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Australian english Australian english

 In fact, it is the result of the merger and the evolution of In fact, it is the result of the merger and the evolution of different dialects, colloquialisms and slang of the first settlers of Australia. "The biggest difference between the two options of English - accent. Australians and New Zealanders have particular pronunciation, which is very different from the British pronunciation, "- says Nasser Ameri, Deputy Director Training Center British Council.

 Conventionally, there are three main dialects, which Australian people use. Conventionally, there are three main dialects, which Australian people use.

Cultivated. This dialect is used by about 10% of the Australian population. This one Cultivated. This dialect is used by about 10% of the Australian population. This one is the most similar to British English. Often, this dialect is seen like unnatural British English.

Broad. This dialect is used by about 30% of the Australian population. This dialect Broad. This dialect is used by about 30% of the Australian population. This dialect got the informal name Strine. All the people, who use this dialect, the Australians call Ocker (eng. "Ocker").

General. It is spoken by most of the Australians. It combines the features of General. It is spoken by most of the Australians. It combines the features of different dialects.

Spelling. In regards to spelling, Australia uses a mix of American and British spelt Spelling. In regards to spelling, Australia uses a mix of American and British spelt words. As a general rule, words less than five letters tend to be spelt in the British style while those over five letters are more likely to be American. Some of the politics involved were illustrated in the spelling of labour. The Australian Labor Party adopted American spelling in the early 20 th century in order to associate itself with American libertarian ideals. While using American spelling for the Labor Party is acceptable, British spelling for the act of labour is expected due to fears of an American cultural colonisation of Australia. American spelling for words like "organization" is more common than British "organisation", probably because it makes more sense to spell a z sound with the letter z and words over 5 letters are too complicated for some Australians to worry about where it came from.

Grammar. Like spelling, Australian grammar is a mix of British and American English. In Grammar. Like spelling, Australian grammar is a mix of British and American English. In Britain, collective nouns are usually defined as plural. For example, the British would say, "The couple are happy. " American grammar is more pattern orientated so a noun is defined as plural when it has an s. For example, Americans would say, "The couple is happy" (singular) but "The two cowboys are happy. " In Australia, there isn’t sufficient knowledge of grammar to reject either British or American tradition so both have become standard as a result of American television and American computer grammar checks mixing with traditional British instruction.

Some tips for those, who want to immigrate to Australia. 1. Try to avoid Some tips for those, who want to immigrate to Australia. 1. Try to avoid terminology. The simpler you speak, the better. 2. Speak a bit faster, than you used to speak in English. Long words don’t really seem long there, last few sounds can be even missed. 3. Try to speak “into your nose”. 4. Try to be lazy when speaking. Example: Air conditioner sounds like egg nishner in Australia.

Feedback. Now you have translate the australian phrases into the british ones. Feedback. Now you have translate the australian phrases into the british ones.