- Количество слайдов: 14
Background • The Uganda Nile Discourse Forum (UNDF) was established in 2003, as • roundtable of non-governmental and community based organisations whose purpose was to; • Establish a strong informed and efficient membership that can effectively participate in the implementation and monitoring of Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) activities in Uganda.
Implementing partners • • • UGANDA NILE DISCOURSE FORUM (UNDF) ACTION COALITION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (ACCC) UGANDA WILDLIFE SOCIETY (UWS) Nakasongola District Schools Communities Funded by • RUFORD Small grants Foundation
Uganda Nile Discourse Forum Vision UNDF’s vision is to work towards the realisation of “sustainably managed Nile basin resources for the prosperity and good health of the people”. Mission • UNDF’s mission is to realise “a network of Civil Society Organisations promoting sustainable use and management of Nile basin resources through empowering members and communities for better livelihoods”
UNDF Strategic Objectives • Advocating for people centred policies that promote sustainable management of the Nile Basin Resources, • Developing and Strengthening the Capacity of CSOs (Civil Society Organisations) to effectively participate in managing and sustaining the use of the Nile Basin Resources for Improved Livelihood and, • Developing and Enhancing the Capacity of UNDF to achieve its objectives.
Project objectives • To mobilize and Increase awareness among local communities on the climate change causes, effects, mitigation and adaptation mechanisms • To advocate for integration of climate change adaptation issues into local government, CSO activity plans and budgets and strengthening their capacities to adapt mitigation strategies
Objectives…. • To contribute towards sustainable environmental conservation through community-based afforestation and awareness creation on wetlands management practices
Activities • Consultative stakeholder meetings • Radio talk shows on climate change causes, effects, mitigations and adaptation mechanisms • Create awareness among land owners on the values of conserving indigenous tree species on their land • Training and sensitization of local governments, CSO and community to integrate CC issues in their plans and budgets and strengthening their capacities to adapt mitigation strategies
Climate change mitigation pilot project. Overview of project objectives, activities, output and implementing partners By Kiwanuka Achilles National Program Officer UNDF
• Documentation of good CC adaptation practices and indigenous knowledge from local resource people and dissemination • Promote tree planting in schools and community land • Create awareness on wetland management • Support communities in the construction of rain water harvesting tanks
Activities…. . • Support schools in the construction of rain water harvesting tanks • Support the construction of energy saving stoves in households • Support the construction of energy saving stoves in schools
Output • A workshop/public talk in which a number of Nakasongola district local communities are empowered with knowledge on climate change causes, effects, and, mitigation and adaptation mechanisms • A radio talk show conducted in the district • A workshop/public talk in which a number of Nakasongola district local communities are empowered with knowledge on indigenous trees planting and management/conservation on-farms and wild habitats
Output…. • Information leaflets developed on good CC adaptation practices and indigenous knowledge from local resource people and disseminated to local communities and local government in Nakasongola. • 2 demonstration rain water harvesting tanks constructed in 2 selected schools • At least 10 energy saving stoves erected in selected house holds. households empowered with knowledge and skills on how to construct, maintain energy saving stoves
Output…. . • 2 energy saving stoves erected in 2 selected schools. Schools empowered with knowledge and skills on how to construct, maintain energy saving stoves
Role of partners Discuss specific roles of • Schools • District/Sub Counties • Community members • Implementing partners (UNDF, UWS and ACCC)