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Automated Metered Dose Inhaler Presented By Group 11: The “MDI Auto-Maniacs” Maria del Carmen Carrillo Jennifer B. Struble Loyrirk Temiyakarn
Background l What is a Metered Dose Inhaler? pocket-sized handheld inhaler n delivers standardized dose of medication for bronchodilation n l Who Uses Them? n l Patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Setting? Critical patients in hospitals n Prescriptions for outpatient or in-home use n
Problem Definition l Automatic Metered Dose Inhalant (MDI) delivery device: n Electromechanical, in-hospital inhalant drug delivery system n Patients are mechanically ventilated and sedated n Medication delivered automatically as prescribed electronically n Medication must be well shaken (homogenized with propellant)
Design Factors l l l Integration with existing endotracheal tubing Homogenization with propellant Delivery of medication into ventilation system Tubing length Synchronization of delivery with breathing Software/Automation n n User interface Prescription error checking
Project Status l Preliminary Research Complete n l Standard MDI Completed Research Endotracheal Tubing n Connectors n Ventilators n Types of Medication n l Continuing Research n Homogenizer
Working Design: Using Prefabricated Canisters l Integrated with existing tubing n l T connector Homogenize Vortexer n Phone Vibrator n Spring-Loaded Agitator n l Laptop-based prescription entry n Similar to error reduction system, Guardrails® Safety Software, in Alaris “Smart” IV Pump
Working Design: For Liquid Medication l Integrate with existing tubing n Ana. Con. Da™ l l Homogenize n n l Hudson RCI Not Needed Need evaporator and filters Automated n Genie Syringe Pump l Kent Scientific
Timeline l Completed Work n n Preliminary research Clearly defined design factors l l Through Innovation Workbench Current Work n Order more components to start building prototype l Tubing, Vibrator, Ana. Con. Da™ Testing distance were adequate dose is still administered through tubing n Building Model A n l Projected Timeline Meeting with local contact (Anna Ambrose) next week n Testing ~ First week of February n l n Model B ~ Second week of March l n n Implement corrections Software included Testing ~ End of March Final prototype ~ April
References l l l l http: //familydoctor. org/040. xml http: //www. medlineplus. com/ http: //www. alarismed. com/na/presskit_ bkgd. shtml http: //www. drgreene. com/21_1377. html http: //www. med. umich. edu/anes/tcpub/glossa ry/anesthesia_glossary-05. htm http: //www. rattus. com/catalogpagesearch 5 ak ent. asp? page=5 Hudson RCI. Ana. Con. Da™ Principles of Operation. 2003