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Aztec pantheon of gods Aztec pantheon of gods

The Aztecs worshiped many gods that were a pantheon of gods. There were about The Aztecs worshiped many gods that were a pantheon of gods. There were about 100 of the gods, but I would like to share only a few of them.

Huitzilopochtli or Vitsliputsli • Huitzilopochtli or Vitsliputsli - «Southern Hummingbird Huitzilopochtli or Vitsliputsli • Huitzilopochtli or Vitsliputsli - «Southern Hummingbird" or "Hummingbird of the left side" - the sun god, the god of war and the national god of the Aztecs, the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan. Name refers to the fact that the bird hummingbird symbolizes the sun, many tribes of Central America.

 • Mother of Huitzilopochtli was Coatlicue, and his father - a lump hummingbird • Mother of Huitzilopochtli was Coatlicue, and his father - a lump hummingbird feathers (or in another version Mixcoatl). His sister Malinalshochi, beautiful sorceress, as was his opponent. Envoy Paynal served. Huitzilopochtli legend recorded in the chronicles Meshikayotl. His sister Koyolshauki tried to kill his mother for the fact that she became pregnant by feathers. However proznav about it, Huitzilopochtli sprang from the womb in full military garb and Koyolshauki killed, and many of the 400 brothers and sisters Sentsonuitsnaua. He then threw the severed head sisters into the sky, where she became the moon, and abandoned after the brothers and sisters - the stars. Huitzilopochtli was the tribal god of the Aztecs and the legendary magician. Initially, it was important for the people of the Nahua was low, but after the appearance of the Aztec empire, its ruler Tlakaelel amended the pantheon of gods Huitzilopochtli put on a level with Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc and assign it to the sun god.

Tlasolteotl • Tlasolteotl (Tlazolteotl, Tlazolteotli) «Devourer of dirt Tlasolteotl • Tlasolteotl (Tlazolteotl, Tlazolteotli) «Devourer of dirt", the Aztec goddess. In Aztec mythology, it represents purification of illicit passion, lust, pleasure and debauchery.

 • One of the most important Mesoamerican mother goddess, associated with the earth, • One of the most important Mesoamerican mother goddess, associated with the earth, fertility, sexual pleasure, fertility and childbirth, for the Aztecs Tlasolteotl personified the idea of sin, especially sexual, and repentance. "Women Tlasolteotl" called prostitutes, she was considered the patroness of sinners. Tlasolteotl could bring a passion, and get rid of it, and didst send madness and sexually transmitted diseases. People are "sacrificed" her sins during a special confession before a priest (confession performed once in a lifetime). According to the beliefs of the Aztecs, Tlasolteotl came to dying and cleansed his soul by eating all the "dirt. " Hence its name - eating dirt (sins), Tlasolteotl skinned people from sin.

 • Nanauatsin, Nanauatl (Spanish Nanauatzin) - Aztec god, who at the beginning of • Nanauatsin, Nanauatl (Spanish Nanauatzin) - Aztec god, who at the beginning of the fifth epoch of the world rushed to the fire and became the sun. According to Aztec mythology, after the creation of the new world of the gods gathered to decide which of them will be the god of the sun. For this, they made a fire, which was chosen to throw, but retreated from the intense heat. Finally, the "bubonic studded" Nanauatsin who suffer from skin diseases, rushed to the fire. For Nanauatsinom in the dying god of fire followed Tekkistekatl, tried three times to Nanauatsina jump into the fire, but retreating from the unbearable heat. Nanauatsin became the sun and worshiped under the name of Tonatiuh, Tekkistekatl the god of the moon Metstli. However, the Sun and the Moon does not move until the other gods sacrificed themselves.

Koyolshauki • Koyolshauki (Spanish Coyolxauhqui - «Golden Bells Koyolshauki • Koyolshauki (Spanish Coyolxauhqui - «Golden Bells") - in the mythology of the Aztec goddess of the moon, and (in some versions), the Milky Way. Depicted with gold bells or balls on the cheeks. The eldest daughter of the goddess Coatlicue, which she bore obsidian knife, and the sister of the gods 400 Sentsonuitsnaua southern sky. Possesses magical powers that can cause tremendous harm.

Camaxtli • Camaxtli (Spanish Camaxtli) - in the mythology of the Maya and the Camaxtli • Camaxtli (Spanish Camaxtli) - in the mythology of the Maya and the Aztec god of hunting, war and destiny. Lit the first fire, using his firmament. One of the four gods who created the world. Assigned soldiers killed in battle and during human sacrifices to the eastern sky, where they became stars. He is also a tribal god Chichimeca and as a god was worshiped in the form of hunting deer. Later, the Aztecs were connected with the cult of Quetzalcoatl Uittsilopochtli and, ignoring his father last. Sometimes the myths is synonymous Mixcoatl, named Mixcoatl-Camaxtli.

Ishtlilton • Ishtlilton (Spanish Ixtlilton) «Black face, Ishtlilton • Ishtlilton (Spanish Ixtlilton) «Black face, " or "Someone is small and black. " In the mythology of the Aztec god of medicine, health and healing, as well as festivals and games. God Makuilshochitlya brother. He sacrifices when the child begins to speak. Sick children were treated with the "black water» (tlilatl) of pitchers who stood before the statue Ishtliltona. Parents of children who helped treatment was given in honor of the feast of the god. Idol of the god to bring home the grateful father of the child and arranged in front of him dancing and ritual sacrifice.

Miktlantekutli, • Miktlantekutli, Miktlantekuhtli (Spanish Mictlantecuhtli) «Lord of Mictlan Miktlantekutli, • Miktlantekutli, Miktlantekuhtli (Spanish Mictlantecuhtli) «Lord of Mictlan". In Aztec mythology lord of the underworld (underground) world Mictlan. Depicted as a bloody skeleton, or a person with sharp-toothed skull for a head, absorbing the souls of the dead. His constant companion - a bat, a spider and the owl, his head adorned with feathers, owl, he wears a necklace of human eyes. His wife - goddess Miktlansiuatl, with which they are found at the very bottom, the ninth underworld Mictlan in a house without windows. His home was sometimes called Tlalshikko (hub of the universe), it was assumed that it is in the far north. Lords Mictlan waited demons tsitsimime. According to one of the myths, the couple were created by the gods-creators and Ometecuhtli Omesiuatl to rule the underworld. Among several Aztec god of death and afterlife Miktlantekutli was most revered. His kingdom are the people who die a normal death, that is, not in the war, not during the sacrifice and not from birth. His worship included ritual cannibalism. Miktlantekutli considered a master of the North and the patron saint of people born in the 6 th day of the week dedicated to Itzcuintli (dog), the dog was the guide of souls in Miktlane. Together with the sun god Tonatiuh he patronized the 10 weeks of the year, symbolizing dihotimiyu light and darkness.

Chalchiuhtlicue • Chalchiuhtlicue ( Chalchiuhtlicue • Chalchiuhtlicue ("she dressed in jade") Matlalkueye ("it in a blue dress"), in the mythology of the Aztec goddess of fresh water lakes, seas and rivers, the wife of Tlaloc, Tlaloc's sister, mother-Sentson Mimishkoa (stars of the northern sky). Depicted as a young woman, sitting among the water flow in the head-dress of blue and white ribbons, with two large strands of hair along her cheeks. Considered the patroness of traveling on water.