- Количество слайдов: 25
Az. EIP Professional Development System
Presentation Objectives v What mandatory requirements and attributes should I look for when contracting/hiring early intervention practitioners? v What are my contractual obligations before/after contracting/hiring an early intervention practitioner? v What are the mandatory trainings required for early intervention practitioners? v Who do I contact for questions and support?
Arizona Early Intervention Services v Team-based early intervention services are provided to children who are eligible for: - Arizona Early Intervention Program (Az. EIP) - DES/Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) - Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (ASDB)
Az. EIP Personnel Qualifications: (1) Educational qualifications (2) Standards of Practice Categories of personnel: (a) Core team members (b) Service Coordinators (c) Other team members 4
Educational Qualifications Core Team Members and Service Coordinators: v Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in: Early childhood; EC special education, Family Studies, Speech-Language Pathology, Physical Therapy, or Occupational Therapy; OR v Bachelor’s degree in a closely related field and approval by DES/Az. EIP; or v Developmental Special Instructionist and Service Coordinators hired in the Az. EIP system before July 1, 2001
Certification & License Occupational & Physical Therapist Speech &Language Pathologist v Current, valid Arizona license from the Arizona Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners to practice OT. license from the Arizona Department of Health Services to practice as a speechlanguage pathologist. v Current, valid Arizona v SLP-CFY: must possess license from the Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy to practice PT. a valid, temporary Arizona license and approved supervision plan.
Therapy Assistants v Therapy assistants shall not provide services under this Contract. - Physical Therapy Assistants (PTA) - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) - Speech-language Pathologist Assistant (SLPA)
Psychologist Qualifications v Federal Law: - Requires professionals to meet the State approved certification, licensure or registration for the profession in which s/he practices v Arizona Law: - Licensed by the Arizona Board of Psychology Examiners or certified by the Arizona Department of Education as a school psychologist
Social Worker Qualifications v Federal Law: - Requires professionals to meet the State Approved certification, licensure or registrations for the profession in s/he practices v Arizona Law: - Licensed by the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners (baccalaureate or masters degree)
Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (ASDB) Vision Specialist v Vision Specialist: Certified Teacher of the Visually Impaired (CTVI) v ADE Special Education Certificate – Visually Impaired Hearing Specialist v Hearing Specialist: Certified Teacher of the Deaf/ Hard of Hearing (TOD) v ADE Special Ed. Certificate- Hearing Impaired
Psychologist, Social Worker Vision and Hearing Specialists v Are not part of the Core Team v May provide evaluation and assessment and act as a Team Lead v May act as a team lead/ fulfill team lead requirements v Attend team meetings for children when identified on the IFSP
Additional Recommended Competencies • Evidence Based Practices • Parent and Parenting support • Adult Interaction and Adult Learning M’Lisa L. Shelden & Dathan D. Rush
Efforts to Recruit Personnel (Shortage of DSI and SC) v Ongoing good-faith efforts to recruit and hire appropriately and adequately trained personnel; v Document shortages of qualified personnel that meet the State’s qualification; v Hire the most qualified personnel available who are making progress towards completion of qualification
Recruitment of License Personnel v Creative Ideas v Connecting with the Universities v Sharing staff with community partners v Incentive Packages v Advertisements within discipline specific newsletters
Other Considerations for EI Personnel v Can not transport any child/family enrolled in early intervention services; v Only provide services to a child in the presence of adult family member(s) or other caregivers. v Mandatory CPS reporters
Hiring Requirements v Personnel Qualifications v Fingerprint v Criminal history/ background check
Standards of Practice Describes the knowledge and skills necessary for effective early intervention services v Knowledge Component- Training and Tests -Policies Training v Skill Component-Apprenticeship 17
New Hire Training v Must complete all training requirements - I-TEAMS Registration - DES/Az. EIP Trainings - DES Trainings - DDD Trainings
Department of Economic Security (DES) Mandatory Training v Mandatory training for all Non-State employees: - DES Contractors - Volunteers - Temporary Staff v Use Event Registration and Management Application (ERMA) v All are Computer Based Training (CBT)
DES Mandatory Training (Non-State Employees) v ADA 504 Compliance Overview v ADA 504 T Compliance Overview Exam v DES Initial Security Training v DES ISA Annual Security Awareness Training Recertification v Limited English Proficiency Overview- Course Study v Limited English Proficiency Overview- Course Exam
DDD Required Trainings v Risk Assessment v Article 9
Az. EIP TA System Personnel v DES/Az. EIP Staff and Other Trainers v Az. EIP Technical Assistance & Monitoring Specialists v Az. EIP Family Technical Assistance & Monitoring Specialist v Technical Assistance Cadre 22
Things to consider…. v Agency’s procedures for new employees: - Employee Handbook/Resources - Procedures for new employee training - Internal process for ongoing training v Employee Status: - Defining full-time; part-time; contractors hours - Requirements/responsibility of each team member as part of the team
Arizona Professional Affiliations AZ Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners: www. occupationaltherapyboard. az. gov AZ State Board of Physical Therapy: www. ptboard. az. gov AZ Board of Psychologist Examiners: www. psychboard. az. gov Board of Behavioral Health Examiners (Social Work): www. azbbhe. us AZ Dept. of Health Services (Speech-Language Pathologist): www. azdhs. gov 24
National Professional Affiliations v National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) v Division of Early Childhood (DEC) v ECTA Center: http: //ectacenter. org/ v OSEP Funded TA Cennter: http: //www. personnelcenter. org/ v Zero to Three v Professional Associations v www. asha. org American Speech-Language-Hearing Association v www. aota. org American Occupational Therapy Association v www. apta. org American Physical Therapy Association 25