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Acquired Bleeding Disorders M 2 Hematology/Oncology Sequence Steven Pipe, MD Winter 2009
Acquired Bleeding Disorders n n Can be a recognized manifestation of a known disorder or Can prompt a differential diagnosis to identify an underlying disease 4
Promoters and Inhibitors of Coagulation n Coagulation cascade n n Tissue factor (Extrinsic) Pathway Intrinsic Pathway Fibrinogen, Factor XIII and Fibrinolysis Inhibitors n n n Physiologic Acquired Therapeutic 5
PTT PT Mechanisms In Hematology Israel 6
7 Mechanisms In Hematology Israel
Protein C - Protein S System Mechanisms In Hematology Israel 8
9 Mechanisms In Hematology Israel
Acquired Bleeding Disorders associated with PT and a. PTT n Various Medical Conditions n n n n Anticoagulation Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Vitamin K Deficiency Liver Disease Massive Transfusion Dysfibrinogenemias Acquired Inhibitors to Factors V, II & X 10
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) n DIC is evidence for the simultaneous presence of: n n n thrombin(procoagulation) plasmin(fibrinolysis) Presentations: n n an acute hemorrhagic disorder an indolent, subacute thrombotic disorder 11
Primary Events in DIC Underlying Disorder Systemic Activation of Coagulation Widespread Intravascular Fibrin Deposition Thrombosis Consumption of Platelets and Clotting Factors Bleeding K. Mc. Inerny. American Academy of Pediatrics textbook of pediatric care. 2009 12
Pathophysiology of DIC Blue (dotted) indicates inhibitors of coagulation K. Mc. Inerny. American Academy of Pediatrics textbook of pediatric care. 2009 13
Etiology of DIC n Acute DIC n n n Infection: Gram -ve sepsis, viremia, parasitic Obstetric: Abruption, amniotic fluid embolism, eclampsia Malignancy: Acute promyelocytic leukemia Trauma: Crush injury, freshwater drowning, heat stroke, snakebite Other: Homozygous protein C and S deficiency (infants), severe liver disease, HIT Subacute DIC n n n Malignancy: mucinous adenocarcinoma (Trousseau syndrome) Obstetric: retained dead fetus Vascular: hemangioendothelioma (Kasabach-Merritt), venous thromboembolic disease, chronic renal failure 14
Post-varicella purpura fulminans De. Loughery, ASH Image Bank, 2004 15
Diagnosis of DIC n Screening tests: n n n Activated partial thromboplastin time (prolonged) Prothrombin time (prolonged) Fibrinogen (decreased) Platelet count (decreased) Confirmatory tests: n n D-dimer (elevated) Fibrin degradation products (elevated) 16
17 Mechanisms In Hematology Israel
Value of the D-dimer n Measure of D-dimers liberated from fibrin by action of plasmin n Evidence of prior thrombin activity followed by fibrinolysis Should be part of evaluation of DIC Also now an important screening and prognostic tool in venous thromboembolic disease n n Good positive predictive value for DVT and PE Very high negative predictive value Source: Wells et al. , NEJM, 2003; 349: 1227 -1235 Eichinger et al. , JAMA, 2003; 290: 1071 -1074 18
Treatment of DIC n Treat the underlying condition first! n n Antibiotics, surgery, chemotherapy, embolization disease-specific therapy n n Replacement therapy n n APML - all trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) Platelets, FFP, cryoprecipitate Heparin n May be useful in certain situations n Acral cyanosis and digital ischemia, purpura fulminans, retained dead fetus, migratory thrombophlebitis 19
Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia K. Mc. Inerny. American Academy of Pediatrics textbook of pediatric care. 2009 1. 2. Shistocyte Microcyte * Note absence of platelets 20
Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemias Pathophysiology • Hallmarks are red cell fragmentation (shistocytes, microcytes) on peripheral blood smear, often accompanied by thrombocytopenia • Intravascular hemolysis as red cells are damaged traversing small blood vessels with fibrin deposition or platelet aggregates – Can also occur in areas of high turbulence (eg. Aortic stenosis) • Red cell fragments are targeted for destruction in the reticuloendothelial system (eg. spleen) 21
Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemias Differential Diagnosis • • Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) Malignant hypertension Aortic stenosis HELLP syndrome and eclampsia Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Severe glomerulonephritis 22
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura n Classic pentad: n n n Most cases in adults are caused by acquired autoantibodies that inhibit ADAMTS 13, a metalloprotease that cleaves v. WF within platelet-rich thrombi n n Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia Thrombocytopenia Renal involvement Neurologic signs Fever Congenital form (Upshaw-Schulman syndrome) is the result of a deficiency of ADAMTS 13 Treatment is plasma exchange +/- immunosuppression 23
Pathogenesis of Idiopathic TTP caused by ADAMTS 13 Deficiency Sadler, J. E. Blood 2008; 112: 11 -18 24
DIC vs TTP Abnormality DIC TTP Abnormal PT/PTT Y N Hemolysis Y Y Thrombocytopenia Y Y Abnormal Renal Tests N Y Source Undetermined 25
Acquired Bleeding Disorders associated with PT and a. PTT n Various Medical Conditions n n n n Anticoagulation Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Vitamin K Deficiency Liver Disease Massive Transfusion Dysfibrinogenemias Acquired Inhibitors to Factors V, II & X 26
Vitamin K deficiency n n n Vitamin K cycle Mechanisms of Vitamin K deficiency Warfarin action 27
28 Mechanisms In Hematology Israel
Mechanisms of Vitamin K deficiency n Nutritional depletion n n Antibiotic administration n n Alcoholics, long-term IV nutrition Interfere with bacteria synthesis and absorption Warfarin n Inhibition of epoxide reductase and (to a lesser degree) quinone reductase 29
Liver Disease n n n Liver synthesizes and clears both procoagulants and inhibitors Paradoxically factor VIII is often elevated n Likely due to decreased clearance Reduced factor V helps distinguish liver synthetic dysfunction from vitamin K deficiency Fibrinogen the last to fall Structural manifestations of liver disease contribute to bleeding n Portal hypertension, varices, gastritis, hemorrhoids 30
Massive Transfusion n n Defined as transfusion of more than 1. 5 times the patient’s blood volume in 24 h Acquired coagulopathy results from dilution of plasma and platelets and excess anticoagulant n n 10% of transfusion is anticoagulant Prevention: n Administer 1 unit FFP and calcium chloride for every 4 -6 units PRBC’s 31
Other uncommon acquired coagulation protein defects n Dysfibrinogenemia n n n Inhibitors to X, V, II and fibrinogen Hypergammaglobulinemia n n n Decreased factor X or IX Heparinoids n n Multiple myeloma (Ig. G) Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (Ig. M) Systemic amyloidosis n n Acquired liver disease (Et. OH, immunologic, toxic, viral) Heparin-like anticoagulants produced in patients with an underlying malignancy Factitious n Self-administered heparin/warfarin 32
Acquired bleeding disorders associated with prolonged a. PTT only n Inhibitors to factor VIII n n n Elderly, post-partum, connective tissue disorder, B cell malignancy Prolonged a. PTT but normal PT Skin ecchymoses and tissue hematomas Respond to immunosuppressive therapy “bypassing agents” to treat bleeding n n n Activated prothrombin complex concentrates Recombinant factor VIIa (Novoseven) Prognosis generally favorable 33
Additional Source Information for more information see: http: //open. umich. edu/wiki/Citation. Policy Slide 6: Mechanisms In Hematology Israel Slide 7: Mechanisms In Hematology Israel Slide 8: Mechanisms In Hematology Israel Slide 9: Mechanisms In Hematology Israel Slide 12: K. Mc. Inerny. American Academy of Pediatrics textbook of pediatric care. 2009 – From the chapter “Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation” Slide 13: K. Mc. Inerny. American Academy of Pediatrics textbook of pediatric care. 2009 – From the chapter “Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation” Slide 15: De. Loughery, ASH Image Bank, 2004 Slide 17: Steven Pipe Slide 20: K. Mc. Inerny. American Academy of Pediatrics textbook of pediatric care. 2009 – From the chapter “Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation” Slide 24: Sadler, J. E. Blood 2008; 112: 11 -18, http: //bloodjournal. hematologylibrary. org/cgi/content/full/112/1/11/F 2, 2008 American Society of Hematology Slide 25: Source Undetermined Slide 28: Mechanisms In Hematology Israel