Скачать презентацию ATLAS Workshop May 15 -16 ANL ATLAS Multi-User Скачать презентацию ATLAS Workshop May 15 -16 ANL ATLAS Multi-User


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ATLAS Workshop, May 15 -16, ANL ATLAS Multi-User Potential P. N. Ostroumov B. Mustapha, ATLAS Workshop, May 15 -16, ANL ATLAS Multi-User Potential P. N. Ostroumov B. Mustapha, A. Perry (IIT), M. Fraser (CERN) – Beam optics and hardware design S. A. Kondrashev, C. Dickerson, R. Vondrasek – EBIS development May 15, 2014

Motivations § The issue: In the past 2 years, the requested experimental beam time Motivations § The issue: In the past 2 years, the requested experimental beam time significantly exceeded the 5000 -5500 hours that ATLAS can deliver yearly. With CARIBU online, the demand for beam time may double. § The solution: Develop and implement a system for the delivery of stable and radioactive beams to 2 or 3 experiments simultaneously. § The upgrade could be performed in three stages ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 2

Stage I of the ATLAS Multi-User Upgrade § Will allow: – The simultaneous acceleration Stage I of the ATLAS Multi-User Upgrade § Will allow: – The simultaneous acceleration of two beams – One stable from ATLAS-ECR and one radioactive from CARIBU-EBIS – One to the Booster energy and one to the full ATLAS energy § Will require – – Replacing the ECR charge breeder with the newly developed EBIS breeder Building an achromatic LEBT upstream of the RFQ Building a pulsed switchyard for one beam extraction at the end of Booster Relocating and installing an existing ECR as a second source for stable beams ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 3

EBIS: A Key Component of ATLAS Multi-User Upgrade § Will be installed on-line in EBIS: A Key Component of ATLAS Multi-User Upgrade § Will be installed on-line in 2015, replaces ECR charge breeder ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 4

EBIS Charge Breeder: Successful Off-line Commissioning ü Measured Cs transmission efficiency: 55 ± 5 EBIS Charge Breeder: Successful Off-line Commissioning ü Measured Cs transmission efficiency: 55 ± 5 % ~ 13% breeding efficiency into a single charge state ü Will be ready for online installation at CARIBU in 2015 – already funded ü Will enhance both the intensity and purity of CARIBU beams ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 5

Time Structure of CARIBU-EBIS and ATLAS-ECR Beams Radioactive ions from CARIBU-EBIS t Up to Time Structure of CARIBU-EBIS and ATLAS-ECR Beams Radioactive ions from CARIBU-EBIS t Up to 3% Duty Factor Stable ions from ATLAS-ECR t 96 % Duty Factor Combined beam structure t ü ü ü ü EBIS beam is ~ 10 μs to 1 ms pulse with 30 Hz repetition rate < 3 % DF DC beam from ECR could be injected into ATLAS in the remaining 97% DF CARIBU Beam masses range from 80 to 170 with Z ranging from 30 to 70 The highest charge-to-mass ratio they could be ionized to is 1/4. ATLAS accelerates any beam with a charge-to-mass ratio > 1/7 The useful charge-to-mass ratio range for the multi-user capability is 1/7 to 1/4 If EBIS is operated at 10 Hz, higher q/A 1/3 can be achieved ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 6

Stage I: Modify Injection to combine two beams CARIBU Second ECR-2 EBIS replacing ECR-1 Stage I: Modify Injection to combine two beams CARIBU Second ECR-2 EBIS replacing ECR-1 charge breeder Pulsed E-Deflector RFQ Achromatic LEBT PII ü New achromatic LEBT to transport beams of slightly different q/A ü Pulsed electrostatic deflector to combine stable beam from ECR and RIB from EBIS ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 7

Stage I: More Examples of Possible Simultaneous Beams Q/A is within 1% for Each Stage I: More Examples of Possible Simultaneous Beams Q/A is within 1% for Each Raw Q/A Stable ATLAS beams CARIBU beams 0. 25000 20 Ne 5+, 28 Si 7+, 36 Ar 9+ 84 Se 21+, 88 Kr 22+, 92 Sr 23+, 101 Mo 25+, 105 Ru 26+ 0. 24138 58 Ni 14+ 83 As 20+, 95 Y 23+, 104 Tc 25+, 112 Pd 27+, 117 Cd 28+ 0. 24000 50 Ti 12+ 88 Br 21+, 91 Rb 22+, 101 Zr 24+, 105 Ru 25+, 117 Cd 28+ 0. 23809 63 Cu 15+ 89 Rb 21+, 97 Sr 23+, 105 Mo 25+, 109 Rh 26+, 113 Ag 27+ 0. 23596 89 Y 21+ 89 Kr 21+, 97 Sr 23+, 102 Zr 24+, 111 Rh 26+, 119 Cd 28+ 0. 23214 56 Fe 13+ 94 Kr 22+, 100 Sr 23+, 113 Rh 26+, 126 Sn 29+, 143 Ce 33+ 0. 22917 48 Ti 11+, 74 Ge 17+ 92 Kr 21+, 105 Nb 24+, 109 Tc 25+, 119 Pd 27+, 149 Nd 34+ 0. 22857 35 Cl 8+ 100 Y 23+, 109 Tc 25+, 127 Sn 29+, 132 I 30+, 159 Gd 36+ 0. 22500 40 Ca 9+, 102 Ru 23+, 120 Sn 27+ 89 Br 20+, 112 Rh 25+, 139 Xe 31+, 157 Sm 35+, 156 Eu 35+ 0. 22368 76 Ge 17+ 90 Br 20+, 99 Sr 22+, 135 Te 30+, 128 Cs 31+, 161 Gd 36+ 0. 22034 59 Co 13+ 91 Rb 20+, 105 Zr 23+, 123 Cd 27+, 131 Te 29+, 146 Pr 32+ 0. 20513 78 Kr 16+ 93 Y 19+, 102 Mo 21+, 132 Sn 27+, 141 I 29+, 162 Eu 34+ 0. 20408 98 Mo 20+ 98 Sr 20+, 108 Mo 22+, 117 Pd 24+, 136 Sb 28+, 161 Sm 33+ 0. 20312 64 Zn 13+ 83 Se 17+, 93 Y 19+, 117 Ag 24+, 132 I 27+, 166 Tb 34+ ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 8

Stage I More Examples of Possible Simultaneous Beams (2) Q/A Stable ATLAS beams CARIBU Stage I More Examples of Possible Simultaneous Beams (2) Q/A Stable ATLAS beams CARIBU beams 0. 20000 40 Ar 8+, 60 Ni 12+, 90 Zr 18+, 130 Te 26+ 85 Se 17+, 110 Mo 22+, 124 In 25+, 141 I 28+, 159 Pm 32+ 0. 18939 132 Xe 25+ 105 Ru 20+, 126 In 24+, 137 I 26+, 153 Pr 29+, 165 Tb 31+ 0. 17968 128 Xe 23+ 95 Y 17+, 105 Tc 19+, 134 Sn 24+, 144 Xe 26+, 149 La 27+ 0. 17857 84 Kr 15+ 100 Nb 18+, 111 Tc 20+, 117 Cd 21+, 141 Xe 25+, 147 La 26+ 0. 17721 79 Br 14+, 107 Ag 19+ 96 Rb 17+, 107 Nb 19+, 119 Cd 21+, 135 Te 24+, 151 Nd 27+ 0. 17500 80 Se 14+ 91 Kr 16+, 97 Zr 17+, 109 Ru 19+, 131 Sb 23+, 143 Ba 25+ 0. 15546 238 U 37+ 83 Se 13+, 90 Kr 14+, 97 Sr 15+, 103 Zr 16+, 141 I 22+ 0. 15116 86 Kr 13+ 86 Se 13+, 92 Rb 22+, 100 Sr 23+, 105 Zr 24+, 106 Nb 24+ 0. 15000 180 Hf 27+ 87 Br 13+, 94 Kr 14+, 100 Sr 15+, 101 Y 15+, 107 Nb 16+ 0. 14904 208 Pb 31+ 88 Se 13+, 88 Br 13+, 94 Rb 14+, 100 Y 15+, 107 Nb 16+ 0. 14832 209 Bi 31+ 87 Se 13+, 87 Br 13+, 95 Rb 14+, 102 Y 15+, 108 Nb 16+ 0. 14721 197 Au 29+ 89 Se 13+, 89 Br 13+, 95 Rb 14+, 102 Y 15+, 108 Nb 16+ 0. 14286 133 Cs 19+ ATLAS Multi-User Potential 84 As 12+, 98 Rb 14+, … ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 9

ATLAS as a Multi-User Facility, Stage I § Area II, ~ 6 Me. V/u ATLAS as a Multi-User Facility, Stage I § Area II, ~ 6 Me. V/u ion beam § (9 -15) Me. V/u beam to Area III or IV ECR ATLAS Multi-User Potential Pulsed switchyard ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2014 10

Stage I Example: Detailed start-to-end 3 D beam dynamics simulations 132 Sn 27+ from Stage I Example: Detailed start-to-end 3 D beam dynamics simulations 132 Sn 27+ from EBIS and 48 Ca 10+ from ECR 48 Ca 10+ at 5. 9 Me. V/u extracted and sent to Area II 132 Sn 27+ at 5. 9 Me. V/u injected into ATLAS 132 Sn 27+ at 10 Me. V/u out of ATLAS to Areas III or IV ATLAS Multi-User Potential Heavy-Ion Discussion Group May 8, 2013 11

Stage I: Schedule and Funding § Schedule – Could be completed in two years Stage I: Schedule and Funding § Schedule – Could be completed in two years from now – EBIS installation will take 3 months and is scheduled for next year. It will not interrupt ATLAS operations with stable beams – Installation and commissioning of the achromatic LEBT and pulsed switchyard can take 2 -3 months and can be done during ATLAS scheduled shutdown – This installation schedule is based on our experience with the recent ATLAS upgrades: LEBT modification, RFQ installation and Booster upgrade. – If the project starts in 2015, the completion is most likely in 2017 § Funding: – The EBIS installation is funded by Accelerator Improvement funds (AIP) – Relocation of the existing ECR is partially funded by ATLAS Capital Equipment funds – New funding is required for a building extension to house the second ECR- $0. 6 M, achromatic LEBT and switchyard - ~$1 M – Total required funding is ~ $2 M ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2014 12

Stage II of the ATLAS Multi-User Upgrade § Will allow: – Simultaneous acceleration of Stage II of the ATLAS Multi-User Upgrade § Will allow: – Simultaneous acceleration of two beams (one stable and one radioactive) to the full energy of ATLAS – The acceleration of higher intensity stable beams to the full ATLAS energy Higher intensity radioactive beams from AIRIS (see C. Hoffman’s Talk) § Will require – Replacing the three old split-ring cryostats with two new QWR cryostats, one 72 MHz (intensity upgrade) and one 109 MHz (energy upgrade). – Upgrading the existing 109 MHz cryomodule with an additional cavity and replacing VCX tuners to allow 3 MV voltage operation – Modifying the 40 -deg bend to be achromatic – Reconfiguring the shielding to accommodate higher intensity beams in ATLAS – Creating a pulsed switchyard upstream of Area III § Example of beams: • 132 Sn • from CARIBU and the EBIS breeder going to HELIOS, 48 Ca (Q=9, 10, or 11) to 64 Ni region from the ECR ion source going to either the FMA or AGFA for heavy element spectroscopy ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 13

Stage II: Replace old split-ring resonators with new QWRs A/q Example of Booster Energy- Stage II: Replace old split-ring resonators with new QWRs A/q Example of Booster Energy- ATLAS Energystable beams 1 new cryostat (Me. V/u) ATLAS Energy 2 new cryostats (Me. V/u) 2 C 6+ 16. 5 25. 1 34. 0 3 Ar 12+, O 5+ 12. 3 18. 5 25. 1 4 Ca 11+, Ni 16+ 10. 0 14. 8 20. 0 5 Ar 8+, Zr 18+ 8. 5 12. 4 16. 8 6 Kr 14+, Xe 21+ 7. 4 10. 7 14. 4 7 Au, Pb, Bi, U 6. 6 9. 4 12. 6 § Table of possible beam energies in the Booster and ATLAS after one and two new cryostats (no stripping required) ü Upgrade existing 109 MHz cryomodule: additional cavity, replace VCXs, average voltage per cavity is 3 MV ü A new =0. 077 QWR cryomodule, 7 cavities, VACC=3 MV ü A new =0. 15 QWR cryomodule, 8 cavities, VACC=3 MV ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 14

Stage II: Schedule and Funding § Schedule – Construction and off-line commissioning of two Stage II: Schedule and Funding § Schedule – Construction and off-line commissioning of two new cryomodules: 4 -5 years. It will not interrupt ATLAS operation – Installation and beam commissioning of cryomodules, relocation of the existing 109 MHz cryomodule and installation of achromatic 40 -deg bend: 6 months – This installation schedule is based on our recent experience with substantial modifications of the Tandem and Booster areas § Funding – Upgrading the existing 109 MHz cryomodule, AIP funding, $1. 5 M. It will take place independently from the multi-user upgrade – Two new cryomodules, 40 -deg bend, enhanced shielding walls: ~$(10 -12)M ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 15

Stage III of the ATLAS Multi-User Upgrade § Will allow: – The simultaneous acceleration Stage III of the ATLAS Multi-User Upgrade § Will allow: – The simultaneous acceleration of three beams; two stable and one radioactive to either Booster or ATLAS energy to serve 3 different experiments simultaneously – Even higher intensity ATLAS beams, both stable from a new SC ECR and radioactive by combining multiple charge states – Intensities of stable beams will be a factor of 5 -10 higher than now § Will require: – Replacing one of the existing ECR with a new high-performance SC ECR source – Developing and installing a chopper system in the LEBT to inject two stable beams with close q/A into two separate RF buckets of the RFQ – Modifying the injection for multiple-charge-state radioactive beams from EBIS – Developing and installing two RF switchyards for Areas II and III – Modifying experimental beam lines to allow the transport of multiple-chargestate and larger emittance beams § Example of Beams: – 102 Ru to HELIOS and 208 Pb to Gammasphere and a radioactive beam to Target Area II or III, IV. ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 16

Stage III: Schedule and Funding § Schedule – Longest lead time is the development Stage III: Schedule and Funding § Schedule – Longest lead time is the development of the SC ECR: 4 years. It can be started now if funding is available – All modifications of ATLAS injector, beamlines can be performed in parallel with ATLAS operations – May require one month of beam commissioning to implement new modes of ATLAS operation § Funding – $(6 -8)M, the most costly item is the SC ECR ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2014 17

Past Performance Guarantees Future Success § 3 ATLAS Upgrade projects: RFQ, Cryomodule and EBIS Past Performance Guarantees Future Success § 3 ATLAS Upgrade projects: RFQ, Cryomodule and EBIS were delivered on schedule with originally conceived parameters ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2014 18

Summary § The first stage of the Multi-User Upgrade can be implemented within 2 Summary § The first stage of the Multi-User Upgrade can be implemented within 2 years at low cost § Replacement of remaining 3 split-ring cryomodules with 2 new cryomodules enables the acceleration of different q/A beams to the highest available energies including dual charge state beam from CARIBU EBIS § Once a decision is made to build 2 new cryomodules, we can proceed with the next 2 stages of the multi-user upgrade. ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 19

Questions? ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2014 20 Questions? ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2014 20

Back-up Slides ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2014 21 Back-up Slides ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2014 21

Stage I: Add Switchyard to extract one beam after Booster ü ü Build a Stage I: Add Switchyard to extract one beam after Booster ü ü Build a chicane under the main ATLAS beam line to extract one beam to Area II The second beam continues to ATLAS for further acceleration for Area III or IV The chicane consists of a pulsed kicker, a septum and three regular magnets The 40 -deg bend will be modified to be achromatic for future stages of the upgrade ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 22

Stage I Example: 132 Sn 27+ from EBIS and 132 Sn 27+ 48 Ca Stage I Example: 132 Sn 27+ from EBIS and 132 Sn 27+ 48 Ca 10+ from ECR 48 Ca 10+ Two separate beams at their sources Combined beams in the LEBT Two beams injected into the RFQ ATLAS Multi-User Potential Heavy-Ion Discussion Group May 8, 2013 23

Stage I Example: 132 Sn 27+ from EBIS and 132 Sn 27+ 48 Ca Stage I Example: 132 Sn 27+ from EBIS and 132 Sn 27+ 48 Ca 10+ from ECR (2) 48 Ca 10+ Two beams out of RFQ into PII Two beams out of PII into Booster Two beams out of Booster @ 5. 9 Me. V/u ATLAS Multi-User Potential Heavy-Ion Discussion Group May 8, 2013 24

Kicker Magnet § Pulsed magnet § Could be iron or ferrite magnet § Ferrite Kicker Magnet § Pulsed magnet § Could be iron or ferrite magnet § Ferrite magnets – Rise- and fall-time can be very short – nsec – Operate at high frequencies, MHz – High resistivity, low eddy current – Saturation field is up to 0. 6 T § Low inductance – single-turn coil § Pulse Forming Network (PFN) as a power supply ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 25

Septum Magnet, DC Magnet § Required current ~k. Amps § Very high power is Septum Magnet, DC Magnet § Required current ~k. Amps § Very high power is needed – up to 100 k. W Beamline ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 26

Stage II of Multi-User Upgrade § Remove all split-ring cryomodules New cryomodule =0. 15, Stage II of Multi-User Upgrade § Remove all split-ring cryomodules New cryomodule =0. 15, 8 cavities Pulsed switchyards New cryomodule =0. 077 ATLAS Multi-User Potential ATLAS Workshop May 15, 2013 27