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ASSESSING SOIL FERTILIY WITHOUT LABORATORY ANALYSES. Fertimeter, estimates soil fertility as a function of the progressive weakening of buried cotton and silk threads by in situ microbial action. 'A Personal Lab on a stick'
Restaurant Soil is a restaurant for Plants Example… : Ingredients: flour, sugar, vegetables. . Ingredients: Organic matter Bacteria, fungi Without the CHEFS dishes won’t appear ! Soil microbes are the CHEFS that prepare nutrients for plants
With traditional laboratory analyses: You get just a number of separate values that need to be interpreted by someone able to do it, who can merely formulate hypotheses on potential fertility ? ? ? organic matter % Lime salinity deficiency exchangeable Magnesium p. H Total limestone Active limestone Nitrogen Chalk need ? It yields only the members of a complex equation assimilable phosphorus Exchangeable sulphur potassium ? Soluble boron C. S. C. texture electric conductivity microelements organic carbon
with the Fertimeter The Equation’s solution The instrument carries out in few days an in vivo test, in which all variables act jointly yielding a single paramater (fertility for microbes) statistically correlated with plant productivity which is predicted several months in advance.
Old A “post-mortem” out of soil portions, withdrawn from method their context, looking at one parameter at a time It tells what’s in the ‘restaurant shelf’ but DOES NOT TELL: 1) are the CHEFS there? , 2) Do they know how to cook? , 3) What do they miss to feed their customer plants at best? ? Organic matter % Lime salinity deficiency exchangeable Magnesium p. H Total limestone Active limestone Nitrogen Chalk need ? Assimilable phosphorus Exchangeable sulphur potassium ? Soluble boron C. S. C. texture electric conductivity microelements Organic carbon
New method Does not care about measuring all items, as it goes directly to see if, and how much, they work. Performing a real cultivation trial (of microbes) tells how fertile is your soil and if, and how much, you need to correct it with the two fundamental nutrients (N and P)
Old method It gives just an analysis of soil potentiality, but can not tell if that will be realized. The interpretation is moreover subjective and you need a professional to formulate it. ? ? ? Organic matter % Lime salinity deficiency exchangeable Magnesium p. H Total limestone Active limestone Nitrogen Chalk need ? Assimilable phosphorus Exchangeable sulphur potassium ? Soluble boron C. S. C. texture electric conductivity microelements Organic carbon
New method It allows you to witness the demonstration of your soil activity. It gives a direct proof of its productivity. It enables a more precise fertilization as it is based on the real live needs of the soil. You save money on fertilizers, avoiding their excess you safeguard the environment, and save on the costs of analyses.
Why laboratory analyses (when microbial count is included) can not yield a result microbiologiclly equivalent to fertimeter? microbial count
Will the CHEFS be there…? Because: 1) they yield only the colonies of the few species that are culturable on plates 2) And tell nothing about what those species do, and whether they could do it in that soil. microbial count
Why is it important to avoid using too little or too much fertilizer? Uh ? I never do analyses, I always gave two buckets of urea ‘cause grandpa told me so… Right amount of nitrogen Too little nitrogen Chlorosis, stunted growth Too much nitrogen Excess of vegetative growth reduced fruits and seeds; slower cycle; sensitivity to adverse effects and parasites, too much elongation and risks of collapse higher water consumption; nitrates in tissues and in the environment.
Summary of the Advantages Hjgher productivity per hectar (thanks to the correct fertilizer dosage) Foretelling harvest yield several months in advance Money savings (avoiding superfluous fertilizer waste and environmental pollution from excess fertilizer runoff Easily interpretable data Self made analysis (km 0), at low cost, high speed of response, possibility to repeat them indefinitely by changing the threads Online assistance and database
Fertimeter Measure your soil fertility Insert ! Read ! Fertilize ! Website dedicated to gathering and interpretation of fertimeter data with the scientific supervision of the partner universities and customer user interface. Searchable Database and social network.
Fe rt im et er
Hobby/leisure market, Advantages: 1) No need to convince the consumer about profits as he/she does not pursue income and buys for hobby 2) Highly prone to spend for his/her garden and pots, to try novelties and to talk about it with neighbours 3) Can be captured by the looks of an elegantly designed object 4) The potential target is huge (anyone can buy plants for home anytime).
Fertimeter Ask your earth.