Assignment #4 A) Write a MPI program in

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  • Количество слайдов: 3

>Assignment #4 A) Write a MPI program in C to perform parallel search for Assignment #4 A) Write a MPI program in C to perform parallel search for an element in an array. The values of the array elements are initialized uniquely, (a[i] ≠ a[j],=> i ≠ j)

>Assignment #4 Hint: the array length can be assumed to be a multiple of Assignment #4 Hint: the array length can be assumed to be a multiple of the number of processors used. When running your program, it might be useful to output some variables (or even array elements) on different processors to see whether computation is done as desired

>Assignment #4 B) Execute several jobs varying number of processes measure the execution time Assignment #4 B) Execute several jobs varying number of processes measure the execution time for each run performed, plot of the obtained execution times vs. the number of processes used. Explain it.