October 10th - Aspirin.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
Aspirin was first synthesized by Felix Hoffmann on October 10, 1897
Facts about Aspirin 1. Aspirin is also known as acetylsalicylic acid. The second name is commonly used in countries where Aspirin is a registered trademark owned by Bayer (not to pay them). 2. Aspirin is one of the most widely used medications in the world, with an estimated 40, 000 tons of it being eaten each year. 3. The active ingredient of Aspirin was first discovered from the bark of the willow tree back in 1763. 4. Aspirin prevents production of thromboxane, the stuff that makes the blood clot when you cut your finger, so if you take lots of aspirin all the recent cuts, scratches and bruises in your body might start bleeding again.
Amazing Facts about Aspirin 1. You can use 2 Aspirin pills to revive a dead car battery. 2. You can remove perspiration stains from white clothes with it. 3. You can use it to stop the mosquito bites itch. 4. You can use its solution to hide the hickeys on your neck. 5. You can prolong the life of the flowers you buy by adding a pill right into the flower vase. Usually market-sold flowers are already ‘aspirined’ though. 6. Aspirin powder is an effective face cleaner and it can even restore your hair color if it fades due to chloride water.
One Popular Urban Legend… ~ says that Bruce Lee never took the pills in his life and after taking a pill of Aspirin he died in his sleep. The fact is that Bruce Lee took a pill of Equagesic, a painkiller, containing aspirin, but he had a strong allergy to a muscle relaxant that was also in that pill, so it was a real cause of his "death by misadventure“.
1. What have you ever used Aspirin for? 2. What do you usually take to be in shape or to get back on your feet? 3. What are some of the types of traditional remedies used in our country? Do you think they are effective? 4. What do you think about natural remedies and alternative medicine? 5. Where do you go to get reliable information on health? 6. What health problems do you worry about most? 7. Do you worry about the health of those around you? 8. Have you ever stopped doing something for your health? 9. What are the most damaging things to people’s health?
'fit' was used to mean 'suitable, seemly’ Thomas Dekker, in The batchelars banquet, 1603 referred to 'as fine as a fiddle‘ Fiddle=violin
1. What are the best and worst jobs for health? 2. What are some things people can do to keep healthy? 3. Is it possible to have a healthy life style in the modern world? 4. What are the benefits of a healthy life style? 5. Have you heard of the expression “you are what you eat”? 6. Do you enjoy exercising? 7. It has been found that people are getting less sleep than 50 years ago. Why? 8. Which is better, private or public health care? Why?
October 10th - Aspirin.pptx