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Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) Country Update By Sureswaran Ramadass APAN Malaysia
APAN Malaysia n Delegates from Malaysia for APAN Busan 2003 n n 11 participants for APAN Currently heading 2 WG n n Multimedia IPv 6
APAN Malaysia n APAN-My was formed in 1997 to promote advanced research in network technologies using High Bandwidth networks. One of the main purposes of APAN-My is to link the main research network within Malaysia. n APAN Malaysia is an active member of APAN-MY heads the Multimedia Working Group and the IPV 6 WG and also involve in numerous other APAN activities.
APAN Network Topology
Network Topology for AI 3
Network Topology for AI 3
TEMAN n Testbed Environment for Malaysian Multimedia Applications and Networking (TEMAN) + Others n TEMAN was formed in 1997 by a collaborative effort between the Government, Universities and Telecommunication Companies. n It has setup a high speed 155 Mbit network testbed for research and development. This has expanded to include more universities. Satellite Bandwidth Obtained for research as well. n Now have support from the world’s first Dark Fiber 2. 5 Gig Backbone network to also support connectivity. n Manis IPv 6 research backbone already running
MSC Area Support
Malaysian Scenario AS 7544 Nasionet AS 3561 Cable & Wireless, USA BGP TMNET AS 4788 AS 5727 AT&T World. Net AS 9290 Putra. Net
Malaysian IX-1 AS 17650 Global One AS 10152 Easycall AS 4774 A-BONE AS 7544 Nasionet TMNET AS 4788 AS 3561 Cable & Wireless, USA AS 5727 AT&T World. Net AS 10204 ARCNET AS 10211 IVANET AS 9833 HICOM AS 9290 Putra. Net TMTAPS AS 9986 AS 2042 MIMOS
Malaysian IX-2 AS 9534 MAXIS-1 AS 6453 Teleglobe AS 4717 AI 3 AS 7473 Sing. Tel AS 701 UUNet Technologies AS 17815 NRG USM AS 17784 MAXIS-2 AS 10111 DATAON E MIMOS AS 2042 AS 4818 Di. Gi-IX AS 9930 TTNET AS 10081 Di. Gi AS 10211 IVANet AS 17992 AIMS AS 9986 TM TAPS AS 17736 SOLSIS IDC AS 9833 HICOM
Malaysian IX-3 AS 6453 Teleglobe AS 17666 Free. Net AS 4774 ABONE EAST GATE AS 17971 AS 10204 ARCNet AS 17464 TM My. Loca AS 18001 Columbo DIALOG AS 4788 TMNet
Malaysian Connectivity AS 7544 Nasionet AS 9833 AS 9290 AS 10152 HICOM Putra. Net Easycall AS 10211 IVANET AS 18001 Dialog, Columbo AS 7374 Valueserve CA AS 17650 Global One AS 2042 MIMOS AS 17971 EASTGAT E AS 4788 TMNET AS 3561 Cable & Wireless, USA AS 17784 MAXIS-2 AS 17464 TM IDC AS 9534 MAXIS AS 9930 TT-NET AS 2687 IBM, NH AS 4818 DIGI-IX AS 4000 Sprint VA AS 701 UUNet Tech AS 2571 DHL USA AS 10081 DIGI AS 9986 TMTAPS AS 10204 ARCNET AS 5727 AT&T World. Net AS 17666 Free. Net AS 10030 CELCOM AS 1743 AS 7046 MCI World. Com. UUNet, VA AS 2914 Verio, CO AS 10111 Data. One AS 6453 Teleglobe AS 2500 JPNIC AS 4778 i. ASiaworks TW AS 4774 A-BONE JP AS 4697 NTTV 6 Net AS 4717 AI 3, JP AS 7473 Sing. Tel AS 4766 KIX, Seoul AS 4637 Reach, Hong. Kong AS 9581 Cable & Wireless Korea
My Research Network n Potential Use & Collaborative Projects q n Governance of MYREN q n aligned to MOSTE’s priority research areas the Network Operations Team be transparent to the User Groups and the Steering Committee since the entire ops will be outsourced. Acceptable Use Policy q TEMAN had an Acceptable Use Policy and could be used as a reference for MYREN
My Research Network n Network Topologies, Service Fees and Connection to MYREN q q n charges be at very low levels as compared to charges for commodity Internet connectivity to MYREN be at 2 Mbps, 8 Mbps & 16 Mbps dependent on each university’s requirements Operations & Maintenance of MYREN q q q agreed to the following operating service levels: A) NOC availability = 99. 9% B) MYREN Network availability = 99. 5% (1. 5 days downtime / yr)
SEA-Backbone: Lets get ASEAN Connected
Joint Proposal Between Malaysia and Korea for TEIN Plan & Network
Phase SEA-BB : The First Phase n THAILAND(BANGKOK) (TRCNet) SINGAPORE (SINGAREN) MALAYSIA NRG (PG) n Terrestrial links connecting Thailand Singapore to NRGXchg. Implementation details to be worked out separately between Thailand & Sg.
Phase SEA–BB: The Second Phase Terrestrial links from Malaysia to n Philippines n Indonesia n 2 other neighbors (Undecided) n
SEA-Backbone Link to North Asia SEA-Net will be able to connect to North Asia through the KR-MY link Link Owners of the KR-MY link will be MIC/KISDI (Korea) and MECM/Malaysian Research Net (Malaysia).
Trans-Eurasia Link to South-East Asia Korea France TEIN II Link (45 Mbps) Malaysia • Enhancing the existing TEIN connection between KR/KISDI-FR/RENATER to 45 Mbps. • Extending TEIN link to MY from KR (March 2003)
Joint Proposal (formulated on 27 Nov, 02) n In principle, Korea and Malaysia accepts to create the KR-MY link as link owners, together with EC as a main contributor. n Eventually, the plan is for all the 7 ASEAN Countries in ASEM to be connected in one form or the other to this network. This network will also expand to include any new ASEAN members accepted into ASEM.
NRG Exchange…. More Graphical View
NRG Connectivity 512 Kbps uplink 1. 5 Mbps downlink
APAN-My Working Groups - APAN Malaysia Working Groups Multimedia Digital Library IPv 6 Satellite Bio-Informatics Earth Monitoring Multicast Agriculture
Earth Monitoring And Disaster Warning WG Objectives • Disseminate fire detection products • Smoke, Haze and Ash warning • Torrential Rain and information and warning • Regional hub for other observations missions
Initial Project Remote Monitoring System (RMS)
Multimedia WG n New Charter/Update Charter q Success of old charter: n Spinning-off newer WGs and Technology (Digital Video etc. ) q n n Some took off, and some did not. Creating a video conferencing network between Temasek Poly, USM, Keio Univ and AIT. AI 3 NOC has setup server and being used. Distance edu classes will be conducted using this system. APAN NOC has setup the MCS server which was used in this conference. New Projects q Virtual Gaming/Conferencing/ in an immersive cave type environment. n Current commitments from NRG USM, Temasek Poly for Phase 1 and possibly ANU and AIT for Phase 2. Markus is also providing some input about GRID in this area.
Activities n Current Target Projects : n Distributed Multimedia Conferencing System q n Currently Implemented over all TEMAN and selected APAN sites Mini Cave/Tele-Immersion q Future project among TEMAN and APAN/AI 3 members
Digital Library WG Objectives n to develop the infrastructure (common standards and protocols) that will advance the use and utility of digital resources by the higher education community in the region n to develop a broad resource base of digital scholarly information resources and services n to strengthen communication and collaboration among education, government and research institutes in the region n to contribute to lifelong learning opportunities available to the populace of the northern region
Digital Library WG (Cont…) Activities n participants will prepare their OPAC (On-line Public Access Catalogue) for inclusion on the website. The OPAC should be in a universally accepted format e. g. MARC (Machine readable Cataloguing) or standards such as Z 39. 50 n to encourage members to develop search tools (directories, inventories, indexes) n establish links with CLH (Connected Learning House) set up by the National Library n to develop links with APAN (Asia-Pacific Advanced Network)
Digital Library Network Diagram Disted-Stamford College USM Library KDU Penang Public Library Informatics Penang Skill Development Centre (PSDC) Inti International Systematics Central Repository Server Network Research Group USM British Council NRG-Exchange Internet 1. 5 MBits Legend Leased Line APAN 16 Mbits TEMAN
Agriculture WG Objectives n Facilitate the sharing and exchange of data between organisations n Facilitate public access to agriculture n Provide efficient and timely electronic distribution of information between offices n provide a national information network to be shared by agriculture organisations n provide organisations participating in the AGROLINK facilities to access international databases. n complement the services provided by MAMPU through the Civil Service Link (CSL) on matters relating to the agriculture
Satellite WG Objectives F To provide a stable link between USM and APAN backbone F To provide the link to other working group for their research
Satellite WG - Projects F Reliable Multicast FTP for satellite link F Setting up MCS Ver 4 (Multipoint Multimedia Conferencing) F Satellite based high speed multimedia access F Satellite Distance Education Program
IPv 6 WG n n Objectives Participate and contribute for protocol standard development n Soon to be a RFC and Int. Draft n To investigate and assist the government and organizations plan for the transition from IPv 4 to IPv 6. n To experiment and develop Internet applications using new IPv 6 specifications. n Promote IPv 6 activities at National Level among Universities
IPv 6 WG - Activities & Projects n n n n Conference and IETF participation Testing IPv 6 NOC in Malaysia Providing an IPv 6 testbed with APAN connectivity for research activities. Porting existing MCS application to IPv 6 Quality Of Service experiments on IPv 6 Network monitoring and management for IPv 6. Seminars & Workshop IPv 6 over Satellite (AI 3 Project) connection has been established Presentation at Global IPv 6 Summit, Osaka, Japan (18 -19, Dec. 2000) Participation at APRICOT 2001, K. L (February, 2001) Anycast Analysis IPv 6/IPv 4 Application Porting Issues Tutorial (Gopi/NTT) APAN-MY/ IPv 6 Tutorials (21 August 2001) Presentation at Apan-Penang Meeting (August, 2001) IPV 6 workshop (19 th – 20 th June 2003)
IPv 6 WG - Achievements FSuccessfully setup IPv 6 network and applications are being tested F 10 papers has been presented internationally, 1 RFC and 1 internet draft.
Focus Areas V 6 With Success : q q IP and V 6 BASED High quality Multipoint Conferencing – in process. REAL TIME monitoring of V 4 and V 6 - Implementation of first stage done q Dynamic Host Name Resolution Protocol for V 6 q Multicast over Satellite for V 6
Features of IPV 6 : Business & Technical Aspect
Budget for APAN
Upcoming Meetings n 2004. 1. 30 -31 Honolulu, Hawaii Meeting
Thank You Sureswaran Ramadass APAN Head - Malaysia http: //my. apan. net