- Количество слайдов: 56
Background and outputs
Why did we build radio. GAUGE? % of brands spending £ 100 k+ leaving radio doubled between 2004 - 2007
What caused this? barriers to increased investment in radio Source: RAB Benchmark Survey Jan 08
A first for radio • Competition to design a system to evaluate radio advertising • Show every advertiser how their radio campaigns performed • Optimise the creative impact of radio commercials • We won!
What’s ground-breaking about radio. GAUGE? • Isolates the radio effect • Benchmarking • Creative impact assessment • Robust data, efficient system
• Sample structure: NATIONAL or REGIONAL • Project design: TEST & CONTROL • Sample size: 800 adults 16 -54 • Number of waves: 26+ • Campaigns tested per wave: 3
Isolating the radio effect Commercial Radio Listeners* COMPARED TO – – – Brand awareness Brand perceptions Ad awareness Brand consideration 5 Is creative score *Matched GB representative samples Red = benchmarked Non-listeners to Commercial radio*
why test & control? • Tried and tested = low risk (750 radio campaigns tested internationally) • Very cost efficient – 3 campaigns tested per wave with high sample sizes • Isolates radio's impact – cuts through multimedia advertising effects • Low effort – simple logistics, minimal input from advertisers & agencies
principles we learnt the hard way. . . • Keep it simple at first – focus on one type of campaign • Get that right and then move on to measure other campaign types • More campaigns tested = better cost efficiency • More advertisers debriefed = better revenue / ROI performance • Bigger samples give better results • If we keep it simple and cost efficient it will run for longer
Effects of radio. GAUGE in the UK
Excellent research, thorough analysis, really understands the client’s business Helped us gain a better understanding of radio advertising… A must-have tool for any radio advertiser Source: radio. GAUGE customer feedback survey
How has radio. GAUGE affected your opinions about radio creativity? Source: radio. GAUGE customer feedback survey
How will radio. GAUGE influence your future creative use of radio? Source: radio. GAUGE customer feedback survey
How will the radio. GAUGE debrief influence your investment in radio going forward? Source: radio. GAUGE customer feedback survey
The effect of radio. GAUGE UK: £ 33 m revenue advantage vs. other media Year-on-year radio spend analysis of advertisers on radio. GAUGE vs. other media radio. GAUGE Advertisers +25. 4% differential Other media spend
The effect of radio. GAUGE UK: £ 33 m revenue advantage vs. other media Year-on-year radio spend analysis of advertisers on radio. GAUGE vs. other media 48 ent radio. GAUGE f £ 2 d sp Advertisers Other media OI o +25. 4% un R o spend p ydifferential ver re fo
Example radio. GAUGE outputs For individual campaigns
Brand X Radio Campaign Presentation of radio. GAUGE Results
Brand X Radio Campaign • Target audience: – ABC 1 • Radio campaign dates: – June-July • Research fieldwork conducted: – w/c July • Radio campaign ratings: – 489 • Other media included press and online
Headline Summary • A strong performance in terms of effectiveness, with all key measures showing gains among Commercial Radio listeners. – Ad awareness gain above radio. GAUGE benchmarks – Brand Consideration above radio. GAUGE benchmark – Brand measure see good gains • A solid creative performance – Creatively in-line with radio. GAUGE average – Scoring particularly well on ‘Information’
Brand Awareness
Unprompted brand awareness - Top-of-mind: ‘First mention’ What names of (insert product category) can you think of? First mention Base: All respondents Top 5 shown
Unprompted brand awareness - ‘All mentions’ What names of (insert product category) can you think of? All mentions Base: All respondents Top 5 shown
Prompted brand awareness - ‘All mentions’ Thinking of (product category), have you heard of brand X? All mentions Base: All respondents ‘Yes’ response (%)
Ad Awareness
Ad awareness Have you seen or heard any advertising for (Brand X) within the last 4 weeks? Net radio gain = 14. 3% points (+71. 5%) Weighted (30” equivalent GRPs) = 3. 5% Base: All aware of brand ‘Yes’ response (%)
Ad awareness – benchmark weighted by 30” equivalent GRPs Difference in ad awareness CR listener vs Non-listener Net radio gain - weighted +34. 6% against radio. GAUGE benchmark +25. 0% against Sector benchmark Base: All aware of brand vs. radio. GAUGE average
Brand Perceptions
(Brand X). . . are (bespoke brand measure 1)? To what extent do you agree or disagree that (Brand X). . . are (bespoke brand measure 1)? Top % agree (8, 9, 10) Net radio gain = 13. 1% points (84%) Base: All respondents
(Brand X). . . are (bespoke brand measure 2)? To what extent do you agree or disagree that (Brand X). . . are (bespoke brand measure 2)? Top % agree (8, 9, 10) Net radio gain = 11. 4% points (152%) Base: All respondents
(Brand X). . . is for people like me? To what extent do you agree or disagree that (Brand X). . . is for people like me? Top % agree (8, 9, 10) Net radio gain = 7. 9% points (188%) Base: All respondents
Brand Consideration
Brand consideration If you were considering buying (product category) today, how likely would you be to consider (Brand X)? Net radio gain = 10. 5% points (+23. 3%) Weighted (30” equivalent GRPs) = 2. 3% Base: All who would buy product category Top % agree (8, 9, 10)
Brand consideration – benchmark weighted by 30” equivalent GRPs Difference in brand consideration, CR listener vs. Non-listener +22. 2% against radio. GAUGE benchmark +17. 9% against FMCG benchmark Base: All who would buy product category Top % agree (8, 9, 10) vs. radio. GAUGE avge
Creative Measures
Measuring creativity • RAB’s 5 i’s of Radio Creativity • Scoring each commercial against 11 statements, measuring the following metrics: • • • Involvement Identity Impression Information Integration
5 i’s scores Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? Base: All CR listeners Mean score (max 10)
5 i’s scores vs. radio. GAUGE average Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? Base: All CR listeners Mean score (max 10)
Involvement – benchmark Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? • Stands out • I would listen to it • The most involving ads make the listener want to follow the story Base: All CR listeners Mean score (max 10) • Max = 7. 5 • Min = 4. 4
Identity – benchmark Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? • It’s clear who it is for • Advertising I would remember • The best ads used clearly recognised music, voices or campaign vehicles Base: All CR listeners Mean score (max 10) • Max = 7. 7 • Min = 4. 8
Impression – benchmark Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? • Speaks my language • Annoying • Makes you feel more positive • The ads that create the best impression are straightforward and respect the listener Base: All CR listeners Mean score (max 10) • Max = 6. 5 • Min = 3. 6
Information – benchmark Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? • Informative • Clear and easy to follow • Strong ads have a clear, single-minded message Base: All CR listeners Mean score (max 10) • Max = 7. 8 • Min = 4. 2
Integration – benchmark Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? • Recognise catchphrase/slogan • Recognise music/voice • Strong performers link with TV campaigns using music, voices • Max = 8. 1 • Min = 3. 9 Base: All CR listeners Mean score (max 10)
Creative integration drives overall creative effectiveness Source: radio. GAUGE
Good creativity can more than double ad awareness gains Gain in weighted ad awareness per 100 GRPs indexed Top quintile creative score Source: radio. GAUGE Bottom quintile creative score
Creative diagnostics – (Brand X) Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? Overall creative score = 5. 8 Involvement Identity Impression Information Integration Base: All CR listeners Brand X Sector Average Mean score (max 10)
Survey tool
Conclusion • (Brand X) radio campaign has produced gains among all key effectiveness measures, most notably Ad Awareness. • Above the radio. GAUGE benchmarks for Consideration and Awareness. • Also helping to drive gains within brand perceptions. • Creatively, the ad performs particularly well on Information, scoring a respectable 5. 8 overall.
Recommendations & Next Steps
Recommendations & Next Steps • The creative data proves that the radio commercials followed a similar creative pattern to the TV commercials • This enabled listeners to very quickly identify the ad as a (Brand X) commercial • We suggest using the catchy music from the TV work as a bed for the radio commercial • This will add to the identity and integration of the radio commercial with other media (TV) and promote overall brand recognition
radio. GAUGE summary • No other system has benchmark-tested more radio advertising • Uniquely sensitive to radio’s strengths as a medium • Low-risk: we know the pitfalls and are proven to get it right • A revenue-generation tool - ROI of £ 248 for every £ 1 invested in research
Thank You john@dipsticksresearch. com