- Количество слайдов: 2
ASD Test Form Global Laboratory *Date mm/dd/yy): *Source: * JCI Contact: *Source contact: Tracking Number: Receiver: *Phone Number: *Mail to: JCI ID: Samples * ID/ Lot number Qty. Description (detailed description of the sample ) JCI Specification and test method to be used in this Analysis Purpose Comments Notes: • Make sure that test method and specification exist in JCI system for the material intended to be analyzed, an international standard method or define one. include (MSDS) • Print this form and send it with the samples and send to JCI SQE contact. • External suppliers that send samples on a monthly basis to ASD this form needs to be included. • All the samples shall have Co. A from vendor. ( for this point contact JCI Procurement or SQE representative) • Mark all the samples with lot number e. g ( ingots, bags, containers) • Adress Enertec Mexico, Planta Optima (ASD Global Lab). Johnson Controls, Ave. del Parque No. 2155 Monterrey Technology Park. Cienega de Flores, Mex CP 65550. (shipments outside of Mexico, the broker is : DICEX. Aeropuerto de Mty). Pág. 1
Instructions: 1. - This form must be filled out for shipment samples to ASD lab. 2. - Include this form with the shipment *Date: date of shipment *JCI contact: fill with the name of your JCI representative *Tracking number: fill with delivery company tracking number. *Phone number: Phone number of JCI representative *JCI ID: this number is created by JCI personnel, fill with the number provided or ask to your JCI contact for it. (samples that are sent on monthly basis does not need this number) *Source: Name of the company that is sending samples Source contact: Nambe of the responsible of shipment *Receiver: Name of ASD lab Technician *Mail to: Fill with the names of JCI representatives that should receive the result of this analysis. (*) = Required Note: This page is intended just for guidance on how to fill out ASD lab form , do not include it in shipments Pág. 2