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Asset Ownership What does Ownership mean? The King and Queen of Utah Market for Asset Ownership What does Ownership mean? The King and Queen of Utah Market for Ownership in Utah By Gaylen K. Bunker Copyright © 2010, All Rights Reserved

What does Ownership mean? Assets = A store of potential. Costs = The energy What does Ownership mean? Assets = A store of potential. Costs = The energy required to convert potential into valued service or product. Benefits = What people will pay for that valued service or product. Ownership is the right to control Assets and receive the excess of benefits over costs.

Early Utah Assets • Silver, Copper and other precious metals were discovered in early Early Utah Assets • Silver, Copper and other precious metals were discovered in early Utah. • Large sums of money were required to put together the machinery and tools to extract the metals from the mines. • Stock certificates were issued to those who put up the money to show ownership.

Susanna (Suzy) Emery Holmes (1859 -1942) Born Richmond, Missouri Susanna Bradford was visiting relatives Susanna (Suzy) Emery Holmes (1859 -1942) Born Richmond, Missouri Susanna Bradford was visiting relatives in Park City in 1884 when she met and married Albion Emery. At the time, Emery was being used as a front for investors in silver, who were horrified when he suddenly died still holding their stocks. Susanna inherited Emery’s estate and became Utah’s Silver Queen.

Amilia’s Palace Suzanne Emery Bransford Holmes Purchased in 1901 Amilia’s Palace Suzanne Emery Bransford Holmes Purchased in 1901

Gardo House Porch Suzanne Bransford Holmes and Husband 1916 Gardo House Porch Suzanne Bransford Holmes and Husband 1916

Mining Stock Market • By the end of 1897, there were 33 Utah mining Mining Stock Market • By the end of 1897, there were 33 Utah mining stocks being traded in Salt Lake City. • Based on value stocks, the mines were worth almost $10 million. • Dec. 1898 the value was $17 million

An Official Exchange • March 16, 1899 an “Exchange” was incorporated as the Salt An Official Exchange • March 16, 1899 an “Exchange” was incorporated as the Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange • Over 10 million shares were sold that first year valued above $4 million.

In 1908 Samuel Newhouse, a wealthy miner, erected Utah’s first skyscrapers, the Newhouse and In 1908 Samuel Newhouse, a wealthy miner, erected Utah’s first skyscrapers, the Newhouse and Boston Buildings at the west end of Exchange Place and donated property at 39 Exchange Place for an exchange building.

Exchange Place Salt Lake City. Utah 1916 Exchange Place Salt Lake City. Utah 1916

Salt Lake Stock Exchange Salt Lake Stock Exchange

Newhouse Bldg Salt Lake Stock Exchange Place Boston Bldg 4 th South Street State Newhouse Bldg Salt Lake Stock Exchange Place Boston Bldg 4 th South Street State Street Main Street 3 rd South Street

10, 000 share per day • The year before the 1929 crash it was 10, 000 share per day • The year before the 1929 crash it was not uncommon to see 10, 000 shares traded per day on the SL Exchange. • In the late 1940 s, with the discovery of Utah oil, the Exchange began to deal with a few promising oil companies.

Charley Steen (1919 -2006) • • • Born in Texas B. A. geology UTEP Charley Steen (1919 -2006) • • • Born in Texas B. A. geology UTEP 1943 Spent WWII in Bolivia and Peru One year Univ. of Chicago Fired from Std Oil in Houston (insubord. ) Became interested in Uranium in Utah

Charley Steen 1952, Steen hit it big, found a massive, uranium deposit southeast of Charley Steen 1952, Steen hit it big, found a massive, uranium deposit southeast of Moab, Utah. He named it the "Mi Vida" mine (My Life), He made millions starting a "Uranium Rush” In Moab, Steen built a $250, 000 hilltop mansion to replace his tarpaper shack,

Uranium is King • In 1954, the Salt Lake market exploded with frenzied trading Uranium is King • In 1954, the Salt Lake market exploded with frenzied trading in uranium stock. • There were more shares traded “over-thecounter” in Salt Lake in one day in 1954 than on the New York Stock Exchange.

The Uranium King Charley Steen http: //www. steenmansion. com/details. aspx http: //www. gjsentinel. com/featr/content/features/steen_main. The Uranium King Charley Steen http: //www. steenmansion. com/details. aspx http: //www. gjsentinel. com/featr/content/features/steen_main. html

Stock with every purchase • Merchants gave away uranium stock with every purchase. • Stock with every purchase • Merchants gave away uranium stock with every purchase. • Owners of hamburger stands, shoe repair shops, newsstands, beauty parlors, and pool halls bought broker's licenses. • The girls in the red light district even give a share of stock with each trick. . .

May 1954 = 30 million shares • In May of 1954, 30 million uranium May 1954 = 30 million shares • In May of 1954, 30 million uranium stock shares were sold by Salt Lake brokers. • In 1968, over 23 million shares of stock were traded.

Oldest Mining Exchange • The exchange was the nation's oldest and largest mining exchange. Oldest Mining Exchange • The exchange was the nation's oldest and largest mining exchange. • During its operations, the Exchange was the only registered stock exchange between Chicago and the West Coast. • It was the last registered exchange to use the "call" or auction system.

 • At 11: 00 A. M. , the auctioneer, rang a bell to • At 11: 00 A. M. , the auctioneer, rang a bell to begin trading and called the issues listed on the Exchange while traders or brokers (gathered around a horseshoe) responded with bids to buy and offers to sell. The trades were listed on a large quotation board and trading lasted 1 hour.

Salt Lake Mining and Stock Exchange Salt Lake City. Utah 1915 Salt Lake Mining and Stock Exchange Salt Lake City. Utah 1915

Intermountain Stock Exchange • In May 1972, the name was changed to the Intermountain Intermountain Stock Exchange • In May 1972, the name was changed to the Intermountain Stock Exchange. • In the late 1970 s and early 1980 s real estate, insurance, transportation and electronics shares were added to the Exchange.

A Sad Ending • In 1986 SEC inspectors found numerous A Sad Ending • In 1986 SEC inspectors found numerous "deficiencies" in the exchange's selfregulation system and threatened enforcement action. • The Exchange's members voted unanimously to go out of business and closed the exchange October 31, 1986.

What do you know? • • What assets were in Utah? How did ownership What do you know? • • What assets were in Utah? How did ownership change hands? Who was the Queen of Utah? Who was the King of Utah?

Bibliography • The Kings and Queens of the Range, Kansas City, Mo. May 15, Bibliography • The Kings and Queens of the Range, Kansas City, Mo. May 15, 1901, Vol 5, No. 50. • “Uranium Fever”, Raymond W. Taylor and Samuel W. Taylor, pp. 240 -242. • http: //www. emccommunitycouncil. org/history. shtml • “Images of Salt Lake City 1890 -1930, ” Gary Topping, Melissa Coy Ferguson, and the Utah State Historical Society, Arcadia Publishing, 2009