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Attack Methods Chapter 4 Corporate IT Security Copyright 2002 Prentice-Hall Attack Methods Chapter 4 Corporate IT Security Copyright 2002 Prentice-Hall

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Unobtrusive Information Collection ¡ Do Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Unobtrusive Information Collection ¡ Do research before sending any packets into the network n Use in social engineering attacks n Use as background for packet attacks ¡ Corporate website ¡ Trade press (often online and searchable) ¡ Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) web-enabled Internet financial database (Figure 4 -2) 2

Figure 4 -2: Securities and Exchange Commission's Edgar Service 3 Figure 4 -2: Securities and Exchange Commission's Edgar Service 3

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Unobtrusive Information Collection ¡ Whois Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Unobtrusive Information Collection ¡ Whois database (Figure 4 -3) n Information about responsible person n Information about IP addresses of DNS servers, to find firm’s IP address block n Easy if assigned a classful address block (Figure 4 -4) n Difficult is CIDR address block or a block of ISP addresses 4

Figure 4 -3: Whois Entry for Pukanui. Com (from www. netsol. com) n Registrant: Figure 4 -3: Whois Entry for Pukanui. Com (from www. netsol. com) n Registrant: Panko, Ray (PUKANUI-DOM) 1000 Pukanui St. Honolulu, HI 96821 US n Domain Name: PUKANUI. COM n Administrative Contact: Panko, Ray (RP 17477) n n n Ray@Panko. com n n n 1000 Pukanui St. Honolulu, HI 96821 US (808) 956 -8111 5

Figure 4 -3: Whois Entry for Pukanui. Com (from www. netsol. com) n n Figure 4 -3: Whois Entry for Pukanui. Com (from www. netsol. com) n n n Registrant: Technical Contact: Veri. Sign, Inc. (HOST-ORG) namehost@WORLDNIC. NET Veri. Sign, Inc. 21355 Ridgetop Circle Dulles, VA 20166 US 1 -888 -642 -9675 fax: - namehost@worldnic. net Record expires on 07 -Jul-2003 Record created on 07 -Jul-2001 Database last updated on 7 -Jun-2002 15: 07: 22 EDT. n DNS Servers Domain servers in listed order: n n n NS 76. WORLDNIC. COM NS 75. WORLDNIC. COM 216. 168. 225. 215 6

Figure 4 -4: Classful IP Address Allocations Class Initial IP Address in Class Last Figure 4 -4: Classful IP Address Allocations Class Initial IP Address in Class Last IP Address in Class A 0. 0. 0. 1 127. 255. 254 8 16, 777, 214 B 128. 0. 0. 1 191. 255. 254 16 65, 534 C 192. 0. 0. 1 223. 255. 254 24 254 n Size or Network Part Addresses in Block Allocated to Firm Example ¡ ¡ Suppose DNS server is 128. 171. 17. 1 Must be a Class B address block (from table lookup) Therefore, the network part is 16 bits: 128. 171 Address block must be 128. 171. 0. 1 to 128. 171. 255. 254 7

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n IP Address Spoofing (Figure 3 Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n IP Address Spoofing (Figure 3 -17) ¡ Put false IP addresses in outgoing attack packets n Attacker is blind to replies ¡ Use series of attack platforms (Figure 4 -5) 8

Figure 4 -5: Using a Chain of Attack Hosts Allows Reading of Replies Without Figure 4 -5: Using a Chain of Attack Hosts Allows Reading of Replies Without Exposing Attacker Replies Attacker 1. 4. 5. 6 Victim 60. 77. 8. 32 Attack Compromised Host 123. 67. 8. 23 Compromised Host 123. 67. 33. 4 9

Figure 4 -5: Using a Chain of Attack Hosts Attacker 1. 4. 5. 6 Figure 4 -5: Using a Chain of Attack Hosts Attacker 1. 4. 5. 6 Subsequent Trace Back Successful Connection Broken Compromised Host 123. 67. 8. 23 Victim 60. 77. 8. 32 Compromised Host 123. 67. 33. 4 10

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Host Scanning ¡ To identify Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Host Scanning ¡ To identify IP addresses of potential victims ¡ Ping individual hosts (Figure 4 -6) ¡ Ping all IP addresses in block for live IP addresses (Figure 4 -7) 11

Figure 4 -6: Ping at the Windows Command Prompt 12 Figure 4 -6: Ping at the Windows Command Prompt 12

Figure 4 -7: Ping Scanning With Ping Sweep 13 Figure 4 -7: Ping Scanning With Ping Sweep 13

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Host Scanning ¡ Ping often Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Host Scanning ¡ Ping often is blocked by firewalls ¡ Send TCP SYN/ACK to generate RST segments (Figure 4 -8) n ¡ These are carried in IP packets that reveal the potential victim’s IP address Other RST-generating attacks (SYN/FIN segments) 14

Figure 4 -8: TCP SYN/ACK Host Scanning Attack 15 Figure 4 -8: TCP SYN/ACK Host Scanning Attack 15

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Network Scanning ¡ ¡ n Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Network Scanning ¡ ¡ n To learn about router organization in a network Send Traceroute messages (Tracert in Windows systems) Port Scanning ¡ Most break-ins exploit specific services n For instance, IIS webservers n Services listen for connections on specific TCP or UDP ports (HTTP=80) 16

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Port Scanning ¡ ¡ May Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Port Scanning ¡ ¡ May scan for all well-known TCP ports (1024) and all wellknown UDP ports (1024) ¡ Or may scan more selectively ¡ n Scan servers for open ports (Figure 4 -9) n Send SYN segments to a particular port number n Observe SYN/ACK or reset (RST) responses Scan clients for Windows file sharing ports (135 -139) Stealth scanning ¡ Scan fewer systems and ports and/or scan more slowly to avoid detection 17

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Fingerprinting ¡ Identify a particular Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Fingerprinting ¡ Identify a particular operating system or application program and (if possible) version n n For example, BSD LINUX 4. 2 n ¡ For example, Microsoft Windows 2000 Server For example, Microsoft IIS 5. 0 Useful because most exploits are specific to particular programs or versions 18

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Fingerprinting ¡ Active fingerprinting n Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Fingerprinting ¡ Active fingerprinting n Send odd messages and observe replies n Different operating systems and application programs respond differently n Odd packets may set off alarms 19

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Fingerprinting ¡ Passive fingerprinting n Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n Fingerprinting ¡ Passive fingerprinting n Read packets and look at parameters (TTL, window size, etc. ) ¡ ¡ n If TTL is 113, probably originally 128. Windows 9 X, NT 4. 0, 2000, or Novell Net. Ware Window size field is 18, 000. Must be Windows 2000 Server Less precise than active fingerprinting 20

Figure 4 -9: NMAP Port Scanning and Operating Systems Fingerprinting 21 Figure 4 -9: NMAP Port Scanning and Operating Systems Fingerprinting 21

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n The Break-In ¡ Password Guessing Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n The Break-In ¡ Password Guessing n Seldom works because attacker is locked our after a few guesses ¡ Exploits that take advantage of known vulnerabilities that have not been patched n Exploits are easy to use n Frequently effective n The most common break-in approach today Session hijacking (Figure 4 -10) ¡ n Take over an existing TCP communication session n Difficult to do (must guess TCP sequence numbers), so not commonly done 22

Figure 4 -10: Session Hijacking 23 Figure 4 -10: Session Hijacking 23

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n After the Break-In ¡ Install Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n After the Break-In ¡ Install rootkit n Usually downloaded through trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) ¡ Erase audit logs ¡ Create backdoors for reentry if original hacking vulnerability is fixed n Backdoor accounts n Trojanized programs that permit reentry 24

Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n After the Break-In ¡ Weaken Figure 4 -1: Targeted System Penetration (Break-In Attacks) n After the Break-In ¡ Weaken security ¡ Unfettered access to steal information ¡ Install victimization software n Keystroke capture programs n Spyware n Remote Administration Trojans (RATs) n Attack software to use against other hosts 25

Figure 4 -11: Denial-of-Service (Do. S) Attacks n Introduction ¡ ¡ n Attack on Figure 4 -11: Denial-of-Service (Do. S) Attacks n Introduction ¡ ¡ n Attack on availability Act of vandalism Single-Message Do. S Attacks ¡ Crash a host with a single attack packet ¡ Examples: Ping-of-Death, Teardrop, and LAND ¡ Send unusual combination for which developers did not test 26

Figure 4 -11: Denial-of-Service (Do. S) Attacks n Flooding Denial-of-Service Attacks ¡ SYN flooding Figure 4 -11: Denial-of-Service (Do. S) Attacks n Flooding Denial-of-Service Attacks ¡ SYN flooding (Figure 4 -12) n Try to open many connections with SYN segments n Victim must prepare to work with many connections n Victim crashes if runs out of resources; at least slows down n More expensive for the victim than the attacker 27

Figure 4 -12: SYN Flooding Do. S Attack SYN Attacker 1. 34. 150. 37 Figure 4 -12: SYN Flooding Do. S Attack SYN Attacker 1. 34. 150. 37 SYN SYN Attacker Sends Flood of SYN Segments Victim Sets Aside Resources for Each Victim Crashes or Victim Becomes Too Overloaded to Respond to the SYNs from Legitimate Uses Victim 60. 168. 47 28

Figure 4 -13: Smurf Flooding Do. S Attack “Innocent” Firm Echo Attacker 1. 34. Figure 4 -13: Smurf Flooding Do. S Attack “Innocent” Firm Echo Attacker 1. 34. 150. 37 4. Echo Replies 1. Single ICMP Echo Message Source IP: 60. 168. 47 (Victim) Destination IP: Broadcast Victim 60. 168. 47 2. Router with Broadcasting Enabled 3. Broadcast Echo Message 29

Figure 4 -14: Distributed Denial-of. Service (DDo. S) Attack Command Handler Attack Command Zombie Figure 4 -14: Distributed Denial-of. Service (DDo. S) Attack Command Handler Attack Command Zombie Attack Packet Attacker 1. 34. 150. 37 Attack Packet Attack Command Victim 60. 168. 47 Zombie Attack Packet Attack Command Handler Zombie 30

Figure 4 -11: Denial-of-Service (Do. S) Attacks n Stopping Do. S Attacks ¡ Ingress Figure 4 -11: Denial-of-Service (Do. S) Attacks n Stopping Do. S Attacks ¡ Ingress filtering to stop attack packets (Figure 414) ¡ Limited ability of ingress filtering because link to ISP might become overloaded ¡ Egress filtering by attacker’s company or ISP ¡ Requires cooperating from attacker’s company or ISP ¡ Requires a community response; victim cannot do it alone 31

Figure 4 -15: The Difficulty of Stopping Do. S Attacks Border Firewall Site 2. Figure 4 -15: The Difficulty of Stopping Do. S Attacks Border Firewall Site 2. Attack Packets Blocked But 3. Legitimate Packets Cannot Get Through Attack packets 1. ISP Access Line Saturated by Attack Packets 4. Attacks Must Be Stopped on the Internet ISP Internet Backbone 5. Other Companies Must Harden Hosts So They Are Not Compromised and Used in Attacks 32

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Malware: Malicious software n Essentially an automated Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Malware: Malicious software n Essentially an automated attack robot capable of doing much damage n Usually target-of-opportunity attacks 33

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Types of malware ¡ Viruses: infect files Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Types of malware ¡ Viruses: infect files or system sectors on disk n Attach themselves to executable programs or to disk system sectors (mostly the former) n Infected file must be executed for virus to be able to work ¡ Worms: propagate by themselves between hosts ¡ Payloads n Malicious: designed to do damage n “Benign” may do damage accidentally 34

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Types of malware ¡ Active Content in Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Types of malware ¡ Active Content in Webpages, HTML E-Mail Bodies n HTML scripts or small programs (applets) n Attack directly when clicked on or download a malicious program n User can turn off active content execution, but webpage functionality will be reduced ¡ Non-mobile malware n Trojan horses, etc. 35

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Types of malware ¡ Blended threats combine Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Types of malware ¡ Blended threats combine attack vectors and after-attack damage tools n Propagate in multiple ways: as viruses, worms and active content n Afterward, do damage directly, and download non-mobile attack programs 36

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Viruses ¡ Executable versus macro viruses n Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Viruses ¡ Executable versus macro viruses n n ¡ Executable viruses attach to executable programs (traditional) Macro viruses attach as macros (series of commands) to data file; executed when file is opened Propagation vectors n Exchange floppy disks (rare) 37

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Viruses ¡ Propagation vectors n E-mail attachments Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Viruses ¡ Propagation vectors n E-mail attachments ¡ E-mail offers easy attachment delivery ¡ 90% of viruses spread via e-mail attachments today ¡ An epidemic: virus in every 200 to 400 email messages ¡ Some users open attachments from people they trust 38

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Viruses ¡ Propagation vectors n E-mail attachments Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Viruses ¡ Propagation vectors n E-mail attachments ¡ But good people get viruses ¡ Viruses send e-mail pretending to be coming from victim ¡ Should open e-mail attachments only if specifically expected and still scan with updated virus program ¡ HTML bodies may execute malware automatically 39

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Viruses ¡ Propagation vectors n IRC and Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Viruses ¡ Propagation vectors n IRC and instant messaging (IM) n FTP and website downloads 40

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Location for Filtering n Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Location for Filtering n On clients (often disabled by users) n On mail servers (does not require user compliance) n Outsourced e-mail scanning outside the firm (advantages of scale and experience) 41

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Scanning Method n Signature Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Scanning Method n Signature scanning (characteristic sequence of commands for a particular virus) ¡ n Dominant scanning method today Behavioral scanning (what the virus tries to do, for instance reformat the hard drive) ¡ Can stop new viruses and worms ¡ Many false alarms and misses 42

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Two nightmares for antivirus Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Two nightmares for antivirus professionals n Flash viruses that spread too rapidly for signatures to be developed ¡ Not a theoretical concern. In 2001, Nimda became the most widespread Internet virus/worm within 22 minutes! ¡ Behavioral scanning and outsourcing firms that see many instances quickly will become important 43

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Two nightmares for antivirus Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Two nightmares for antivirus professionals n Metamorphic viruses ¡ Instead of placing their code at the end of the infected file, they place it throughout the file ¡ Might make signature detection inaccurate ¡ Might make signature detection too slow to be workable 44

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Recovery n Detection and Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Recovery n Detection and Identification n Repair ¡ Go to the antivirus vendor’s website ¡ Malware-specific repair program or manual procedure 45

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Recovery n Repair ¡ Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Antivirus Protection ¡ Recovery n Repair ¡ Often, infected programs must be reinstalledsometimes the entire operating system ¡ Some or all data since the last backup might be lost ¡ If damage to data files took place over a period of time, a company might not know when its last clean backup was ¡ Extremely time consuming 46

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Nimda Worm of 2001 ¡ Highly sophisticated Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Nimda Worm of 2001 ¡ Highly sophisticated blended threat ¡ Spread by infected clients infecting other clients n Spread by sending e-mail in client’s name (often accepted because receivers recognize and trust the name) n Spread by open file shares on client 47

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Nimda Worm of 2001 ¡ Spread by Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Nimda Worm of 2001 ¡ Spread by infected clients infecting webservers n Client scanning for IIS webservers almost constitutes a Do. S attack n Client infects IIS webserver through backdoors left by previous viruses and worm n Client infects IIS webserver through unpatched directory traversal vulnerability 48

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Nimda Worm ¡ Spread by IIS webserver Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n Nimda Worm ¡ Spread by IIS webserver infecting clients with malicious links, often executed automatically when the page is downloaded ¡ Trojanizes various files so they are difficult to find and clean out ¡ Multiple propagation vectors allowed Nimda to become the Internet’s most widespread virus/worm within 22 minutes 49

Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n My. Doom Worm (2004) ¡ ¡ ¡ Figure 4 -16: Malicious Software (Malware) n My. Doom Worm (2004) ¡ ¡ ¡ mass-mailing worm selects from a list of email subjects, message bodies, and attachment file names for its email messages. It spoofs the sender name of its messages so that they appear to have been sent by different users instead of the actual users on infected machines. can also propagate through the Kazaa peer-to-peer filesharing network performs a denial of service (Do. S) attack against the software business site www. sco. com runs a backdoor component, which it drops as the file SHIMGAPI. DLL. The backdoor component opens port 3127 to 3198 to allow remote users to access and manipulate infected systems One in nine emails infected within the first week 50