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Axiomatic Verification II Software Testing and Verification Lecture Notes 18 Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph. D. University of Florida
Axiomatic Verification II • Reasoning about iteration (while loops) • Strong correctness and proving termination
Review of Proof Rules • Before proceeding to while loops, let’s capture our previous reasoning about sequencing, selection statements, and state condition replacement in appropriate rules of inference (ROI). ROI for Sequencing: {P} S 1 {R}, {R} S 2 {Q} {P} S 1; S 2 {Q}
Review of Proof Rules (cont’d) ROI for if_then_else statement: {P Л b } S 1 {Q}, {P Л b} S 2 {Q} {P} if b then S 1 else S 2 {Q} ROI for if_then statement: {P Л b } S {Q}, (P Л b) Q {P} if b then S {Q}
Review of Proof Rules (cont’d) ROI for State Condition Replacement†: K P, {P} S {Q}, Q W {K} S {W} † Also known as the CONSEQUENCE rule.
Reasoning about Iteration • Consider the assertion: {P} while b do S {Q} • What are the necessary conditions for this assertion to hold?
Necessary Conditions: while_do So, we know that {P} while b do S {Q} will hold if the following conditions hold: Case 0: (P Л b) Q Case 1: {P Л b} S {K 1}, (K 1 Л b) Q … … Case 2: {K 1 Л b} S {K 2}, (K 2 Л b) Q Case N: {KN-1 Л b} S {KN}, (KN Л b) Q Great! But who has the time to show that an infinite number of conditions hold?
Reasoning about Iteration (cont’d) • To eliminate the infinite sequence of conditions, replace each Ki with I (where I Ki for every i). Then the conditions above become: Case 0: (P Л b) Q Case 1: {P Л b} S {I}, (I Л b) Q All other Cases: {I Л b} S {I} • To simplify, require further that P I. Then the four conditions reduce to three: P I, {I Л b} S {I}, (I Л b) Q
Reasoning about Iteration (cont’d) • Thus, a ROI for the while_do statement is: P I, {I Л b} S {I}, (I Л b) Q {P} while b do S {Q} where three antecedents are sometimes given the names initialization, preservation, and finalization, respectively. • The assertion “I” in this context is informally referred to as an Invariant, or more precisely as a Q-adequate loop invariant.
Invariants and Q-adequate invariants • A loop invariant is a Boolean-valued predicate that satisfies initialization and preservation. • A Q-adequate loop invariant is a loop invariant that also satisfies finalization. • Note that there may be an arbitrary number of valid loop invariants. For example, TRUE is a trivial loop invariant for any while loop. • The stronger the invariant, the more one can conclude from it together with b.
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I Preservation: {I Л b} S {I} Finalization: (I Л b) Q
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} P Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I What is “P”? (Z=X Л J=1)
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} P Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I What is “P”? (Z=X Л J=1) Does (Z=X Л J=1) Z=XJ? X=X(1)
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} P Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I What is “P”? (Z=X Л J=1) Does (Z=X Л J=1) Z=XJ? Yep!
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} Z : = X b J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X S J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I Preservation: {I Л b} S {I} {Z=XJ Л J Y} Z : = Z+X {Z=X(J+1) Л J Y} J : = J+1 {Z=X((J-1)+1) Л J-1 Y} Z=XJ
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I Preservation: {I Л b} S {I}
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I Preservation: {I Л b} S {I} Finalization: (I Л b) Q
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I Preservation: {I Л b} S {I} Finalization: (I Л b) Q Does (Z=XJ Л J=Y) Z=XY? XJ=X(J) Yep!
Example 3 Use the Q-adequate invariant I: Z=XJ to prove: {true} Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY} Initialization: P I Preservation: {I Л b} S {I} Finalization: (I Л b) Q
Heuristics for Identifying “I” 1. Hypothesize a predicate that reflects the incremental progress made toward satisfying Q with each iteration. 2. Check finalization. If necessary, refine the predicate so as to be just strong enough to imply Q on termination (i. e. , when b becomes false). 3. Check initialization. If necessary, refine the predicate so as to be just weak enough to be implied by P and return to step (2). 4. Check preservation. If necessary, refine the predicate so as to ensure preservation with respect to S and return to step (2).
Hypothesize I Finalization ? true false Initialization ? strengthen true false Preservation ? weaken false refine Initialization ? true false Preservation ? true finish
Example 4 Synthesize a Q-adequate invariant and prove: Hypothesized I: {N 1} J-1 Sum : = 0 Sum = X[i] i=1 J : = 1 Does finalization while J<=N do hold? I. e. , does Sum : = Sum + X[J] J-1 J : = J+1 (Sum = X[i] Л J>N) end_while i=1 N {Sum = X[i]} i=1 N Sum = X[i]? i=1 Nope!
Example 4 Synthesize a Q-adequate invariant and prove: Hypothesized I: (try #2) {N 1} J-1 Sum : = 0 Sum = X[i] Л J N+1 i=1 J : = 1 Does finalization while J<=N do hold? I. e. , does Sum : = Sum + X[J] J-1 J : = J+1 (Sum = X[i] Л J N+1 Л end_while i=1 N {Sum = X[i]} N J>N) Sum = X[i]? i=1 Yep!
Example 4 Synthesize a Q-adequate invariant and prove: Hypothesized I: (try #2) {N 1} Sum : = 0 J : = 1 while J<=N do Sum : = Sum + X[J] J : = J+1 end_while N {Sum = X[i]} i=1 J-1 Sum = X[i] Л J N+1 i=1 Finalization
Example 4 Synthesize a Q-adequate invariant and prove: {N 1} Hypothesized I: (try #2) J-1 Sum : = 0 Sum = X[i] Л J N+1 i=1 J : = 1 Does initialization while J<=N do hold? I. e. , does Sum : = Sum + X[J] J : = J+1 (N 1 Л Sum=0 Л J=1) end_while J-1 N (Sum = X[i] Л J N+1)? i=1 {Sum = X[i]} i=1 Yep!
Example 4 Synthesize a Q-adequate invariant and prove: Hypothesized I: (try #2) {N 1} Sum : = 0 J : = 1 while J<=N do Sum : = Sum + X[J] J : = J+1 end_while N {Sum = X[i]} i=1 J-1 Sum = X[i] Л J N+1 i=1 Finalization Initialization
Example 4 Synthesize a Q-adequate invariant and prove: Hypothesized I: (try #2) {N 1} J-1 Sum : = 0 Sum = X[i] Л J N+1 i=1 J : = 1 while J<=N do Does preservation hold? J-1 Sum : = Sum + X[J] {Sum = X[i] Л J N+1 Л J N} J : = J+1 i=1 Sum : = Sum + X[J] end_while J N {Sum = X[i] Л J N} {Sum = X[i]} i=1 J : = J+1 J-1 {Sum = X[i] Л J-1 N} = {I} i=1
Example 4 Synthesize a Q-adequate invariant and prove: Hypothesized I: (try #2) {N 1} Sum : = 0 J : = 1 while J<=N do Sum : = Sum + X[J] J : = J+1 end_while N {Sum = X[i]} i=1 J-1 Sum = X[i] Л J N+1 i=1 Finalization Initialization Preservation
Strong Correctness • Program S is said to be strongly correct with respect to pre-condition P and postcondition Q iff: 1. {P} S {Q} (i. e. , S is weakly correct with respect to P and Q), and 2. P implies that S will terminate.
Strong Correctness (cont’d) • Is it possible to prove that a program will terminate? • Are there programs for which termination is undecidable? To write a program which should terminate but doesn’t is a minor sin. To write a program for which termination is undecidable is a major sin. –Harlan Mills
Let’s Pause for a Moment… I remember, as a young boy, watching small, brown frogs jump from Lilly pad to Lilly pad in the pond behind our house. They seemed to never tire of this…
Proving Termination – the Method of Well-Founded Sets† For each program loop, identify a measure based on one or more program variables that satisfies the following properties: 1. decreases (or increases) with each iteration 2. is bounded from below (or above), and 3. can assume only a finite number of values before reaching the bound †A well-founded set (S, >) consists of a set of elements S and an ordering > defined on the elements, such that there can be no infinite descending sequences of elements.
Proving Termination – the Method of Well-Founded Sets (cont’d) • Example: consider a linear search of an unordered list for the value K: {true} Found : = false J : = 1 while (J<=N and (not Found)) do Found : = (K=X[J]) J : = J+1 end_while {(Found Л K=X[J-1]) V ( Found Л i∈{1, …, N} • K X[i])}
Proving Termination – the Method of Well-Founded Sets (cont’d) Proof of termination: Measure: “J” 1. J increases with each iteration since J: =J+1 is executed with each iteration and J does not otherwise change. 2. J is bounded from above (by N+1) since if J exceeds N, J<=N will evaluate to false and the loop must terminate.
Proving Termination – the Method of Well-Founded Sets (cont’d) Proof of termination: (cont’d) 3. Since J increases by an integral amount with each iteration, it can assume only a finite number of values before reaching N+1: {1, 2, …, N, N+1}. Therefore, by the Method of Well-Founded Sets, the loop must terminate.
Exercise • The weak correctness of the assertion below was established earlier. Can the Method of Well-Founded Sets be used to prove the program will terminate? {true} Z : = X J : = 1 while J<>Y do Z : = Z+X J : = J+1 end_while {Z=XY}
A while_do ROI for strong correctness • We can incorporate a termination term, t, in the while loop ROI. • Let t denote a whole number† which decreases with each iteration and implies termination when less than or equal to 0: P I, (IЛb) (t>0), {IЛb. Лt=N} S {IЛt
Problem Set 5: Axiomatic Verification • Note especially. . . – Problem 4: deriving and using a suitable Rule of Inference for the “repeat_until” construct, and – Problem 6: alternative, hypothesized Rules of Inference for the “while” construct. . . are they valid or not?
Axiomatic Verification II Software Testing and Verification Lecture Notes 18 Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph. D. University of Florida