Avon Gardens Trust What Makes Us Different? ONE Former County, R. I. P. 1974 – 1996 TWO Major Urban Areas FOUR Universities THIRTY NINE Sites on the HE Register of Parks and Gardens ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY Paying
WHAT WORKS FOR AVON PLANNING SUB COMMITTEE We have 5 members covering the 4 authorities SECOND OPINION We have 3 full committee members to consult if there is disagreement on a planning application among the PSC ADDITIONAL EXPERTISE We can consult other Trust members if the planning application requires particular expertise
Dodington Park
Dodington Park
A Grade I Orangery Set within the wider Dodington Park Estate which is Registered Grade II*
The swimming pool complex
The Pool at Dodington
Historic England Appraisal
Notice of decision
Leigh Court
Tudor Manor House
Proposal Application Reference: 16/P/1538/F Address: The Orchard, 252 Pill Road, Abbots Leigh, BS 8 3 RA Proposal: Planning application to demolish an existing bungalow (C 3 use). Construction of new single storey building containing 4 no. supported accommodation flats (C 2 use), with associated landscaping and car parking.
Landscape Strategy Proposal
Proposed site on top of the Tudor Pleasure Garden
Remains of the pond in what was a Tudor Pleasure Garden
Neighbourhood Consultation
Avon Gardens Trust Response Summary: The Avon Gardens Trust objects to this application due to the harmful effect on the nationally significant Grade II Registered Leigh Court Park and Garden (in particular the Tudor pleasure garden), the settings of the Grade II* listed Leigh Court and its curtilage-listed pleasure garden buildings, and the potential irrevocable damage to HER site of Archaeological and Historic interest: HER 43606, which is situated around and within the application site.
Reasons Avon GT gave for refusal • • • 2009 application refused Potential for repairs to the historic landscape appreciated Change of residential use to a secure care unit at odds with the historic setting Abandoning opportunity of ever conserving the remains of a Tudor Pleasure Ground Infrastructure unable to support increased transport and emergency vehicles on narrow, unlit track
Decision dated 14 November
Claverton Manor
Pre-App Consultation • • • The American Museum at Claverton Manor, Bath, approached Avon Gardens Trust and invited us to a presentation and a site visit to this Georgian mansion and designed landscape. They need to increase visitor numbers and are considering developing a new American garden. Avon Gardens Trust have been asked to submit ideas for this new garden.