- Количество слайдов: 21
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Do you know any map symbols? Draw and label as many symbols as you can a mini whiteboard and then write below they mean! Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Use orientation, compass directions and map Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able toto explain why we use maps. mean and be able explain why we use maps.
Use orientation, compass directions and map Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. How do we use map symbols? http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=BAGu. VOtnj 6 Y&feature=player _embedded Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able toto explain why we use maps. mean and be able explain why we use maps.
Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to Whyplan a route. useful? are maps Maps can help you plan your route. You are more likely to arrive at your destination quickly and safely if you use a map. Maps can help you visualize what a place looks like so you will know what to expect when you get there. What information must a map contain in Use a key, describe what different map symbols order it to make sense? Challenge: mean and be ablefor explain why we use maps. to
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Why do we use symbols? • When drawing a map to scale it is important to include as much detail as possible – however not all the detail will fit on the map so we have to use a key of different symbols, abbreviations and letters to represent the main items on the map Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Think about it this way. . • Imagine that you have to draw a map that shows the route from your house to the school – but you are not allowed any words. . . this means that we need to use symbols to show what we would pass on the way. . . Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Use orientation, compass directions and map Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able toto explain why we use maps. mean and be able explain why we use maps.
Use orientation, compass directions and map Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able toto explain why we use maps. mean and be able explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Quick Quiz – On a page at the back of your book - write down what you think of the following symbols means There are 10 of these to guess – if you don’t have an idea - have a go! But do remember that you are trying to think of things that might be shown on a map! 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Quick Quiz – 6. 7. 9. 8. CG 10. Use a key, describe what all mean? So what do they different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Quick Quiz – Ok – make sure that you are marking somebody else’s work – here they come. . . 1. 2. Caravan Park 4. 3. Information Office Golf club/course 5. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Telephone Battlefield site Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Quick Quiz – 6. 7. Lighthouse 9. 8. Picnic site CG Coastguard 10. Primary Road (A Road) Rail station Use a key, describe whatyou get? map symbols How many did different Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Using scale The easiest way to use scale is make the scale onto the side of a piece of white paper and use it to measure on the map. Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.
Aspire: Use orientation, compass directions and map symbols to plan a route. Design your own map symbol for the following features: • A school • A zoo • A restaurant • A museum • A sports stadium Use a key, describe what different map symbols Challenge: mean and be able to explain why we use maps.