Скачать презентацию Association Measures Discovering idioms in a sea of Скачать презентацию Association Measures Discovering idioms in a sea of


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Association Measures Discovering idioms in a sea of words Jorge Baptista University of Algarve, Association Measures Discovering idioms in a sea of words Jorge Baptista University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal Spoken Language Lab, INESC ID Lisboa, Portugal Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University , e-Lecture , March 18, 2014

a definition of idiom • • • multiword expression: composed of two or more a definition of idiom • • • multiword expression: composed of two or more words meaning of the overall sequence can not be calculated from the individual meaning of the component words when used separately this difference in meaning is related to different formal properties : • • combinatorial, morphological, . . . different types of idioms may show different properties 2

formal types of idioms • noun phrases • • noun + adjective (in English formal types of idioms • noun phrases • • noun + adjective (in English adjective+noun) : round table, yellow fever, good practices, noun + preposition + noun: Portuguese man o' war (Physalia physalis), prepositional phrases : in a rush, in the spur of the moment, by accident, on purpose verb + complement : kick the bucket, hold Poss 0 tongue, 3

Dictionaries are always incomplete. . . • • • new words are created every Dictionaries are always incomplete. . . • • • new words are created every day, to coin new concepts, ideas, tools, methods, objects. . . old words (from every age) are reshaped either in form or in use to function as new words, mostly by smoothly changing their environments no dictionary can ever be up-to-date but for computer natural language processing NLP, the lexicon is key to the performance of many tasks so: we need ways of acquiring lexicon (semi-)automatically, • • help lexicographer describe their rapidly evolving object build resources for NLP 4

Corpus linguistics • • • The low cost and easy availability of large-sized corpus Corpus linguistics • • • The low cost and easy availability of large-sized corpus (several hundred million words) makes it possible to study linguistic phenomena such as idioms, including their lexical acquisition for lexicographic/lexicological purposes one requires appropriate tools for corpora processing, basically, counting words and words’ combinations more sophisticated processing (POS taggers and parsers) can help improve the results for certain types of idioms (or are essential to some of them) 5

Looking for idioms in a sea of words • Frequency is often a good Looking for idioms in a sea of words • Frequency is often a good indicator of an idiom, but can be improved by POS filters: 6

Association measures: looking for word combinations in a see of words Association Measures (AM) Association measures: looking for word combinations in a see of words Association Measures (AM) are statistical methods that can help linguists’ work in finding statistically relevant word combinations that may/should be included in the lexicon as idioms, collocations, etc. most important AMs for our task are based on the concept of hypothesis testing : • Student’s t-test (t) • chi-quare (Χ 2) • another important measure, based on information theory is the (pointwise) Mutual Information (PMI or MI) • in the case of relative position of words in word combinations, the Dice coefficient (D) is also important (eventually, language dependent) • 7

Collocations strong/powerful 8 Collocations strong/powerful 8

Hypothesis testing • It is a simple statistical concept, that can be formulated as Hypothesis testing • It is a simple statistical concept, that can be formulated as a question: Given a pair of events, how likely is it that they co-occurred by some reason or that it was chance alone? • In our case, let’s think of ‘events’ as words and ‘pair of events’ as word combinations, as in the case of idioms • • ‘likelihood’ involves the concept of probability the concept of ‘chance’ is linked to the hypothesis testing setting, where one of the hypothesis is the null hypothesis, where two events co-occur by mere chance CAVEAT: finding that there must be a reason (and not just mere chance) for a pair of events, does not mean that there is a causal relation between them (problem of the tertium aliquid) 9

Hypothesis testing (continued) • The strategy of hypothesis testing: • • • If two Hypothesis testing (continued) • The strategy of hypothesis testing: • • • If two events co-occur by chance alone: null hypothesis Else, some cause links the events Though the cause may be elusive, we can discard the null hypothesis and say that at least that two events did not occur by chance 10

Hypothesis testing (continued) • • Defining a null hypothesis (H 0): a pair of Hypothesis testing (continued) • • Defining a null hypothesis (H 0): a pair of words, or bigram (w 1 w 2), is a chance event if the probability of its occurring is significantly less than its actual number of occurrences What is the probability of a word? or of a bigram? • P(w 1) = Count(w 1)/N • P(w 1) = Count(w 2)/N • P(w 1 w 2) = Count(w 1 w 2)/N where N is the total number of words in a given corpus • 11

Hypothesis testing (continued) • So, how do we calculate H 0 , given a Hypothesis testing (continued) • So, how do we calculate H 0 , given a bigram w 1 w 2 ? H 0 = P(w 1)*P(w 2) = C(w 1)/N * C(w 2)/N • • Then what? Then we need a test of statistical relevance to compare H 0 with the actual probability of the bigram P(w 1 w 2). To do this, we introduce the Student t-test 12

Student’s t-test • Student’s t-test is an association measure that is represented by the Student’s t-test • Student’s t-test is an association measure that is represented by the following formula: where: • x’ represents the sample mean (i. e. the bigram probability); • μ is the distribution mean (i. e. the null hypothesis, H 0); and • s 2 is the sample variance (that we will consider to be same as the sample mean: s 2 = x’); • N, as we already know, is the total number of instances (words in the corpus) 13

Student’s t-test looking for data. . . Let’s take a look at a simple Student’s t-test looking for data. . . Let’s take a look at a simple noun+adjective combination in Portuguese: mesa redonda ‘round table’ • access freely available corpus: CETEMPúblico • find the N (total number of words): 191, 277, 678 • find the frequency of each lemma: mesa and redonda • find the frequency of the bigram (lemmas): mesa redonda • www. linguateca. pt/cetempublico 14

Student’s t-test an example • • Now we have all the data we need: Student’s t-test an example • • Now we have all the data we need: ‣ Count(mesa) ‘table’: 16, 969 ‣ Count(redondo) ‘round’: 1, 982 ‣ Count(mesa redonda) ‘round table’: 544 ‣ Total number of words, N: 191, 277, 678 (approx. 191, 3 M words) Let’s make the calculation of the probabilities for w 1, w 2 and w 1 w 2: ‣ P(mesa) ‘table’: 16, 969/191, 277, 678 = 0, 00008871395856 ≈ 8, 87 e-5 ‣ P(redondo) ‘round’: 1, 982/191, 277, 678 = 0, 0000103618991 ≈ 1, 04 e-5 ‣ P(mesa redonda) ‘round table’: 544/91, 277, 678 = 0, 00000284403285 ≈ 0, 28 e-5 15

Student’s t-test an example • • Based on the previous calculation, we can now Student’s t-test an example • • Based on the previous calculation, we can now determine the null hypothesis (H 0) H 0 = p(w 1)*p(w 2) = 8, 87 e-5 * 1, 04 e-5 = 9, 19 e-10 ≈ 0, 0000919 e-5 Finally, we apply the t-test formula: t = (x’-n)/√(x’/N) = (0, 28 e-5 - 0, 0000919 e-5)/√(0, 28 e-5/191, 277, 678) = 0, 2799077 e-5/0, 0000001 = 23, 31626888 16

Student’s t-test an example • • Now, we look in a t-test relevance threshold Student’s t-test an example • • Now, we look in a t-test relevance threshold table: The degree of certainty/relevance (usually represented by α ‘alpha’) in NLP is α=0, 005, because we deal with large datasets, while in the human/social sciences is usually higher, α=0, 05; The threshold is usually represented by p. For a relevance a=0, 005, the t-test threshold is p=2, 576 • • if t < p, then we are 99, 5% sure that we can not discard the null hypothesis, and the combination is due to chance if t > p, then we are 99, 5% sure that we can discard the null hypothesis and the combination is not due to chance 17

Student’s t-test an example • • SO, in our example, since t(mesa redonda) = Student’s t-test an example • • SO, in our example, since t(mesa redonda) = 27, 99077 hence, t > p, therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis and say that this word combination is not due to chance Notice that the linguistic status (a compound noun) can not be determined, just that the combination is not random. 18

Student’s t-test conclusion • • • The Student t-test is an easy way to Student’s t-test conclusion • • • The Student t-test is an easy way to determine if two events (words) co-occur by chance alone, or if their co-occurrence is statistically relevant however, this AM ignores the marginal distribution of w 1 and w 2, that is, the cases when they do not co-occur. A more sophisticated AM is the chi-square (X 2) 19

Chi-square • • • 2) (X The Student t-test assumes a normal distribution of Chi-square • • • 2) (X The Student t-test assumes a normal distribution of the probabilities of the events, while the Chi-square does not compares the observed frequences of the events with the expected frequences if the events were independent if the difference is larger than the statistical relevance threshold, then we can reject the null hypothesis of independence of events 20

Chi-square an example w 1=mesa w 1 ≠ mesa w 2= redonda w 1 Chi-square an example w 1=mesa w 1 ≠ mesa w 2= redonda w 1 w 2 w 2 -w 1 w 2 ≠ redonda w 1 -w 1 w 2 N-(w 1+w 2) w 1=mesa w 1 ≠ mesa w 2= redonda 544 1438 w 2 ≠ redonda 16425 191258727 O 11 12 21 22 21

Chi-square an example • An easier way to do these calculations is to use Chi-square an example • An easier way to do these calculations is to use a spreadsheet: 22

Mutual Information Mutual information is an AM derived from Information Theory, and is often Mutual Information Mutual information is an AM derived from Information Theory, and is often used in determining idioms and compound words • It is defined by the following formula: • • • I can be defined has the amount of information between two events (x and y); the higher the MI, the more likely it is to have y given x (and vice-versa); it is a good AM to rank candidates to idiom status but there is no threshold value it uses the same values we have already calculated: P(w 1), P(w 2), P(w 1 w 2) and N 23

Mutual Information an example • • Based on the previous data about the compound Mutual Information an example • • Based on the previous data about the compound mesa redonda ‘round table’ lets calculate its MI in the same corpus: ‣ P(mesa) ‘table’ ≈ 8, 87 e-5 ‣ P(redondo) ‘round’ ≈ 1, 04 e-5 ‣ P(mesa redonda) ‘round table’≈ 0, 28 e-5 ‣ N = 191, 277, 678 MI(mesa, redonda) = log 2( P(mesa redonda)/(P(mesa)*(P(redonda) )) = log 2(0, 28 e-5/(8, 87 e-5 * 1, 04 e-5)) = 11, 59520095 24

Association measures: looking for word combinations in a see of words 25 Association measures: looking for word combinations in a see of words 25

Association measures: looking for word combinations in a see of words • other examples: Association measures: looking for word combinations in a see of words • other examples: • {V, Adv} combinations : marry civilly • {V, Ci} idioms : eat dirt • . . . navegar é preciso/viver não é preciso (Fernando Pessoa, 1888 -1935) 26

references Church, K & Hanks, P. (1990). Word association norms, mutual information, and lexicography. references Church, K & Hanks, P. (1990). Word association norms, mutual information, and lexicography. Computational Linguistics, 16(1): 22– 29. Manning, C. & H. Schutze (1999). Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. Cambridge, Massachussets. Pecina, P. & P. Schlesinger (2006). Combining Association Measures for Collocation Extraction. In Proceedings of ACL 2006, pp. 652. 27