Скачать презентацию Azure window Milena Safarova 6 c School Скачать презентацию Azure window Milena Safarova 6 c School

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Azure window Milena Safarova 6 “c” School # 20 Teacher L. V. Fomina Azure window Milena Safarova 6 “c” School # 20 Teacher L. V. Fomina

. Azure window is situated in Malta. It is a very famous arched in . Azure window is situated in Malta. It is a very famous arched in shape limestone rock about 28 meters high. It is located in the south of Gozo island near the Gozo Bay in the Mediterranean sea. It is a popular place with tourists and divers.

 Azure Window has been an applicant for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Azure Window has been an applicant for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1998. And in 1980 it was considered as UNESCO World Heritage Site.

 For some last years a lot of pieces of this wonderful arch have For some last years a lot of pieces of this wonderful arch have been falling. Because of this in 2016 they decided to put an agreed penalty. People walking about the rock have to pay 1500 euro.

 Azure Window was filmed in “Clash of the Titans” (1981) at the 104 Azure Window was filmed in “Clash of the Titans” (1981) at the 104 th minute, in “The Count of Monte Cristo” (2002) at the 13 th minute, at the beginning of “Island”(2005). It can be seen in the soup opera “Odyssey”(1997) shot by A. Konchalovsky and in an American drama “The Game of Thrones” in the genre of fantasy. Shooting of “The Game of Thrones” led to a controversy which was connected with damage of the ecosystem.

After a lot of years of natural erosion, which destroyed parts of limestone rock, After a lot of years of natural erosion, which destroyed parts of limestone rock, the arch and a column fell down to the sea during the storm on the 8 th of March 2017 at 9: 40 a. m. local time. This fact was published in “Time of Malta” newspaper.

 It is very pity that such a wonderful place is destroying now. I It is very pity that such a wonderful place is destroying now. I am so sad because of it. But I have a dream to see Azure window somewhere.

Resources https: //www. google. ru/ru. m. wikipedia. org https: //www. google. ru/amp. meduza. io Resources https: //www. google. ru/ru. m. wikipedia. org https: //www. google. ru/amp. meduza. io https: //www. google. ru/tjournal. ru https: //www. google. ru/ria. ru