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Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer 6. 0 Knowledge Transfer Overview Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer 6. 0 Knowledge Transfer Overview

Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer 6 What is It? 4 Single design tool for Aura® Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer 6 What is It? 4 Single design tool for Aura® Contact Center suite experience management applications Why does it Matter? 4 Accelerates service design and deployment reducing time to market, lowering cost, and improving your response to what customers want How does it Work? 4 One tool for design, simulation, maintenance of agent scripts and inbound/outbound self service 4 Supports Aura® Experience Portal, Aura® Contact Center, and all other Avaya Automated Care platforms (MPS, VP, IR) 4 Leverages best practices from both Dialog Designer and Service Creation Environment 4 Ships at no cost with AACC and AAEP or download from Avaya Dev. Connect(soon!) 4 Built on Eclipse open source framework for integration with 3 rd party developer tools Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 2

Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer Eclipse Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer AACC Scripting AAEP Self Service Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer Eclipse Avaya Aura® Orchestration Designer AACC Scripting AAEP Self Service Contact Router Contact Flow Call Flow Prompt Variables Synchronization Connectors Grammar Problems Simulation Navigator Outline Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 3

Overview – Automated Service 4 Dynamic generation of both Speech and DTMF Voice. XML Overview – Automated Service 4 Dynamic generation of both Speech and DTMF Voice. XML and Video applications. – Embedded Voice. XML and CCXML browser speeds prototyping and design and debugging – Common Voice. XML/CCXML Browser across platforms reduces deployment risk and delivers more consistent user experiences – Global language support provided at no additional cost 4 Generates lightweight, highly distributable Voice. XML – Enterprise-scale distributed development across IP networks – Expanded hosted support allows for enterprise control of hosted applications 4 Built on open standards and Eclipse framework – Interoperability with Web. Sphere, Rational, Clear. Case, etc. – Exposes all custom tools supported within Eclipse framework – Voice. XML 2. 1, CCXML 1. 0, SRGS/SSML, SOAP/XML/WSDL, J 2 EE, SMIL Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 4

Overview – Assisted Service 4 Support for existing Contact Centre scripts: – Import existing Overview – Assisted Service 4 Support for existing Contact Centre scripts: – Import existing AACC scripts. 4 AACC integration – All applications created in the Contact Centre view are stored in the CCMS database, no extra backup/restore requirements. – Full OAM integration - avoids manual entry of OAM data. 4 Offline capabilities – Applications can be designed without requiring connection to network. – Synchronized data since that last snap shot was taken. 4 Best programming practise – Enforced automatically (i. e. wait 2 automatically added after a Queue to skillset command etc. . ) 4 Ease of Use – Speeds up the learning curve for developing contact center scripts. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 5

Overview – Assisted Service 4 Custom Block/Editor: – Advanced scripts writers can still write Overview – Assisted Service 4 Custom Block/Editor: – Advanced scripts writers can still write script syntax as before 4 Canned Scripts, Default Data and Default Prompts: – Provide a starting point for green field sites. 4 Document Generation: – Generate a document in HTML, PDF or RTF format that can be used for customer signoff. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 6

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Orchestration Designer Single Application Development Environment 4 Single development Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Orchestration Designer Single Application Development Environment 4 Single development tool for AACC and AAEP in addition to all Avaya self-service platforms (MPS, VP, IR) – Common Framework: Eclipse – Common Branding: Splash screen, labeling, etc. – Similar Look & Feel: Same icons where applicable – Same UI framework (long-term) – Shared Views 4 Perspectives – Speech for IVR self-service. – Call Control for CCXML development. – Contact Center for AACC scripts. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 7

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Orchestration Designer Single Application Development Environment (con’t) 4 Installation Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Orchestration Designer Single Application Development Environment (con’t) 4 Installation – AACC scripting features only – Self-Service development features only – Combined AACC scripting and Self Service development features. Business Value 4 Efficient and consistent workflow design for assisted and automated services 4 Addresses potential organizational needs for separating design for assisted and automated services Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 8

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Orchestration Designer Additional MPS Support 4 AAOD 6. 0 Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Orchestration Designer Additional MPS Support 4 AAOD 6. 0 enhances support for MPS from the initial introduction with Dialog Designer 5. 1 – MMF Support – Graphical Shortcuts for handoff to/from MPS Developer applications Business Value 4 Lowers costs for migration from MPS Developer to AAOD through re -use of MMF announcements 4 Removes requirement to additional software or hardware 4 Proficient design of self service applications in mixed MPS Developer / AAOD application environment Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 9

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Orchestration Designer Application Simulator MRCP Support 4 Allows the Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Orchestration Designer Application Simulator MRCP Support 4 Allows the use of 3 rd party speech engines (ASR/TTS) for application development testing in the chosen language and voice. 4 Enhancement over the use of the standard Microsoft speech packaged with Dialog Designer today Business Value 4 Increased quality and less application re-work particularly in more complex environments 4 Faster time-to-market 4 Allows for global development community to simulate applications that use 3 rd party speech directly from within the development environment. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 10

New Features & Enhancements New Features & Enhancements

MMF Files in Phraseset Usage 4 Select MMF Files in Phraseset Usage 4 Select "MMF" radio button. 4 "Filename" indicates the name of the MMF file. "Use Phrase Name" indicates that the name of the phrase defines the MMF element. – Ex: numdemo is the MMF filename and NUMBER DEMO GREETING is the element in that file. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 12

MMF Files in Phraseset Usage 4 Using the MPS wav 2 mmf tool, you MMF Files in Phraseset Usage 4 Using the MPS wav 2 mmf tool, you can convert the DD std phrases in. wav format to your own MMF file. 4 If you check "Use Audio File Name", then OD will use the audio file name (minus the. wav ext) instead of phrase name to reference the element in the MMF file. – Ex: Local. Bundles is the MMF file and 0030 is the element in that file. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 13

MMF Files in Prompt Usage 4 Addition of the MMF phrase into a prompt MMF Files in Prompt Usage 4 Addition of the MMF phrase into a prompt is added just like any OD phrase. 4 Choose a phrase node from the palette (or use a variable) and indicate the phraseset and phrase name. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 14

MMF Files at Runtime 4 Upon project export, you must target the MPS platform. MMF Files at Runtime 4 Upon project export, you must target the MPS platform. 4 When OD runtime encounters an MMF based phrase, it will generate the correct VXML based on that phrase definition: –

MMF Files in Simulation Usage 4 OD cannot convert MMF to wav format which MMF Files in Simulation Usage 4 OD cannot convert MMF to wav format which is required for simulation. 4 You can convert the MMF to wav using MPS Developer tools and target the new wave file in the Simulation Audio tab, or choose your own simulation audio by recording or choosing an alternate file. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 16

AES Connector 4 The CTI Connector has changed names to the AES Connector. 4 AES Connector 4 The CTI Connector has changed names to the AES Connector. 4 This change does not require manual changes to your application. 4 A new file aesconnector. war (. ear) is now required for deployment. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 17

AES Connector 4 The new AES Connector and older CTI Connector can be deployed AES Connector 4 The new AES Connector and older CTI Connector can be deployed on the same appserver, however it is not recommended as this will use up additional resources and reduce efficiency of the appserver and the AES. – This setup is possible if running both 5. x DD applications and 6. 0 OD applications in the same 6. 0 OD runtime environment. – If you are running just 5. x DD applications in a 6. 0 OD runtime environment, you may deploy the older CTI Connector that is matched to your 5. x DD applications and choose not to deploy the AES Connector. 4 AES Connector has upgraded to JTAPI 6. 1 driver. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 18

ICC/AES Connectors and Load Balancers 4 Load Balancers have been tricky to use with ICC/AES Connectors and Load Balancers 4 Load Balancers have been tricky to use with the AES and ICC Connectors. – To work, it required LB to pass through client IP in request headers. 4 As an option, you may choose to invoke these connectors using localhost – You must indicate the port 4 LB's will no longer require client IP pass through. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 19

ICC/AES Connectors and Load Balancers 4 The manual port entry will be added to ICC/AES Connectors and Load Balancers 4 The manual port entry will be added to the web descriptor and can be changed manually in the web. xml without requiring a rebuild or reexport. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 20

Add Security and Privacy 4 Secure Fetch – Is a Add Security and Privacy 4 Secure Fetch – Is a "form" node property – When set to true next node is fetched "https" – Allows finer grain control over when https is used 4 Subdialog data value encryption – Variables marked "private" in the variable's properties are encrypted in the VXML. – Example:

4 No logging of pages with private data – VXML pages that use/reference a private variable are not logged. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

Pluggable Connector <configuration 4 Category – Grouped by category – Default category is 'Other' Pluggable Connector

Module Local Call 4 Subdialog versus Local Call – local call allows passing complex Module Local Call 4 Subdialog versus Local Call – local call allows passing complex variables – local call allows passing collections – no context switch on Voice Browser – no extra fetch to pull parameters to application server 4 Subdialog – Must use when calling non-OD modules (OSDMS, NDM et. al. ) 4 Local Call – Must use when calling a OD module that takes a complex variable as an input parameter Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

HTTP Request/Reply Flow Main Module Sub dialog Local call Fetch: untitled. FTPSubdialog. Module. One HTTP Request/Reply Flow Main Module Sub dialog Local call Fetch: untitled. FTPSubdialog. Module. One 1 Reply: VXML Reply: redirect -> FTPSubdialog. Module. One/Start Fetch: FTPSubdialog. Module. One/Start -> forward -> Say. Hello Reply: VXML Reply VXML Fetch: FTPSubdialog. Module. One/Say. Hello Reply VXML Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

New Variable Properties 4 Prompt – Prompt name can be a variable 4 Grammar New Variable Properties 4 Prompt – Prompt name can be a variable 4 Grammar – Grammar name can be a variable. – If you use the variable you the runtime will not fill in slots on recognition just the standard fields (interpretation, utterance …) 4 N-Best – N-Best value can be a variable. – if < 0 or invalid, default is 1. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

runtimeconfig changes 4 Module Versioning – By Configuration – Use Application Configuration to add runtimeconfig changes 4 Module Versioning – By Configuration – Use Application Configuration to add the application. – Select module map to configure alternate entry points or "Module Start" – Changes take affect on the next call. – Can be used on existing applications with out changing the applications Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

runtimeconfig changes 4 Module Versioning – By Code – Takes precedence over the runtimeconfig runtimeconfig changes 4 Module Versioning – By Code – Takes precedence over the runtimeconfig value – Override update. Web. App. Entry. Point public String update. Web. App. Entry. Point(SCESession my. Session, String app. Name, String module. Name, String old. Entry. Point); – Default implementation of update. Web. App. Entry. Point returns null, this results in the default value being used. – If neither is used (code or configuration) it works as today. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

runtimeconfig changes (continued) 4 Temp Directories – Use Application Configuration to add the application. runtimeconfig changes (continued) 4 Temp Directories – Use Application Configuration to add the application. – Select Application Information to specify an alternate temp directory (log files, recordings). – avaya. dd. tempdir takes priority over the runtime configuration – avaya. dd. tempdir sets the temp dir for ALL applications on an app server – runtimeconfig Application Configuration sets the temp directory for an individual application – Having the temp directory not in /webapp allows an application to be redeployed with out stopping Tomcat Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

New Call Flow Features 4 Compound conditions – Call flow editor – Prompt editor New Call Flow Features 4 Compound conditions – Call flow editor – Prompt editor 4 New functions enabling date-time based routing 4 Local Variables 4 Collection looping within the data node 4 Interoperability with MPS Developer applications 4 Better integration support with 3 rd-party VXML applications/modules. 4 New database connector enhancements Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 29

Compound Conditions – Data Node Palette offers items AND, OR, NOT and Expression in Compound Conditions – Data Node Palette offers items AND, OR, NOT and Expression in a stack. Simple condition is still supported the same way at the If item level. 3. If the Operator property is set to "blank" (default), the compound condition nested in the If item is being evaluated. Setting the expression is the exact same way as setting up the If item before. 4. At each level, the parent boolean operator linearly joins the children expressions or child compound conditions. Example: If (age >= 21 and age <= 35 and (not (smoke or sick)) ) 5. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 1. 2. Palette Example an If statement nesting another If. if (smoker or sick) if (female) 30

Compound Conditions – Prompt Editor 1. Exact same usage as in the data node. Compound Conditions – Prompt Editor 1. Exact same usage as in the data node. The Properties view for setting up the expression or If for a single condition. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 31

Date-time Function 1 The palette supports 3 date time functions, which are designed to Date-time Function 1 The palette supports 3 date time functions, which are designed to help manipulate date and time in 3 different types of representation – DD Variable, Java Date object and String. Convert Date String – converts a string of given format to a Java Date object. This function requires the input of the date time format/pattern. The special characters used for the format are the same as documented in the Java Simp. Date. Format doc. By entering a date string in the From Constant String, OD helps you to validate the conversion using the sample date and the format to avoid any surprise at runtime. Typical date format characters: Year – yyyy (4 digit) Month – MM (2 digit) Day – dd (2 digit) Hour – hh or H (1 -12 or 0 -23) Minute – mm Second - ss Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 32

Date-time Function 2 Set DD Datetime – this function takes the Java Date object, Date-time Function 2 Set DD Datetime – this function takes the Java Date object, breaks it into parts and assigns each part to the fields of the DD Date/Time variable(s). DD Date and Time variables are pre-defined types. The DD Date variable is complex variable that contains at least the year, month and dayofmonth fields. All the supported fields are shown in the system Date variable. You can make a copy of the system Date variable to start a new one. The DD Time variable is a complex variable that contains at least the hour, minute and second fields. All the supported fields are shown in the system time variable. You can make copy of the system Time variable to start a new one. In the following example, the My. Date DD Date variable has the year, month and dayofmonth fields. The function will extract the values from the date object in the temp. Date. Obj variable and assign each of them to its corresponding field in the My. Date variable. Date time variables Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 33

Date-time Function 3 Convert DD Datetime – converts the date value parts in the Date-time Function 3 Convert DD Datetime – converts the date value parts in the DD Date/Time variable(s) to the Java Date object. You have the option to have either the date or time variable or both as source values. This function may be useful if you already have the date/time broken apart, and you need to do comparison with other date/time. It's much easier comparing using the Java Date object due to the numeric value with millisecond precision it represents. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 34

Date-time Based Routing (Flow) With the date time functions and the compound conditions support, Date-time Based Routing (Flow) With the date time functions and the compound conditions support, you have the arsenals to build call flow branches based on date time of any format and from any source. The example call flow shows that we are getting the date and time from the caller, and we process the date time input by the Check. Datetime data node to decide if it is a good time for a business visit. This call flow snippet comes from one of the bundled sample apps called Visiting. Schedule. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 35

Date-time Based Routing (Details) Here is some logic inside the Check. Datetime data node Date-time Based Routing (Details) Here is some logic inside the Check. Datetime data node showing that we first convert the date strings for the holidays into Java date objects. The dates could have come from some data sources instead of being hard-coded. We also convert the input date. Then we do the comparison to see if the input date is any of the holidays. The following logic converts the input date and time into a Java date object and set the date parts in the DD Date variable. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. DD Date and Time variables 36

Local Variables The purpose of local variables is to avoid cluttering the project variables Local Variables The purpose of local variables is to avoid cluttering the project variables with ones that are only used (for calculation) within one data node. It also enhance usability by not having users to jump around when a variable is needed for temporary use. The Local Variables node is there by default when creating a new data node. You would need to manually add it to data nodes of the projects from earlier versions of DD. The Local Variables node is the parent under which all the local variables are defined. The defined local variables show up in the same list as the project variables for the operations to use. The only difference is the local variables have "(L)" appended to their names. They provide the same support as the project variables within a data node. This example shows that we need to use quite a Palette few operations to do some string parsing such as remove a sub-string from a string. This therefore involves using a number of variables, which would have been otherwise defined in the project variable editor. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 37

Collection Looping Before, following the logic that populates the variable collection from a database Collection Looping Before, following the logic that populates the variable collection from a database call, you have to create a loop to go out of the data node and come back to itself using the If condition and Next item. This was inefficient as the servlet is making servlet forward calls to itself. Also, you may run into a constraint on a large number of iterations. Now, you can just use the Loop Collection item to create a loop on the variable collection. The following example shows that the loop is created on the get. Scores variable. The While node takes a variable as the only property you need to set. Inside the While node, you can add whatever operations you need to execute for each item in the collection of the variable. Palette Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 38

Interoperability with MPS Use the MPS Developer Application template item in the call flow Interoperability with MPS Use the MPS Developer Application template item in the call flow palette. The node created is based on the VXML Object element. It sets up the minimum required parameters and values for making a call to a MPS Developer application. You can also add the optional input and output parameters. Besides the DD documentation, you should also refer to the Nortel VXML Browser User Guide-> Chapter 5 (interoperability)->Invoke MPS Developer from VXML. Palette Call flow Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 39

3 rd-party VXML Module 1 Manually define module screen Choose to use GET or 3 rd-party VXML Module 1 Manually define module screen Choose to use GET or POST method for the subdialog call. Check this to specify how you want to send the input parameters. Check this if you expect muti-part data coming back from the subdialog call in output parameters. Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 40

3 rd-party VXML Module 2 public String get. Web. App. Entry. Point(com. avaya. sce. 3 rd-party VXML Module 2 public String get. Web. App. Entry. Point(com. avaya. sce. runtimecommon. SCESession my. Session) { String entry. Point = my. Session. get. Parameter("module. Test. Dialog. entrypoint"); if (entry. Point != null) return check. Entry. Point(entry. Point, my. Session); return(check. Entry. Point("http: //localhost: 8080/Test. Dialog/start. vxml", my. Session)); } Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 41

Database Connector Enhancements Defining a dbop for a a stored procedure that has 2 Database Connector Enhancements Defining a dbop for a a stored procedure that has 2 output parameters each of which is of Array type that returns an array. You would need to specify the array type name that matches the one created in the database. Added support for the bytea data type which used to store blob in Postgre. SQL. The field will show up as BINARY in the dbop wizard and editor. Map to Variables Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 42

MRCP Simulation Support 4 Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP) is a network communication protocol MRCP Simulation Support 4 Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP) is a network communication protocol used by speech servers to provide various speech services 4 Based on a request-response model between the MRCP client and server 4 MRCP is a proposed standard network protocol for control of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-To-Speech (TTS) Servers in distributed environments 4 It has two versions: – MRCPv 1 uses RTSP – MRCPv 2 uses RTSP and SIP Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

Need for MRCP support in the simulator 4 Allows the developer to utilize platform Need for MRCP support in the simulator 4 Allows the developer to utilize platform supported third party speech servers (Nuance, Loquendo) 4 Close simulation to the caller experience in the production environment 4 Provides support for testing advanced text-to-speech functions, like SSML, and more accurate speech recognition testing like multi-lingual applications. 4 Shortens test cycle and makes it easier to detect errors 4 Voice Portal/Experience Portal supports it Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

Simulator MRCP feature highlights 4 First licensed feature of the OD design environment 4 Simulator MRCP feature highlights 4 First licensed feature of the OD design environment 4 Not a separate download/install, but a valid license is needed to use the feature 4 Supports commonly used third party speech servers like Nuance and Loquendo 4 Provides ability to switch between Microsoft's TTS and ASR servers and other 3 rd party speech servers 4 MRCP settings can be accessed via Window>Preferences->Avaya Aura->Application Simulation>Orchestration Designer Simulation 4 Based on the open source Uni. MRCP client component 4 Currently, only supports MRCPv 1 Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

MRCP Settings (disabled by default) Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement MRCP Settings (disabled by default) Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

Adding MRCP License Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya Adding MRCP License Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

License Accepted Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. License Accepted Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

MRCP Settings Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. MRCP Settings Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

Simulation using MRCP Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya Simulation using MRCP Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

MRCP Logs 4 MRCP logs are present in $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/com. avaya. sceavb_xxx/AVB/log folder 4 TTS MRCP Logs 4 MRCP logs are present in $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/com. avaya. sceavb_xxx/AVB/log folder 4 TTS - unimrcpclient-tts-0. log 4 ASR - unimrcpclient-asr-0. log SPEAK 1 MRCP/1. 0 -Type: application/synthesis+ssml Language: en-us Content-Length: 155 Content Speech. Voice-Age: 28 Welcome to the Math Quiz! Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.

Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 52 Avaya – Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy. 52