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Bangkok has many traditional dances and theatre groups, these people Perform all around the city and they are most popular with foreign visitors Than locals. Bangkok has its own orchestra called “The Bangkok Symphony Orchestra”. Some the most important cultural events in Bangkok, Thailand include, the birthdates of H. M. the king and queen of Thailand Are extensively celebrated around Bangkok, the king’s birthday in December Is the Trooping of the Colored, and the Royal Barge Procession, and this Are just a few traditional things that the people in Bangkok do.
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, and was founded in the year 1782 by King Rama I. Bangkok is located in the Great Chao Phya River Delta, that flows from the north down to the Gulf of Thailand. Bangkok are two Thai words joined together, “Bang” means Village and “Kok” means Olive, so in other words Bangkok real meaning is “Village of Olive”. The reason why Bangkok became the capital of Thailand is due to the fall of its former Krung Sri Ayuthaya in the 18 th century. Ayuthaya was an ancient capital of 417 years old and it was rich in cultures, traditions, religions, and agriculture.
The 10 most popular attractions in Bangkok, Thailand include the Grand Palace, The Erawan Shrine, the Wat Pho, Ancient City, the Jim Thompson’s House and Museum, Songkran, the Lumpini Park, Victory Monument, the Wat Benchamabophit, And the Sri Mahamariamman Temple. Most of these attractions are Temples, Palaces, And Museums do to the great agriculture in Thailand, there also many Waterways attractions and these include the Chao Phraya River, Bangkok Khlongs Overview and the Khlongs of Thonburi, so if you’re thinking that there is nothing To do in Bangkok, NOW!!! You know that’s not right.
The language spoken in Bangkok, Thailand is Thai These are some common phrases and words for you to learn: Yes->Chai No->Mai-chai Thank You->khop-khun You’re Welcome->mai-pen-rai Excuse Me->kaw-tote Hello->sa-wat-dee Please->ga-ru-na Goodbye->lar-korn What is your name? ->khun-cheu-a-rai Nice to meet you->dee-jai-tee-dai-pob-khun How are you? ->khun-sa-bai-dee-mai Do you speak English? ->koon-pood-pa-sa-ang-krit I do not understand->chan-mai-kao-jai Hopefully you learn Something, I know I did!!!
Shopping and Entertainment are the best part in vacations no matter where You go, and, of course, in Bangkok there’s a lot of shopping and entertainment. Bangkok shopping malls are amazing, beautiful, and interesting, here is where You’ll find the finest stuff in Bangkok. In Bangkok shopping malls are everywhere, so you won’t have any kind of troubles finding them. Some of the most popular Dishes include Thai condiments with vegetables crudités, Thai curry sauces and Thai Curry Dishes, and these are just a few of the delicious dishes in Bangkok.