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Automation and Drives SIMATIC S 7 -300
Automation and Drives S 7 PLC 패밀리 SIMATIC S 7 -300 대형 Introduction S 7 -400 The CPUs The Modules 중형 Design, Installation S 7 -300 Communications and HMI 소형 Configuring The universal PLC for system solutions with production engineering as focal point S 7 -200 + 프로그래밍 로더 + STEP 7 소프트웨어 +통신 + HMI Compact CPUs SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 2
Automation and Drives S 7 - 300 특징 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction n C 7 control systems S 7 -300 에 HMI를 결합한 시스템 HMI The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI Aufbau und Montage n Distributed Safety S 7 -300 F 와 ET 200 M, ET 200 S 를 결합한 fail-safe어플리케이션 Failsafe Configuring n 열악한 환경에 적합한 Outdoor 버전 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Outdoor A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 3
Automation and Drives S 7 - 300 특징 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction n 세계 표준에 근거한 프로그래밍 소프트웨어 STEP 7 IEC 61131 -3 The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI n 강력한 자기 진단 기능 내장 Availability Configuring n 쉽고 편한 STEP 7 Lite SIMATIC S 7 -300 Intuitive operation A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 4
Automation and Drives CPU 모델 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI Configuring n CPU 313 저 비용으로 시스템 구성 n CPU 314 중형 시스템 구성 n CPU 315 (CPU 315 -2 DP) PROFIBUS DP 인터페이스 내장 n CPU 316 -2 DP 충분한 메모리 제공 n CPU 318 -2 S 7 - 400 기능 구현 (스캔 타임 0. 1 µs) n CPU 312 C, 313 C, 314 C 특수 기능 모듈, I/O 모듈 내장 The right CPU for every application SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 5
Automation and Drives CPU 모델 SIMATIC S 7 -300 CPU 313 CPU 314 CPU 315 (315 -2 DP) CPU 316 -2 DP CPU 318 -2 Introduction The CPUs 프로그램 스텝 4 K / 사용자 메모리 12 KB 8 K/24 KB 16 (21) K / 48 (64) KB 42 K / 128 KB 84 K / 256 KB 512 KB The Modules Free Addressing no no yes yes Design, Installation DI / DO 256 1024 Communications and HMI AI / AO 64 256 256 CPU 수행속도 0, 6 ms 0, 3 ms 0, 1 ms 내부 메모리 2048 8192 카운터 64 64 512 타이머 128 128 512 PROFIBUSDP interface Master/Slave (with 64 DP stations) PROFIBUS-DP interface (M/S; 125 DP stations); MPI usable as DP (12 MBaud) Configuring 통신 인터페이 스 Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 6
Automation and Drives New CPU SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction n더 빨라진 프로그램 수행속도 CPUs The Modules n 엔지니어링 비용 절감 엔지니어링 툴 사용 n 모듈라 프로그래밍 n Design, Installation Communications and HMI Configuring n 운전 비용 절감 Micro Memory Card (MMC)카드 사용 n MMC에 프로젝트 다운로드 n MMC로 프로그램 업데이트 n n 모듈 n 크기 축소 모듈 크기 40 mm로 축소 Innovation of the S 7 -300 family SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 7
Automation and Drives St a New CPU rt SIMATIC S 7 -300 CPU 312 CPU 314 CPU 315 (315 -2 DP) 사용자 메모리 16 KB 48 KB 128 KB Free Addressing yes yes DI / DO 256 1024 AI / AO 64 256 0, 1 ms Introduction CPUs The Modules Design, Installation 10 of d /2 el 00 iv 2 ery Communications and HMI 프로그램 수행 0, 2 ms 속도 Configuring 내부 메모리 1024 2048 16384 카운터 128 256 타이머 128 256 통신 인터페이 스 SIMATIC S 7 -300 PROFIBUSDP-Anschluss Master/Slave (mit 124 DPStationen) ry ve li de 02 of 20 rt 0/ ta 1 S A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 8
Automation and Drives compact CPU - 특징 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI Configuring n 내장 n 카운팅, 속도 측정, PID 제어, 위 치제어 n 내장 n I/O 디지털 I/O, 아나로그 I/O n 내장 n 기능 인터페이스 PROFIBUS-DP, MPI, Pt. P n 수행속도 개선 n Micro memory card 배터리 대용 n 심볼, 코멘트를 포함한 프로젝트 다운로드 n n 콤펙트 타입 The smart addition to the S 7 -300 family Compact CPUs SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 9
Automation and Drives MPI, PROFIBUS-DP 인터페이스 내장 S 7 -300 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI Configuring n 인터페이스 모든 CPU에 MPI 포트 내장 n 315 -2 DP, 316 -2 DP, 318 -2 DP에 DP 포트 내장 PG (Master) n n 라우팅 기능 n HMI 인터페이스 별도의 프로그램 필요없음 n CPU 로드가 적음 ET 200 U (Slave) ET 200 M (Slave) n n S 7 ET 200 X (Slave) ET 200 B/L (Slave) 통신 기능 지원 n 별도의 하드웨어 없이 연결 Profibus-DP S 7 -300 Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 10
Automation and Drives Modules for S 7 -300 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI Configuring (Power Supplies) 전력별 여러 종류 지원 n I/O 모듈 (Signal modules) 디지털, 아나로그 모듈, 방폭형 모듈 지원 n 시리얼 통신 모듈 (Point-to-Point CP) RS 232 / 422 / 485 n 특수 기능 모듈 (Function modules) 고속 카운터 / 위치 제어 / PID n 전원 Flexible combinations for all applications Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 11
Automation and Drives 디지털 모듈 SIMATIC S 7 -300 디지털 입력 디지털 출력 전압/ 전류 범위 DC 24. . . 125 V AC 120 / 230 V DC 24 / 48. . . 125 V AC 5. . . 230 V 0, 5 / 1 / 2 / 5 A 채널 (optically isolated) 8, 16, 32 electr. / Relay 센서 Switches, 2 -wire Beros Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI Configuring 해상도 엔코딩 시간 Ex (i) Namur / Ex(i) 자기진단 yes Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 12
Automation and Drives 아나로그 모듈 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI 아나로그 입력 아나로그 출력 전압 / 전류 범위 +/- 80 m. V. . . 10 V, +/-3, 2 m. A, 0/4. . . 20 m. A u. a. +/- 10 V, 0. . . 10 V, +/- 20 m. A, 0/4. . . 20 m. A, u. a. 채널 (optically isolated) 2, 4, 8 with integrated linearization 2, 4, 8 센서 2 -, 3 -, 4 -wire resistor (Pt 100), thermocouples 해상도 9 to 16 bit incl. sign bit 12 - 16 bit incl. sign bit 엔코딩 타임 2, 5. . . 100 ms 0, 8 ms Ex (i) Namur / Ex(i) 자기진단 yes Configuring Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 13
Automation and Drives Point-to-point CP SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction Easy and flexible The CPUs Programming device, PC, computers Opto-electronics Robot controls The Modules Design, Installation Printer Communications and HMI Configuring Scanner, barcode reader, identification systems S 7 -300 n 1 / 2 인터페이스 76 kbit/s 통신 속도 지원 n RS 232 / 485 n 표준 혹은 사용자 프로토 콜 지원 Weighing systems, controllers SIMATIC S 5 and also PLCs from other manufacturers Pt. P CPs SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 14
Automation and Drives 랙 확장 SIMATIC S 7 -300 n 2 랙 확장 n The Modules --> 저 비용 설계 Design, Installation Communications and HMI n 4 랙 확장 n Up to 10 m 16 개 모듈 장착 The CPUs 32 개 모듈 장착 --> 유연한 설계 Configuring Expansion units Introduction Up to 10 m Central controller Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 15
Automation and Drives With S 7 -300 to all communication networks SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Data communication Communications and HMI Data and field communication Field communication Configuring SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 16
Automation and Drives S 7 - 300 특징 SIMATIC S 7 -300 종류의 Digital, Analog Module n 다양한 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation n고 기능의 작업을 위해 n n n Runtime software, Functions integrated in the CPU Function modules Application-specific solution for a wide variety of tasks Communications and HMI Configuring n Identical I/O modules for n n centralized configurations distributed configurations (ET 200 M) SIMATIC S 7 -300 Cost reduction for warehousing and logistics A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 17
Automation and Drives S 7 - 300 특징 SIMATIC S 7 -300 n Space-saving, Introduction The CPUs modular design without slot rules for compact machine controls The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI n Fanless operation without rotating parts Configuring n Versatile connection n systems Screw-type terminal system Spring-type terminal system Prefabricated (TOP Connect) SIMATIC S 7 -300 Reduced maintenance costs Less installation overhead A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 18
Automation and Drives S 7 - 300 특징 SIMATIC S 7 -300 n Efficient processing Introduction speed for short machine cycle times 0. 1 µs / binary instr. The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI n Graduated line of CPUsfrom the entry-level CPU to the high-capacity CPU Configuring n Communication via integrated interfaces n n MPI PROFIBUS-DP SIMATIC S 7 -300 Integration A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 19
Function Modules (FM) for all technologies SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI Automation and Drives The right choice when n. . . tasks have to be taken care of at top speed n. . . The very highest accuracy and reproducibilityare required n. . . Special sensors or actuators are required n. . . technological tasks require practical solutions Configuring Counting, measuring, cam control, positioning, closed-loop control Technology SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 20
Automation and Drives Test and diagnostics functions SIMATIC S 7 -300 n System diagnostics Fault diagnostics from CPU to I/O n internal CPU services (e. g. error message with time stamp) n Introduction The CPUs The Modules Increase Productivity Design, Installation Communications and HMI Configuring n Process Shorten Down Times SIMATIC S 7 -300 diagnostics Monitoring critical process signals at the program level n Simply assign parameters using S 7 -PDIAG and Pro. Agent n CPU generates messages automatically for S 7 HMI So that your service personnel can diagnose the problem sooner n A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 21
Automation and Drives 모듈라 시스템 SIMATIC S 7 -300 Introduction The CPUs The Modules Design, Installation Communications and HMI Configuring n Rugged, enclosed modules n Integrated, easy-to-connect backplane bus n High module density, up to 32 channels per module n Minimum mounting depthdue to recessed and covered connectors and plugs n Power supply modules in the case of AC mains connection for supplying the S 7 -300 and sensors/actuators Technical Slides SIMATIC S 7 -300 A&D AS SM 5, 03/2002 22