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Asia/Pacific AMHS Implementation Workshop AMHS Description and Implementation December 15 -16, 2008 Chennai, India
Objective Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) Air Traffic Service Message Handling System (AMHS) Open System Interconnection(OSI)/ Internet Protocol Suite(IPS)/ Open System Interconnection(OSI) over TCP/IP Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) Operation User Agent (UA) Operation Federal Aviation Administration 2
Implementation Documents ICAO 9896 Flight plan/clearance ICAO 9880 ATN Meteorological AIDC ATN SARP 9705 Oceanic Tracking System OSI BBIS UA AFTN Gateway TCP/IP MTA Federal Aviation Administration 3
What do I need to do ? Federal Aviation Administration 4
ATN is designed by Aeronautical Communication Panel (ACP) as a seamless network to distribute Air Traffic Control (ATC) message among ICAO members including Air to Ground (A/G) messages Federal Aviation Administration as specified in ICAO Doc. 9705 was completed in 2003 (ed. 3) by ATN Panel • ATN based on Internet Protocol Suite (ATN/IPS) as specified in ICAO Doc. 9896 (expected publication January 2009) • ATN/OSI that use TCP/IP network is developed by ACP in 2008 for OSI based applications as specified in ICAO Doc. 9880 5
AMHS component includes: • ATS message server • ATS message user agent (UA) • AFTN/AMHS Gateway Federal Aviation Administration 6
Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS) AMHS is a message handling system that allows Office of Air Traffic Services (ATS) Messages to be exchanged between service users. It based on ISO/IEC 10021 or ITU-T X. 400. AMHS message service provides Basic Service and Extended Service • Basic Service • Extended Service - Based on ISO/IEC 10021: 1990 - Based on ISO/IEC 10021: 1999 Extended Service is a superset of Basic Service, support more complex message structures (body parts), use of the directory service, and support security Federal Aviation Administration 7
AMHS AFTN/AMHS Gateway AFTN component ATN component ATS Message Server MTA MS MTCU • MTA (Message Transfer Agent) UA Send out/Receive ATN Message • MS (Message Store) • AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network) • MTCU (Message Transfer and Control Unit) provides interface between the ATN and AFTN components. • UA (User Agent) provide interface for user sends or gets mail Federal Aviation Administration 8
AMHS Basic Service AFTN Terminals AFTN Switch AFTN/ AMHS GW Combination AFTN/AMHS Gateway ATS Message Server MS MTA AMHS Terminals UA MTCU MS UA MTA AFTN Terminals UA ATN G/G Router AFTN Switch AMHS Terminals Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) ATN G/G Router UA UA MS MTCU MTA UA Combination AFTN/AMHS Gateway ATN G/G Router MTA MS ATS Message Server UA UA UA AMHS Terminals Federal Aviation Administration 9
AMHS Extended Service AMHS Terminals UAw DUA AMHS Terminals ATS Message SERVER MS UAw DUA MTA w DUA ATN G/G RTR Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) UAw X-500 DIRECTORY DBA UAw DUA MS ATN G/G RTR UAw MTA w DUA UAw ATN G/G RTR DUA Federal Aviation Administration ATS Message SERVER DUA DBA 10
ATS Message Server The ATS Message Server consist of 2 main components • Message Transfer Agent (MTA) • Message Store (MS) The ATS Message Server should perform the following • Encoding • Routing • Decoding • Sending/Receiving • Store and retrieve received messages • Long-term logging of all messages passing through MTA and store at least 30 days Federal Aviation Administration 11
ATS Message Server The AMHS addressing scheme and logging information handle by ATS Message Server should include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Message identifier Priority Content type Originator name Recipient name Message content size Federal Aviation Administration 7. Last element of the trace information 8. Arrival/submission time 9. Transfer destination and time 10. Recipient name 11. Delivery time 12. Delivery and non delivery reports 12
ATS Message User Agent (UA) It provides the input mechanism and protocol for users to send and receive messages. It interfaces with the MTA or/and MS normally through the LAN or IP network over dedicated circuits or Virtual Private Network (VPN) Federal Aviation Administration 13
AFTN/AMHS Gateway AFTN/AMHS gateway is to convert AFTN messages to AMHS messages or via versa, the gateway includes four logical components • AFTN component • ATN component • Message Transfer and Control Unit (MTCU) • Control Position (PC) Federal Aviation Administration 14
AFTN/AMHS Gateway AFTN Component • Provide interface with AFTN and MTCU • Handle AFTN message format using ITA-2 (International Telegraph Alphabet No 2), the AFTN component shall convert message to/from IA-5 (International Alphabet 5) format ATN Component • Provide interface with AMHS and MTCU • Ensure all AMHS information passing MTCU complied with base standard of ATS Message Server Federal Aviation Administration 15
AFTN/AMHS Gateway Message Transfer and Control Unit (MTCU) • Provide bi-directional conversion facility between the AFTN component and ATN component • Using IA-5 character internally Control Position (CP) • Provide monitor for the AFTN/AMHS Gateway • Non-delivery message Federal Aviation Administration 16
APANPIRG AMHS PLAN • States with BBIS responsibility will continue to implement AMHS based on ATN/OSI ASIA/PAC MTA Operation • These States will interface with other BBIS State via ATN Router using X. 25 subnet • The BBIS MTA can utilize TCP/IP network by using RFC 1006 for UA interface or other MTA (non – BBIS) Federal Aviation Administration 17
APANPIRG AMHS PLAN Decision to adopt AMHS based on • ATN/OSI as specified on ICAO SARP, Doc 9705 (2005) Identified states with major backbone network responsibility • Australia • China • Fiji • Hong Kong, China Federal Aviation Administration • • • India Japan Singapore Thailand USA 18
ATN/OSI (AMHS) These BBIS would implement AMHS with ATN Router Intra Region AMHS ATN Router BOUNDARY AMHS ATN Router AMHS Federal Aviation Administration Router AMHS 19
FAA ATN/AMHS Interconnection FDIO Duplex FAA AMHS Control Position MTA AFTN Gateway Host X. 25 NADIN PSN X. 25 NADIN MSN AFTN LAN TCP/IP/CLNP Network Management Federal Aviation Administration ES-IS Duplex ATN Router 64 Kbps IDRP ATN Network 20
FAA AMHS Protocol Stack AFTN SWITCHING COMPONENT Message Transfer and Control Unit MTA Application Process X. 400 AE ISO Presentation ISO Session TP 4 CLNP To OSI Regions Federal Aviation Administration ATN COMPONENT TP 0 RFC 1006 TCP IPv 4 To IPS Regions 21
ATN Region - IP Region Internetworking IP REGION ATN REGION AMHS IP Router ATN Router AMHS ATN Router IP Router AMHS Federal Aviation Administration BOUNDARY AMHS IP Router BOUNDARY AMHS 22
Dual Stacks AMHS MTA ATN Router TP 4 MTA ATN Router CLNP IP IP Router RFC 1006 TCP SARP Compliance AMHS Message IP Router IP Based AMHS Message • ATN SARP compliant MTA and Router states can exchange traffic from their MTA to any MTA • IP based MTA and Router will require its traffic to be forwarded by ATN SARP compliant MTA • Discussion: - Address allocation - IPv 4 vs. IPv 6 - Documentation Federal Aviation Administration 23
AMHS/ATN Operation AMHS will use AFTN/ATN Gateway to ensure the message will continue to be compatible with automation equipment AFTN/AMHS Gateway will continue to process AFTN based messages direct from other AFTN switches UA will interface directly with MTA and AFTN/AMHS GW will convert to AFTN message format as required During transition period, all AMHS messages will be processed and routed by associated MTAs Federal Aviation Administration 24
UA Operation UA is a PC based with COTS Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc…) UA is designed to replace AFTN Terminal IPv 4 is recommended for User Agent (UA) interfaces with MTA UA can connect to its MTA using IPv 4 Addressing Scheme via dedicated circuit or Internet (VPN) Federal Aviation Administration 25
Asia/Pacific ATN Regional Backbone Europe China Japan JP CN EUR Region HK TH Middle East Hong Kong, China North America Thailand Fiji FJ MID Region NAM Region SG Africa AFI Region Singapore IN AU India Australia APAC Region Inter-Regional Trunk Connection New Inter-Regional Trunk Connection Intra-Regional Trunk Connection New Intra-Regional Trunk Connection Federal Aviation Administration US is North America Backbone 26
Asia/Pacific ATN Regional Router Plan China United State of America KR C N Japan Russian Federation JP US MN Mongolia MO KP Nepal PW Palau Hong Kong, China FM Macau China DPR Korea NP H K M M Myanmar PK Pakistan Micronesia, Federal State of LA Lao Thailand TH PH TW MH American Samoa BN Malaysia Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Marshall Island AS Vietnam Philippines. Taiwan MY KH VN ID BT Indonesia BD Bangladesh Bhutan India IN Singapore Sri Lanka LK S G MV Maldives Island ATN Backbone Site PG TL VU A U SB Fiji NR New NZ Zealand Papua Timor Vanuatu. Solomon Nauru New Guinea Leste Islands KI FJ NC TV WF Kiribati New Tuvalu Wallis and Caledonia Futuna Islands ATN Site Plan ATN Backbone Operational ATN Backbone Plan ATN Link Operational ATN Link Federal Aviation Administration Australia WS TO NU PF CK Samoa Tonga Niue French Cook Polynesia Islands 27
Conclusion • The ATNICG has envisioned that States in the region with AFTN switches should replace them with AMHS • The BBIS States should implement AMHS as soon as possible • The BBIS states with interface to other regions that adopt TCP/IP, should establish connection based on bilateral agreement • States in the region that have only one connection or AFTN terminal should work with their associated BBIS States to implement UA • ATNICG has recommended that any upgrade to existing AMHS implementation will be considered at the next technical refresh cycle • ATNICG’s primary task is to ensure smooth transition to AMHS environment while sustaining the AFTN operation Federal Aviation Administration 28
Questions and Discussion Federal Aviation Administration 29