Скачать презентацию ASPEN Data Monitoring System ADM ASPEN Training 101 102 Скачать презентацию ASPEN Data Monitoring System ADM ASPEN Training 101 102


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ASPEN Data Monitoring System (ADM) ASPEN Training 101/102 ASPEN Data Monitoring System (ADM) ASPEN Training 101/102

Introducing ADM (101/102) n ADM is also referred to as “ACTS Download” because: • Introducing ADM (101/102) n ADM is also referred to as “ACTS Download” because: • ADM’s initial release focuses on “ACTS” complaint data, and • ADM supports states ability to “download” information from ASPEN to state databases in a time-sensitive manner

About ADM q ADM allows states to use ACTS as their primary complaints management About ADM q ADM allows states to use ACTS as their primary complaints management system while minimizing double data entry needed to maintain related state complaint systems and functions q Since ASPEN has no way to directly communicate with a state’s internal systems, ADM was created to bridge this gap: ADM is a toolkit that allows state developers to create an interface between the ASPEN database and their internal state systems and functions q While the initial ADM release focuses on monitoring ACTS-related data, the design permits expansion to additional data categories in the future

What ADM Does n n n ADM may be used to monitor more than What ADM Does n n n ADM may be used to monitor more than twenty different data entities in the ASPEN database. These include: • ACTS-specific entities such as complaint intake, allegation, complainant, citation and EMTALA • Selected ASPEN entities such as facility, survey, and administrator may also be monitored. ADM sends electronic alerts to state systems when changes occur to monitored ASPEN tables. For example, ADM can notify state systems whenever a complaint is added, updated or removed by ACTS users. ADM does not allow states to change data in the ASPEN database.

ADM: Five Functional Components (See following slides) ADM: Five Functional Components (See following slides)

ADM Component Summary 5) Test Tool: An ADM test tool is provided. States may ADM Component Summary 5) Test Tool: An ADM test tool is provided. States may use this tool to connect to the ADM API to determine that activated ADM messages are delivered properly through the API.

Configuring ADM Once your state determines database events to be monitored and prepares a Configuring ADM Once your state determines database events to be monitored and prepares a state application to respond to related ADM messages, you will proceed as follows to configure ADM:

Configuring ADM Alerts 1. From the System menu in ACO, select System Configuration, then Configuring ADM Alerts 1. From the System menu in ACO, select System Configuration, then ASPEN Data Alert Configuration

Configuring ADM Alerts This opens ADM’s ACTS Download Table Candidates window. Configuring ADM Alerts This opens ADM’s ACTS Download Table Candidates window.

Configuring ADM This opens ADM’s ACTS Download Table Candidates window. Configuring ADM This opens ADM’s ACTS Download Table Candidates window.

Configuring ADM Alerts Note that for each entity, three ADM alert types may be Configuring ADM Alerts Note that for each entity, three ADM alert types may be configured: • Insert – alerts when a new record is added to a monitored entity table • Update – alerts when a change is made to an existing record in a monitored entity table • Delete – alerts when a record is removed from a monitored entity table

ADM Scenario Problem: A state’s internal complaint system automatically notifies local law enforcement via ADM Scenario Problem: A state’s internal complaint system automatically notifies local law enforcement via fax whenever a complaint with an abuse allegation (Allegation type 01 – Resident/Patient/Client Abuse) is received. ACTS does not provide fax services, but the state wishes to use ACTS for complaint tracking and avoid double entry into both systems

ADM Scenario Solution: Use ADM to provide an interface between ACTS and automated state ADM Scenario Solution: Use ADM to provide an interface between ACTS and automated state fax services as follows:

ADM Scenario 1. Create state software application interface to ADM API. 2. Activate ADM ADM Scenario 1. Create state software application interface to ADM API. 2. Activate ADM monitoring for complaint allegations: u Open ACO. u Select System Configuration, then ASPEN Data Alert Configuration. u Locate the Complaint Allegation Entity (COMP_ALG) and select the options to monitor Inserts and Update events on this table.

ADM Scenario 2. Confirm allegation monitoring: u Create a test intake in ACTS, and ADM Scenario 2. Confirm allegation monitoring: u Create a test intake in ACTS, and assign an abuse allegation. Note the intake and allegation IDs. u Activate the ADM test application, and request next message. Confirm correct allegation ID is referenced.

ADM Scenario: Implement Solution State Complaint Staff Input Complaint ACTS ADM Listener Receives message ADM Scenario: Implement Solution State Complaint Staff Input Complaint ACTS ADM Listener Receives message and passes to State application State Application Retrieves Data and Sends Fax ASPEN Database Generates ADM Message Fax Server

Using the ADM Application Programming Interface DLL (Training session 102 only) ADM API name: Using the ADM Application Programming Interface DLL (Training session 102 only) ADM API name: Aspen. Data. Exchange. DLL This is a standard Windows DLL The DLL can be called by languages using both ‘unmanaged’ memory as well as the new ‘managed’. NET memory models: • Unmanaged languages: Visual Basic, Visual C++, Power. Builder • Managed examples: C#. NET

Using the ADM Application Programming Interface DLL ADM API Functions “callable” by state applications: Using the ADM Application Programming Interface DLL ADM API Functions “callable” by state applications: • Open. Oracle. Database(): Opens a connection to the CMS QIES database containing ASPEN. This is called once whenever the state application starts-up. Other functions are not available until this function is called and returns a success. • Close. Oracle. Database(): Closes the Oracle database connection. Called whenever the state application is shutting down. • Get. Queue. Message(): Retrieve the next ASPEN event message from ADM queue. • Count. Waiting. Messages(): Counts the number of messages pending in the ADM queue without de-queuing any messages. • Aspen. Get. Last. Error. Number(): Returns number of last error, if any. • Aspen. Get. Last. Error. Message(): Returns text of last error, if any.

Understanding ADM Messages q ADM Messages are delivered to state applications via the ADM Understanding ADM Messages q ADM Messages are delivered to state applications via the ADM DLL q ADM Messages ‘alert’ the state system about a specific change to the ASPEN database q Messages are in XML format

Understanding ADM Messages n Messages provide the following information about monitored events: • The Understanding ADM Messages n Messages provide the following information about monitored events: • The name of the monitored entity which triggered the message • The type of action which triggered the message (Insert, Update or Delete) • Key field/value pairs defining the unique data row in the entity table which triggered the message.

Understanding ADM Messages Example Message: Alert message triggered by change to Complaint Intake entity Understanding ADM Messages Example Message: Alert message triggered by change to Complaint Intake entity that is being monitored for UPDATE actions (e. g. , modifying an existing intake):

32012 UPDATE INTAKEID CA 00014138

ADM Test Application n ADM provides a test application ADM_Test. EXE Allows states to. ADM Test Application n ADM provides a test application ADM_Test. EXE Allows states to. . . • Determine that ADM is properly configured • Test that the ADM message queue is active • Ensure the ADM API is properly delivering messages from the ADM queue • View both unparsed and parsed (using DOM) XML message structure