Attribute - is part of the sentence, which means a sign subject complement or clarify its meaning. The definition in the English language answers the question "what? whose? which? "etc.
What has been the definition in the English language? List of parts of speech and verbal, which can express the definition in the English language has about ten positions. So, we extend the definition:
Adjective: Yesterday I had a strong toothache. – Вчера у меня была сильная зубная боль (сильно болел зуб). A pretty, well-dressed young lady stopped a taxi in a big square. – Симпатичная элегантная молодая женщина остановила такси на большой площади.
Communion (and participial) The discussed question is very important. – Обсуждаемый вопрос очень важен. Look at that walking man! He looks strange! – Посмотри на этого идущего мужчину! Он выглядит странно! Where are the goods bought at the auction yesterday? – Где товары, купленные вчера на аукционе?
Numeral: Her office is on the fortieth floor. – Ее офис на сороковом этаже. Twenty kilos of gold were found in Alaska. – Двадцать килограмм золота было найдено на Аляске.
Pronoun: There isn’t any juice left in the carafe. – В графине не осталось сока. Are you satisfied with your marks? – Ты доволен своими оценками?
Noun: Can you write business letters? – Ты умеешь писать деловые письма? My neighbours’ dogs are barking all the nights. – Собаки моих соседей лают по ночам.
Infinitive: It was a pleasure to discuss this matter with you. – Было приятно обсудить это дело с вами. I had a dream to become an interpreter. – У меня была мечта стать переводчиком.
Gerund with a preposition: I know five ways of getting acquainted with men. – Я знаю пять способов знакомства с мужчинами. My sister hates the idea of borrowing money. – Моя сестра ненавидит одалживать деньги.
Adverb: The room above is spacious. – Комната наверху просторная. The woman there is my employer. – Вон та женщина – мой работодатель.
Permanent location of the definition does not, but, depending on the method of its expression can be placed in front of the head word, and after. If we have the determination expressed by the adjective, his place - in front of the head word. This picture represents clouds floating over a sullen sea. – На этой картине представлены облака, плывущие над мрачным морем.
If, however, as the definition of the noun use two or more adjectives, closest to the head word is placed, which is more closely related to it in meaning. It was a hot summer day. – Был жаркий летний день.
In the adjective may be carrying the explanatory words. In this case, we place the determination after the defined noun. My client bought some vitamin tablets necessary for health. – Моя клиентка купила витамины в таблетках, необходимые для здоровья.
Adjective can refer to any pronoun, which I mentioned earlier. In this case, we put the definition after such pronouns. Would you like me to show you something unusual? – Хотел бы ты, чтобы я показал тебе кое-что необычное?
If our definition of communion expressed, numerals, pronouns, noun (plural nouns in general without an excuse, and possessive), it is also placed in front of the head word. For example: The scared man couldn’t move. – Напуганный мужчины не мог двигаться. On the third day of my vacation I set off on a journey. – На третий день моего отпуска я отправилась в путешествие.
Finally, we put the definition in the English language after the word it, if the definition is expressed participial, a noun with a preposition, infinitive or gerund with a preposition. For example: The chest of drawers made by my father was left in our old apartment. – Комод, сделанный моим отцом, был оставлен в нашей старой квартире.