Astro 4: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe *Rick Nolthenius Call me “Rick”. *Office: 706 a 479 -6506 *email: rinolthe@cabrillo. edu *visit my extremely excellent website!
Textbook – “The Cosmic Perspective – Stars, Galaxies, Cosmology” – Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, and Voit; 5 th Edition • ~$70 new in the bookstore. No used ones around yet. • I will try to get one copy on reserve in the library
Grading • 6 mult. choice quizzes based on my lectures, with help from the textbook. - ~10 questions each - closed notes • ~2 video quizzes; after seeing ~45 min video program. Take notes and use them for your mult. choice quiz, about 20 questions each • Final Exam: 50 mult. choice questions. You may have a single 8 x 10 sheet of paper crammed with all the notes you can muster! • Your two lowest scores will be dropped. That includes no-shows • Because…No make-ups • Extra Credit possibilities • Buy 10 green narrow scantron sheets from the book store. $3. Cheap! Keep them in your notebook along with a pencil.
What will We Do in Astro 4? • We start with the nature of Science, reason, and the principles of clear thinking. My own “Chapter 0” on the principles of clear thinking and scientific method • Some basic ideas: Forces, Gravity, the nature of light and matter • The sun, our up-close look at a typical star • Then to boldly go, on to the stars! How they’re born, their lives, their deaths, and how death gives rise to new life • Violence in Space! Supernovae, black holes, gamma ray bursts • Then galaxies and the supermassive black holes at their heart • The Big Bang origin of the Universe. Inflation, Dark Matter, Dark Energy • The idea of the Multi. Verse, the Anthropic principle and the intimate connection between alternate universes and the nature of life • I’ll stress the observational facts and how we use scientific inference to arrive at ideas, and to test them to arrive at our current theories of the Universe. Exams will stress getting a picture of processes and the ‘why’ behind what we see, not so much on memorized factoids.
We’ll learn clear thinking
The discovery of forces, gravity, and light galileo
The Sun – our close up look at a star Sun in h-alpha
The Birth of Stars in Interstellar Clouds Star birth bubble
Star clusters and stellar evolution Stars, clusters
The death of stars pn
We’re doomed
Supernovae and Stellar death and birth
Star infall to bh
Our Milky Way Galaxy
Galaxy Evolution
Quasar gallery
Dark Matter – What it is not, and might be dm
Dark Energy and the Origin of the Universe history. Of. Universe
I want to believe