Balanced diet Five different food groups 1. Скачать презентацию Balanced diet Five different food groups 1. balanced_diet_form_6.ppt Размер: 2.1 Mегабайта Количество слайдов: 12 Описание презентации Balanced diet Five different food groups 1. по слайдам Balanced diet Five different food groups 1. Meat, fish and eggs These food have protein and this helps us to grow. . 2. Bread and cereals. This food gives us energy. 3. Fruit and vegetables. This food helps our digestion and has lots of vitamins and minerals. 4. Milk and diary. This food has calcium which is important for our bones and teeth. 5. Fat and sugar. . This food is not very good for us. So it is important not to eat it very often. Homework Ex. 6, p. Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы просмотреть полный документ! РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ