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Av-Gad Systems Ltd. Short Alarm Systems Technical Seminar Year 2013
Introduction n This technical seminar will help you to get familiar with Av-Gad control panels and other products by offering technical data, tips and support; and also to tell you a little bit about our company. Av-Gad Systems Ltd. , is a private owned company, located in Tel. Aviv, Israel. Our products line is advanced electronic security systems, for residential, commercial and military applications.
Company profile n n n AV-GAD, established in 1980, is Israel's recognized leader in the design, development, manufacture and marketing of standard and customized Alarm Control Panels and accessories for industrial, institutional, and residential security applications. We hold an ISO-9001 -2000 certification, approved by Lloyd’s, UK. AV-GAD currently exports to countries on four continents, and controls a sizable share of the domestic market as well. AV-GAD products are Auto Computer Tested under extreme environmental conditions and adhere to stringent Quality Control standards to guarantee total reliability. RFI suspension circuitry and superior protection against Voltage Surges ensure immunity to electrically "Noisy" environments.
CONTACT US Address: Av-Gad Systems Ltd. 84, Ben-Zvi Road Panorama House 4 th floor Tel-Aviv 68 104, Israel Mail Address: Av-Gad Systems Ltd. P. O. B. 49080 Tel-Aviv 61 490, Israel Communication: Telephone: +972 -3 681 67 67 International Fax: +972 -3 -683 55 05 Domestic Fax: 03 -681 55 51 E-Mail: avgad@inter. net. il WEB: www. av-gad. com
Main Products Line n n n n Easy. Loader Computerized Control Panels (4 -32 zones), with the latest software and features; remote maintenance, reports to all central stations. Meet European marks; CE & CTR-21. Australian standards AUSTEL and other international standards Easy. Key remote keypads, telephone communicators and dialers Easy. Remote RF crystal controlled remote sets for Panic, arming and wireless remote activating devices Freeko Wireless systems solution Eye-Spy II the most attractive PIR sensor at three types Easy-Talk Voice module, high technology chip keeps your message even when power is off. Bella your durable outdoor siren for all application AVG and Gismo lines for the latest GSM solutions
Product sample AV-707 LCD Keypad Have you seen the news? Metal finished AV-707 and AV-702 Keypads, for elegant look.
Technology Av-Gad focuses exclusively on providing the newest technology and the latest security innovations to every one on four continents, through innovative and advanced technologies for a secure and safe environment. Av-Gad offers to the users the best security systems, smartly programmed as well as nicely designed. Av-Gad production is based on the latest SMD (Surface Mount Devices) mixed with Feed Through technologies for highest reliability and performance
Approvals & Certifications Av-Gad approvals policy is based on customizing the product and getting country approvals according to markets demands. Av-Gad runs under ISO-9002 starting year 1995. Approvals: CE – Quality mark for electrical devices sold in Europe. Tested and approved by NEMCO International Laboratories. C-Tick – The Australian approved electric devices. CTR-21 – The standard for devices connected to the phone lines in Europe. Approved by NEMCO. AUSTEL - The standard for devices connected to the phone lines in Australia. Swedish Standards – Very high standard for alarm panels sold in Sweden and part of Scandinavian markets. Others: China, Slovakia, Finland.
MANUFACTURING Av-Gad products are manufactured at three main sites in Israel: n n n Samples and prototypes production department: Tel-Aviv SMD and large volume order department: Yavne Assembly and transformers department: Rishon Letzion
PERSONNEL Av-Gad various technical departments comprise 30 Engineers, Technicians and Quality Control specialists, each with at least 10 years of experience in their respective fields. Our management, marketing and sales divisions comprise five handpicked and highly motivated people.
TECHNICAL SEMINAR Control Panels Arm Tips for starting Read the manual in details If you are using a PRO or Dublo panel read carefully the manual supplied with your LCD keypad. LCD and LED keypads cannot operate in the same system To start with: Hook up the keypad, connect all zones to –V, power-up by applying AC only (battery current is unlimited and can damage the panel). In case the keypad displays ‘garbage’ verify the minus (-V) wire connection light (not blinking), enter your master code; 1234
TECHNICAL SEMINAR Control Panels II Tips for starting (cont. ) Try the hold-down functions. Hold each key for approximately 2 seconds; follow the confirmation letters in keypad’s display Set the system time by holding-down key ‘ 1’ then ‘ 0’, enter the time in 24 hours format, this will stop the blinking ‘h’ case the siren is plain speaker horn, you have to change the programming to speaker mode
TECHNICAL Tips for starting II For Australia & UK: To get strobe as per approvals, connect the siren’s strobe light to the SLO output (requires programming). The SLO supplies –V during alarm, resets only after disarming Make sure you are using the Earth terminal for Grounding; it’s not a minus (-V) terminal Typing six erroneous codes will lock the keypad keys for 30 seconds, don’t change code for starting
TECHNICAL Alarm control panel location Always install the control panel box in a hard-to-access location. Far away from electrical noise generators, transmitters, cellular phones and heat sources. A source, compatible with any step‑down transformer. Make sure the mains (110 or 220 V) are fused. meters (10 feet) from the panel. Use 16 AWG (0. 5 mm 2) wires. Telephone Line socket.
TECHNICAL General Wiring Tips Do not run wire zones alongside telephone wires, high voltage wires, or transmitting antennae. Separate keypad wires, don't run in same cable with other devices (telephone, PIR's etc. ) Telephone wires generate great noise and spikes, try to run the telephone wires separately. Maximum zone wiring length is 200 meters when using 0. 5 -mm 2 (gauge 22 wire) wires.
TECHNICAL Zone Wiring n n n Series 2000 & 3000 allows three ways of zone wiring: Non EOL resistor loop EOL for double zone loop The EOL mode protects the zone lines against tampering. EOL mode is safer and prevents EMI and RFI interference. Important! Confusing point! Enter ‘ 0’ in address 029 to enable all zones as EOL.
TECHNICAL Double-Pole Mode When using sensors with two separate switches or relay contacts; one for Alarm relay and one for Tamper switch. Each contact is connected to a different E. O. L. resistor. Alarm contacts connected in series with a 2. 2 K resistor; tamper contacts with a 4. 7 K resistor. Both resistors are supplied with each system. Also available is the EEC double-pole connection; both resistors are 1. 5 K. For Double-Pole wiring, connect the two resistors (use the ALARM ‘C’ and ‘NC’ contacts) to Alarm and Tamper.
TECHNICAL Double-Pole mode II (AV-2008, AV-2016) Double-Pole wiring shown in the drawing is European version, when both Alarm and Tamper has equal value of 1. 5 K:
TECHNICAL Looking for professional PIR? Try the Eye-Spy II Save time! Use the EYS II, the only PIR with digital processing ASIC, install and forget. Available in Quad Pet version for Pet immune and windy applications.
TECHNICAL Keypads AV-707 LCD keypad Keypad Wiring Don’t connect the keypad when the power is on. Don’t mix LED and LCD keypad in the same system. AV-2008/88 Control Panels supports: Three AV-701 TS/TI or Five AV-702 AV-2008 Dublo Control Panels supports: Five AV-707/706/705 Keypads AV-707, AV-706, AV-705 operates only with PRO and Dublo panels. LCD keypad (AV-707, AV-706, AV-705) cannot be connected in same system with AV-701 or AV-702. If few keypads are used for one system, connect them all in parallel.
TECHNICAL Keypad Wiring II How to prevent keypad protection to fail? Keep the colors Red as (+), Black as (-), YEL as Yellow and OR as Orange. Never make connection with power on. Never power wires with no keypad connected, slices may cause short. Shorts between power and data wires will burn the protection resistors. Don’t power sensors or other devices from the keypad power terminals.
TECHNICAL Keypad Wiring III This is the correct wiring way
TECHNICAL Keypad Wiring IV Don’t do it, even if saves time
TECHNICAL Keypad LEDs Indicators Red Armed/Alarm Indicator. Lights up when system is armed, and blinks after an alarm is triggered at any zone. Blinking indicates alarm history in memory. Green STATUS Indicator. Blinks when zone/s is/are troubled, remains lit as long as zones are not troubled, rapid blinking during Tamper alarm. Yellow SHUNT (Bypass) Indicator. Lights up upon zone bypass. Red FIRE (Trouble) Indicator. Rapid blinking when a Fire Zone is troubled.
TECHNICAL Keypad LEDs Indicators II Two LEDs flashing (Left Most LEDs) ‑ In user code programming mode, rapid blinking indicates code or code index to be entered. Three LEDs Flashing ‑ In Disarmed mode, rapid blinking indicates AC power failure. The LEDs will blink for six seconds every minute (to save energy). Four LEDs Flashing ‑ Upon holding-down key ‘ 8, ’ (program mode entry) the system is ready for code to be entered. (Same LED indication when code is expected for Bypass via code. )
TECHNICAL Siren Connection Av-Gad control panels contains two siren/bell outputs (AV-2004/48 has one siren output), individually protected by a fuse. It’s recommended to use the same type (DC 12 V) of siren or bell for both internal and external sounders. Siren mode is default-set at factory. In Siren mode, install speaker-type sirens, which DO NOT contain sound driver or electronic modules.
TECHNICAL Siren Connection II Consider using one internal and one external siren/bell. As Siren, use 12 V DC type, or speaker siren type with a minimum power of 15 W, and 8 Ohms impedance. Default is set for 12 V DC siren, called Bell mode. Enclose the outdoor siren in a metal housing, with Tamper switch for protection. The alarm from the Siren differs according to the type of zone: 24 H, Fire, Burglary when using Bella AC or speaker type siren (not in Bell Mode). ‘Bell Mode‘ converts Siren outputs into approximately 13 V DC outputs (no sound is issued). Bell mode is applicable for driving self-powered sirens or bells, or combined sirens and strobes.
TECHNICAL Siren Voltage By default hardware is set to drive 12 V sirens, fits siren and bell rated at 12 V DC. Bella sirens are fully compatible, for either outdoor and indoor applications. Consider that low quality sirens are risky to use, it cause EMI problems, consume high current and other un-expected problems. For speaker type siren set the panel software program accordingly.
TECHNICAL Panel Outputs Remote Indication ON - Programmable. (‑V) on closing (Arming). Optional: Drives SVM-40 voice module A 1 - Programmable. (‑V) during alarm from the programmed zone SLO Reset only upon disarming. The SLO is a non-timed output. Use the SLO output to drive a low current Strobe Light (Xenon) that consumes up to 300 m. A. Each output carries more than one function; refer to programming table.
TECHNICAL Remote Indication II How to prevent damaging the remote indications outputs? Before connecting any device to the outputs, make sure polarity is correct and current consumption is within the maximum ratings. Warning: The remote indications are capable of driving maximum 300 m. A. Overloading or applying +12 V to the remote indications is dangerous and not assured. If burning smell is felt, power-down immediately.
TECHNICAL Grounding The control panel must be earth grounded for lightning protection to work effectively, and in order to prevent RFI and EMI interfaces. Attach the ground connection to a verified coldwater pipe using a minimum 16 AWG (or larger) wire, or according to the country grounding standard. Run the ground wire via the shortest possible route. Connect the Grounding wire to main board and to the metal box. Connect the Ground wire to the terminal marked . This is not a Minus (-V). Beware of static discharge; before handling the main board touch a grounded metal.
TECHNICAL Telephone Connect the control panel to an independent telephone line, if a device is in parallel with the alarm panel, this may grab the call first (like a message answer/fax) during remote up and download. Don’t connect fax or answering machine in parallel on the same telephone line. Dialer – Call any phone and sounds siren sound or voice message if SVM module is included. Communicator – Reports to central station (shortening CS). Contact ID is the most useful and fast to program. Av-Gad panels support most other CS reporting protocols.
TECHNICAL Telephone II Do not connect to ISDN or other digital telephone system. Most ISDN converters have an Analog line; connect the Analog line of the ISDN to the TEL-LINE terminal at the panel. Option: To monitor the telephone line add the Tele-Spy, it is a 24 H telephone line monitor separate module. Line monitor via software is included. How to prevent lightning from damaging the control panel? 1 st, is a good grounding. 2 nd, for external phone lines (not buried in the ground) use the Surgo TM line protection module.
TECHNICAL Telephone III – Why GSM? For higher security it’s good to have a GSM backup, it means that if the wired phone line (PSTN) is cut or fail the system dials to the customer via GSM. The dials to the users (up to 4 or more numbers) and generate siren sound to indicate alarm is on. Voice module is optional. Remote DTMF commands via telephone The user is capable to remotely command the system from his mobile phone; arm, disarm, bypass zone and even ask the system for the current status; Armed or Disarmed.
TECHNICAL Keypad Hold Down Functions Hold the key for 2 -3 seconds until the long beep is over. Key 1 Siren Test Key 2 Shunt Display Key 3 Status Display Key 4 Delay Delete (Instant Protection) Key 5 Door Chime. Confirmed by ‘c’ display on keypad Key 6 Dialer Test & Follow-Me Programming
TECHNICAL Keypad Hold Down Functions Programming Key 7 Fault Find. Can be entered only during 15 seconds after disarming Key 8 Program Key 9 Reset Key 0 Concise Alarm History Key 0 then Key 0 Detailed Events History. Hold down key ‘ 0’ and again hold-down key ‘ 0’ to display up to 99 events
TECHNICAL Programming Tips Address ‑ a location on the programming sheet. Addresses reside between 010 and 380. Value ‑ determines the characteristics of an address. Starting – Prior to programming mark the required setting in the programming sheet, it helps to prevent mistakes.
TECHNICAL Programming Table The program determines most of the control panel features. Programming is performed in order to enable maximum compatibility of the control panel with the specific site. The control panel is supplied with the basic ‘Factory Default Program, ’ which is in effect at system power up.
TECHNICAL Programming Table II Explain the different programming logic in the following tables: Zone Features Few features per address Single address (time outs) How to notice the defaults Internal system software check the most conflicts, however, we found cases that a wrong programming caused problems. Many problems caused by wrong programming! if system operates strangely, check the wiring first, then try to default the system.
TECHNICAL Programming Table III In case you made programming changes and the system operation is wrong, it’s recommended to set system to the factory defaults program. Warning! This function erases all codes and settings. 1. Enter program mode. 2. AV-2008: Go to address 200 and enter ‘ 6’ and ‘ 9. ’ AV-2004: Go to address 200 and enter ‘ 6’ and ‘ 9. ’
TECHNICAL System Codes Up to eight (sixteen in 2016) different Arming & Disarming codes and one installer (dealer) code are available; each code consists of 1 to 6 digits. Do not use ‘ 0’ as the first digit in a code. Do not use ‘ 5’ and ‘ 0’ as first digit in a code number. User code must not start with the same numbers as the installer programming code (1994). Do not use same codes or same first digit for different codes. For example if code No. 1 is 1234, do not program other code to be 1256. Remember! Change the master user code!
TECHNICAL System Codes II In case you lost the codes or you prefer to start over the codes setting, follow the default codes settings: Power up by applying AC and battery and immediately hold-down keys # and * after 2 nd beep, release keys. You have limited time for setting. ‘U’ will be displayed 3 times in confirmation. Make sure not to change the feature that provides setting of the default codes, refer to “Enable-codes reset to default by * & #” at
TECHNICAL System Codes III In case the keypad entries stopped reacting, it’s probably a blocked keypad. Wait 5 minutes or power up. Keypad Keys self-locking: In Armed and Disarmed mode, after 6 attempts to enter fault code, the keys will not react to any key press. This prevents code learning or other code break exigency. After a 30 seconds delay, the keys will revert to code entry mode. Each new erroneous code will lock the system for another 30 seconds. Explain this point to your customer.
TECHNICAL Up and Download Most common problem is the PC modem - Use the correct modem. To program Easy. Loader control panel by remote PC, a compatible modem is required. The modem specifications is critical, before attempting to operate the Easy. Loader make sure your modem meets the following: Supports the Hayes AT command, Bell 103 compatible, DOS mode is selectable. New Windows Beta version is available. The old Easy. Load software is a Window or DOS based program. Why DOS? It’s compatible with most old laptops, DOS is not upgraded frequently, no viruses and the program files are compact and easy
TECHNICAL Up and Download II Note: Series 3000 is not ready for up & download Configure your communication port using the SETUP entry from the main menu (entry 7). For DOS mode; the PC modem required COM/IRQ combinations are: COM 1, COM 3 - IRQ 4 COM 2, COM 4 - IRQ 3 To initialized the modem properly use the Auto Detect option before trying to CONNECT, ignore errors that are reported during initialization.
TECHNICAL What about wireless Wireless is great, fast to install and save the wiring, your labor time saved, but it’s very important to consider: - In certain areas with crowded RF spectrum the wireless can’t be operated - Service rate is higher - Requires pre-installation programming - Reliability is lower - Cost three times higher than wired Consider wired as better security at lower price, it’s a fact.
TECHNICAL Up and Download III Operate the Easy. Load on the demonstration PC and show screen by screen the functions. Still need more details? Try our FAQ section at Av-Gad web site, support section