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Baltika. Equipment and merchandise.
About Company 2
Carlsberg Group № 4 in the world World beer market. TOP 10 18. 3% Anheuser-Busch In. Bev 9. 8% SABMiller 8. 8% Heineken 5. 6% Carlsberg Group 5. 4% China Resources Enterprises 3. 6% Tsingtao Brewery 2. 9% Beijing Yanjing Brewery 2. 9% Modelo Group 2. 7% 2. 6% 3 No. 4 4 th largest global brewer Molson Coors Breweing Kirin Holdings
Carlsberg Group – East Europe Region 4
Today, Baltika is…. № 1 in Russia market No. 1 № 1 in Europe – brands Baltika Today & forever More 30 beer and 9 drink (no beer) brands Capacity – 5, 2 mln. hl. per month 11 fabrics in 10 city 2 own malt house Sales 98% outlets in Russia 70% volume Russian export beer The Company's products are represented in more than 75 countries Baltika include Carlsberg group 5
Factory of Company, in RF No. 1 Today and forever 6
Dinamics of volume share in the Russia, 20072012, [%] 40. 0% 37. 4% 38. 4% 2007 2008 40. 0% 39. 2% 38. 3% 38. 2% 2009 2010 2011 2012 30. 0% 20. 0% 10. 0% 7
Volume share in russian market beer [%] 2012 14. 1 1. 9 2. 8 38. 2 15. 3 13 Балтика Efes ABIn. Bev 14. 7 Другие Heineken Очаково 8 МПК
Baltika pools brands today: Beer brands No-beer brands Супер премиальный super premium Премиальный Premium Среднеценовой Mainstream Экономичный LOW Mainstream Дешевый Discount More 30 beer brands, 9 no-beer brands More 600 international awards and medals 9
Awards brand "Baltika" in 2012 International Tasting Competition "Gold beer print" (Zlata pivni pecet) in the Czech town of Tabor, February 2012 "Baltika № 4 Original" - a bronze award in the category of "half a beer" International Tasting Competition World Beer Cup (World Cup beer) in the United States, April 2012 "Baltika 8 Wheat" - Silver Award in the category of South German-Style Hefeweizen / Hefeweissbier (unfiltered wheat beer South German style) International Tasting Competition International Beer Challenge, London, July 2012 "Baltika 6 Porter" Bronze Award in the category of Imperial Russian Stout and Baltic Porter ( «Russian Imperial Stout and Baltic Porter") "Baltika 8 Wheat" Bronze Award in the category Hefeweiss / Hefeweizen? and Kristallweiss ( «Bavarian Wheat, unfiltered and filtered") "Baltika 4 Original" Bronze Award in the category of Viennas ( «Viennese lager") 10
Assortment for olimpic games 11
«Балтика № 0 Безалкогольное nonalcohol beer» "Baltika № 0" - non-alcoholic beer, which is produced by dialysis technology - the careful removal of the alcohol from the finished beer. Non-alcoholic beer is no different in taste from beer containing alcohol. "Baltika № 0" has a classic flavor and aroma of light beer with a slightly sweet flavor. Ingredients: cleaned drinking water barley malt, maltose syrup, malting barley and hops. ? Alcohol: less than 0. 5% vol. Currently, "Baltika № 0" - the most popular nonalcoholic beer in Russia. 12
«Baltika № 7 Export Lager beer» Issue of "Baltika № 7" was timed to the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg in 1994. Since then, the "Baltika № 7" holds a strong leadership position in the market, the top of the premium segment. "Baltika № 7" made from selected malt and rare varieties of hops, different special softness and fullness of flavor. Ingredients: Water, pale barley malt, hops Alcohol: not less than 5. 4% vol. "Seven" is exported to over 40 countries of near and far abroad. Variety has more than 20 professional and consumer awards competitions, both national and international level. 13
«Baltika № 8 Пшеничное wheat beer » Production of "Baltika № 8" began in 2001. This beer is produced according to a special recipe using wheat malt. A thick dense foam, soft fruit aroma with hints of spice and light sweetness - the characteristics of the variety. This beer is not filtered, so it contains more protein and other biologically active substances beneficial to health. Ingredients: Water, light, caramel and wheat malt, hops Alcohol content - not more than 5% by volume. "Wheat" - one of two types of Russian beer, which was awarded the "Oscar in the brewing" - awards competition Brewing Industry International Awards, held annually in the UK since 1886. 14
The basic rights and guarantees Exclusive supplier in the category of beer Cooler in outlets for can beer Draft equipment Beer glasses 1 poster in 1 outlets, 30*50 Mobile Cart (out-of-doors) 15
OLYMPIC VENUES ASSORTMENT Baltika 7 alcoholic beer Baltika 0 non alcoholic beer Baltika 8 wheat alcoholic beer can 0, 5 l. draught VIP, OF, IF, Dignitaries (incl. VIP-zones & VIP-lounges at sport venues) + + + Spectators (outside of sport venues) + + + Spectators (sport venues) + Press, Broadcasters + Olympic Village +
Equipment and visual
Draft equipment Regular tap Mini-prim (for skybox) 18
Coolers Regular coolers. (var: with key, and off site) Mini-collers. design at the same (for skybox) 19
Mobile desigion 20
Merchendase Poster. 1 per outlets Glasses. 0, 5 0, 3 21
Typical outlet 1 Poster 1 Cooler Beer glass 1 Taps 22
Photo 23
General design of Sochi 2014 distribution 24
Any other bussines Regular price We provide technical and sale personal (140 persons for all olimpic area 24/7 service in the olimpic area 25
for operator 11.09..pptx