, O foreign exchange operations, and other services to natural persons and legal bodies.
Primary Functions of Commercial Banks O Accepting Deposits : Commercial bank accepts various types of deposits from public especially from its clients. It includes saving account deposits, recurring account deposits, fixed deposits, etc. These deposits are payable after a certain time period. O Making Advances : The commercial banks provide loans and advances of various forms. It includes an over draft facility, cash credit, bill discounting, etc. They also give demand and term loans to all types of clients against proper security. O Credit creation : It is most significant function of the commercial banks. While sanctioning a loan to a customer, a bank does not provide cash to the borrower Instead it opens a deposit account from where the borrower can withdraw. In other words while sanctioning a loan a bank automatically creates deposits. This is known as a credit creation from commercial bank.
The National Bank also carries out the following functions: O O O O O to determine and pursue the monetary policy in accordance with the General Principles of the Monetary Policy developed by the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine; to issue the national currency of Ukraine on a monopoly basis and to organize its circulation; to establish the rules of conducting banking transactions, accounting and reporting, protection of the information, funds and property for the banks and other financial and credit institutions; to exercise the banking regulation and supervision; to keep a Register of banks, their branch and representative offices, currency exchanges and financial and credit institutions, to license banking business and transactions, if provided for by the laws; . to analyze the status of the monetary, crediting, financial, pricing and currency relations; to organize the collection and transportation of bank notes, coins and other values; to implement the national policy of the protection of state secrets within the system of the National Bank; to take part in the training of personnel for Ukraine's banking system; to exercise other functions in the monetary and crediting sphere within its competence defined by the law.
The following statesmen were the Governors of the National Bank of Ukraine: Name In office Volodymyr Matvienko 1991– 1992 Vadym Hetman 1992 Viktor Yushchenko 1993– 1999 Volodymyr Stelmakh 2000– 2002 Sergiy Tigipko 2002– 2004 Volodymyr Stelmakh 2004– 2010 Serhiy Arbuzov 2010– 2012 Ihor Sorkin since 2013
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