• Avalanche- huge mass of snow that jumps from mountain slope and tumbled down at high speed. The emergence of possible avalanches in the mountainous areas of the world where established stable snowpack. In Ukraine avalanches common in the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains
General Description Clearing snow from mountain slopes accumulated, is due to the following factors: 1) Overload snow slopes during blizzard or due to the low strength of adhesion between the new snow and underlying surface during the first two days ending snowfall - so formed dry avalanches; 2) the event between the bottom surface of the snow and underlying surface slope water lubrication during warming or rain - so wet avalanches are formed; 3) the formation in the lower parts of the snow layer horizon loosening consisting of crystals deep freezing not related to each other so formed avalanche.
Classification n n Depending on the causes of the snow cover are defined: dry avalanches, wet avalanches, avalanche freeze diaftorezu. Depending on the nature of the movement of snow on the slopes includes such types of avalanches: А) basics (snow slides) - they glide across the surface of the slope for the channel В)
Warning § mountain avalanche and mountain service technical supervision; § time forecasting avalanches, artificial avalanches reset by shelling and explosions