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Automation and Drives SIMATIC S 7 -400 Unrivaled Functions Dynamic Control
Automation and Drives System family SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overwiev Overview Highlights CPU Modules High-performance and medium range S 7 -400 The power PLC for manufacturing and process engineering Low-end and medium range S 7 -300 Micro PLC Design Flexibility S 7 -200 Configuration and Programming References + Programming devices + STEP 7 software + Communications + Human-machine interface SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 2 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Fields of application of SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overwiev Overview Irrespective of your sector. . . Highlights Process Discrete Electronics Automotive Pharmaceuticals Metal / Mining Cement & Glass Oil & Gas Chemicals Water References Refinery Configuration and Programming Energy Design Flexibility Pulp & Paper Modules Food & Beverages CPU SIMATIC S 7 -400 - the automation system for production and process engineering SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 3 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Totall Integrated Automation SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overwiev Overview Highlights CPU . . . from inbound logistics via discrete and process automated production to outbound logistics – with S 7 - 400 reduced complexity and optimized interoperation of all components. Modules Design Flexibility Production Workflow Inbound Logistics Configuration and Programming References Process Supplier Customer Discrete SIMATIC S 7 -400 Outbound Logistics A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 4 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives S 7 -400 overview SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overwiev Overview S 7 -400 H system S 7 -400 FH system n Process and production n Primarily process n Maximum safety for man, n n Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming n References n n n engineering Data-intensive tasks Coordination of complete plants High repeatability Flexible, reaction-free expansion Hot swapping of modules as well as expansions SIMATIC S 7 -400 n n n engineering Avoidance of high restart costs Avoidance of down times Unmanned operation Switchover time less than 100 ms machine, environment n Also complies with EN 954 (up to category 4) and IEC 61508 (up to SIL 3) n Coexistence of standard and fail-safe programs on one CPU (also faulttolerant) A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 5 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Highlights - Engineering SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights n Efficient configuration and programming based on STEP 7 global standard IEC 61131 -3 CPU Modules Design Flexibility n Higher availability due to powerful integrated diagnostics Availability Configuration and Programming References n Cost effective use of ingineering tools (CFC, S 7 Graph, . . . ) SIMATIC S 7 -400 Graphic programming A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 6 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Highlights - Design SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview n Modular design without Highlights slot assignment rules n Configuration run CPU Modules Design Flexibility n Rugged operation Pulling and pushing under the strain n 0 -60 C operating temperatur n Configuration and Programming References n Central expansion options and simple design of distributed structures with wide range of modules SIMATIC S 7 -400 Hot swapping Decentral Peripherie A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 7 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Highlights - Performance SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights n High processing speeds and deterministic response times for short machine cycle times 30 ns / Binary instruction CPU Modules n Scalable performance Graded range of CPUs n Multicomputing n Large quantity frameworks n Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References n Communication included Standard interfaces integrated n Connection to the IT world via Ethernet n 4 -port switch n SIMATIC S 7 -400 @ A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 8 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Graduated Performance Spectrum SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights New since July 04! CPUs CPU Modules Type PLC 414 -2 412 -1 412 -2 144 KB 256 KB 512 KB PLC 414 -3 416 -2 416 -3 417 -4 1. 4 MB 2. 8 MB 5. 6 MB 20 MB Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming Memory from 100 ns from 60 ns from 40 ns from 30 ns Communicat. interfaces MPI/DP PROFIBUS-DP I/O Sufficient digital and analog inputs/outputs possible 2048 / 2048 Instr. processing References Counters/timers Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 9 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives System diagnostics SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Faults in the automation system Highlights n CPUs CPU Modules Programming fault n Memory fault n Module failure n Channel fault. . . Detailed fault reporting Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming System diagnostics in S 7 -400 Fault diagnostics from the CPU to the I/Os n Internal CPU services (e. g. error messages with time stamp) n Automatic signaling from CPU to HMI device or STEP 7 n References Optimum plan operation Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 10 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Process diagnostics SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References Faults in the plant n Interlocking not fulfilled n Actuator timeout n Motor protection triggered n Limit switch fault. . . Process diagnostics functions in S 7 -400 n Monitoring of critical process signals using program n Convenient CPU configuring using S 7 -PDIAG and Pro. Agent n Automatic signaling from CPU to HMI device SIMATIC S 7 -400 Fast faul identification Increased productivity Operators do not have to be engineer to perform maintenance Technical Slides A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 11 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Communications integrated SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References MPI/DP Interface (12 Mbit/s) n Integrated into every CPU n Can be re-parameterized as DP master HMI services for connection of OP/OS n No additional programming n Minimum CPU cycle load All S 7 components can be connected S 7 -400 (Master) PG (Master) OP (Master) S 7 -400 (Slave) S 7 -300 Programming from any location in the network (routing) Economical communication without additional hardware Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 12 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Multicomputing SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Scaling n Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Subdivision n References So that you can spreadcomplex task over up to 4 CPUs Decoupling n Configuration and Programming So that you can easily increase performance by pluggingin additional CPUs So that you can separate time-critical from non critical processes Segmenting n So that you can assign I/O segments to specific CPUs with common communication Segmented Rack / Multicomputing Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 13 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Latest functions Emphasis on process engineering SIMATIC S 7 -400 Configuration in RUN Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming Reaction-free modifications to configuration during operation with distributed I/O Applications Process engineering plants which must not be switched off n Production plants with high restart costs n Customer benefits Time-saving, low-cost plant modifications n No restart procedure required n High flexibility to modified process engineering requirements n References Shortened start-up times Plant and process optimization Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 14 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Latest functions Emphasis on production engineering SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming Isochrone mode Linking of a SIMATIC automation solution to the equidistant PROFIBUS n Synchronization of user program with I/O processing n Equidistant and synchronous signal processing with distributed I/O n Consistent transmission of input and data; all data of the process image have a logical and time relationship References Safe control of fast processes Repeatable and defined process response times with distributed I/O Increased accuracy forcontrols, Increase in productivity positioning, machines with continuous operation Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 15 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Signal modules (SM) The right module for all common signals SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Signal modules for all common signals/ the most different technology So you can connect up anywhere Highlights Signal modules with interruptsand diagnostics CPU So you can respond more quickly Modules Connection techniques that simplify installation / maintenance Design Flexibility Säcrew-type/spring-loaded/crimp terminals Configuration and Programming References Simple and fast module replacement So you can replace the modules even during operation Highest packing density To save you space Modular design Hot swapping SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 16 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Digital signal modules - For all applications SIMATIC S 7 -400 Digital inputs Digitalausgaben Voltage range 24 - 60 V AC/DC 80 - 264 V DC 74 - 264 V AC 5 - 138 V DC 5 - 264 V AC CPU Current range ------ 0, 5/1/2 A Modules Channels 16, 32 8, 16, 32 Design Flexibility Sensors Switches 2 -wire BEROs etc. elektronisch/Relais Reaction time from 100 µs Diagnostics Type A No Ex(i)* NAMUR/Ex(i) Overview Highlights Configuration and Programming References (* via ET 200 M) SIMATIC S 7 -400 Type B Yes Typ A Nein Typ B Ja Namur/Ex(i) Technical Slides A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 17 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Analog signal modules - For all applications SIMATIC S 7 -400 Analog inputs Analog outputs Voltage range +/- 80 m. V. . . +/- 10 V 0. . . 10 V, . . . +/- 10 V Current range +/- 20 m. A, 4. . . 20 m. A, and others Channels 8, 16 8 Sensors Pt 100, Pt 1000, Ni 100, thermocouples --- Configuration and Programming Resolution 13. . . 16 bit incl. sign 12 bit incl. sign References Conversion time 0. 05. . . 100 ms 0. 4. . . 1 ms Diagnostics* Type A No Ex(i)`* NAMUR/Ex(i) Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Type B Yes NAMUR/Ex(i) (* via ET 200 M) Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 18 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Point-to-point CPs - For special interfaces SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility or 2 interfaces, up to 76 kbit/s n Different physical transmission environment n Standard or customer-specific protocols PG, PC, Rechner n 1 Robotersteuerungen Opto-Elektronik Scanner, Barcodeleser, Identsysteme Drucker S 7 -400 Configuration and Programming Wägesysteme, Regler References SIMATIC S 5 und Automatisierungsgeräte auch vieler anderer Hersteller Simple and flexible Pt. P Communication SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 19 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Function modules for all technologies - The right choice when. . . SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Good choice when. . . Highlights . . . very fast tasks have to be carried out CPU . . . great accuracy and reproducibility are necessary Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming … special sensors or actuators have to be connected. . . configuration of technological tasks must be as practice-oriented as possible References Counting/measuring, cam controlling, positioning, closed- loop control Technologies SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 21 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives FM 458 -1 DP application module SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview n For all types of highly dynamic closed-loop control tasks n Freely-configurable using STEP 7 and CFC, optionally with SFC n Comprehensive block library for technological tasksand motion control n Expansion module for I/O and Communications Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References Particularly suitable for machine and plant construction SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 22 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Maintenance Just as simple as everything else Automation and Drives SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights n Extremely simple replacement of application program without PG Memory card n Update device n Download using teleservice n CPU Modules Design Flexibility n Simple, reliable replacementof modules without PG Central data storage in the CPU n CPU sets parameters of newly inserted modules n Also allows you to replace modules during operation n Configuration and Programming References n Hot swap increase the availability of the plant SIMATIC S 7 -400 Reduced service times High availability A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 23 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Installation - Nice and easy SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU n Simple swivel mounting the rack n Robust, enclosed modules n Self-coding front n TOP Modules Design flexibility Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References on connectors Connect Simple and polarity-reversalproof connection of actuators and sensors n Via prefabricated cables n n All parameters are setvia software - no DIP/DIL switches n Insertion and removal of modules n under process conditions n Front connector with screw, Crimp or spring terminals SIMATIC S 7 -400 Faster installation A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 24 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives TOP Connect - Prefabricated cables SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights Direct connection of sensors and actuators using 2, 3 and 4 -wire techniques Simple and polarity-reversalproof thanks to the prefabricated cables n Saves the intermediate terminal n CPU Modules Distance max. 30 m Design flexibility Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References Terminal blocks on S 7 -400 standard I/O modules can be connected via front connectors Using spring-loaded or n Screw-type terminals n TOP Connect: terminal blocs TOP Connect: Terminal blocks Reduction of the expenditive wiring work Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 25 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Unlimited expansion SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design flexibility Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References n Uniform use of multi-channel I/O modules (central and distributed) Fewer modules required n No additional power supply required for racks which are not too far away Reduction in required modules n Immediate reading is possible at any time using direct I/O access System response times almost as short as when using I/Os only in central rack n S 5 expansion rack can be used further with S 7 -400 Migration SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 26 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Expansion facilities with the S 7 -400 SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Central cabinet Highlights CR ER ER CPU Modules Central expansion , line length 5 m, max. 4 ER per line Max. 6 IM per CR ER ER Design flexibility Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References Central expansion , line length 1, 5 m 1 st ER without PS ER Distributed expansion , line length 102 m/ 60 m, max. 4 ER per line ER S 5 Expandable ER S 5 Distributed expansion, line length 605 m, max. 4 ER per line Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 27 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Data communication with SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS and Industrial Ethernet SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights IT communication CPU Modules Design flexibility Design Flexibility Data Kommunikation/cell level Configuration and Programming References Field communication d te a r eg t In SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 28 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Data communication – also Internet access Management computer SIMATIC S 7 -400 PG/PC Overview Highlights Industrial Ethernet PG/PC S 5 -115 U S 5 -135 U S 5 -155 U CPU Modules S 7 -400 PROFIBUS Design flexibility Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming S 7 -400 S 5 -115 U PROFIBUS DP, MPI, Ethernet References @ S 7 -300 IT integration SIMATIC S 7 -400 PG/OP A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 29 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
CP 443 -1 Advanced More power and flexibility Automation and Drives SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design flexibility Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming New Functions IP-Access list n SNMP n IP-Configuration n More Communication Performance More connections n At plant floor and IT communication n Integrated 4 -Port Switch Better Usability New IP-Address configuration n Double IP-address indication n Diagnostic buffer via WEB n References PROFINET IO Controller n PROFINET CBA n SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 30 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives The window to your plant/process/machine SIMATIC HMI SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design flexibility Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming SIMATIC Panels : Push button panels, text displays, operator panels, touch panels or multipanels via MPI or PROFIBUS-DP n Multiple panels for an S 7 -400 n One panel for several automation systems n Win. CC flexible- for simple PC-based visualization tasks References Panel PC oder OS Win. CC V 6 - The powerful process visualization system Win. CC Multi Panels Push Button Panels Text Displays, Operator Panels, Touch Panels Easy parametization SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 31 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Parameterization made easy SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References Software parameterization of the complete S 7 -400 including the signal moduleswith STEP 7 Uniform No jumpers / switches to set n Checking the parameter assignment data for plausibility n Additional parameterization for individual values, e. g. conversion time parameterization saves valuable time n All S 7 -400 parameterization data are storedin the CPU Parameterization is not necessary when replacing modules n CPU checks the S 7 -400 configuration and the module settings n Incorrect module signaled by diagnostics function Efficient for user, from commissioning to maintenance n Easy parameterization SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 32 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives Simulation-based engineering with SIMIT SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Early detection and clearance of configuration errors n. Simulation of the system n. Simulation of the units n. Simulation of the I/O signals èTesting of the complete scope of automation Easy-to-use thanks to standardized coupling n“The Configuration and Programming References S 7 -400 simulation module connected to the PC replaces the central and distributed I/O” Training n. Training of commissioning and service personnel SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 33 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives S 7 -400 solves more complex tasks using the STEP 7 engineering tools SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU S 7 -SCL (Structured control language) - The PLC high-level language S 7 -PLCSIM Program testing without hardware Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming S 7 -PDIAG/Pro Agent The double pack for process diagnostics S 7 -GRAPH Definition using sequence controls References S 7 -Hi. Graph Definition using status diagrams SIMATIC S 7 -400 CFC (Continues function chart) Graphical sequencing of complex functions A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 34 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives S 7 -400 - The optimum target system SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References n Uses a common database n Integrated and consistent n The powerful S 7 -400 target system and the engineering tools n work perfectly together as userfriendly, task-oriented configuring tools n The perfect team S 7 -400 + E-Tools = Optimized for great applications SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 35 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives References SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Automobile Highlights Food & Beverage CPU Modules Parma / Chemical industry Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming Semiconductor/ Textile industry References Glass/ Cement Legend Inc. Miscellaneous References SIMATIC S 7 -400 Shaoxin Sewage Treatment Icoma FSB A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 36 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice
Automation and Drives SIMATIC S 7 -400 Overview Highlights CPU Modules SIMATIC S 7 -400 Totally Integrated. Automation Design Flexibility Configuration and Programming References SIMATIC S 7 -400 A&D AS, 08/2004, Chart 37 © Siemens AG 2004 - Subject to change without prior notice