Скачать презентацию ASAS TN Third Workshop Toulouse 19 Скачать презентацию ASAS TN Third Workshop Toulouse 19


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ASAS TN – Third Workshop – Toulouse 19 -21 April 2004 Session 3 – ASAS TN – Third Workshop – Toulouse 19 -21 April 2004 Session 3 – THALES ATM Presentation Ground Systems for ADS-B based Surveillance Presenter: Peter HOWLETT AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application of ADS-B-NRA AS 680: An example of an ADS-B Ground Station Typical issues n Redundancy n Coverage overlap n Ground Station Status Monitoring April 2004 Concluding Remarks 2 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application of ADS-B-NRA AS 680: An example of an ADS-B Ground Station Typical issues n Redundancy n Coverage overlap n Ground Station Status Monitoring April 2004 Concluding Remarks 3 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Australian Upper Airspace Project initiated by Airservices Australia n Radar-like separation services above FL Australian Upper Airspace Project initiated by Airservices Australia n Radar-like separation services above FL 300, based on ADS-B n Will be presented tomorrow by Greg Dunstone (Airservices Australia) Contract recently awarded to Thales ATM for the provision of 56 ADS-B Ground Stations A good example to illustrate ground systems associated with ADS-B NRA April 2004 … and some typical issues to be addressed 4 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

April 2004 Australian Upper Airspace Project - GS System Architecture 5 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT April 2004 Australian Upper Airspace Project - GS System Architecture 5 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application of ADS-B-NRA AS 680: An example of an ADS-B Ground Station Typical issues n Redundancy n Coverage overlap n Ground Station Status Monitoring April 2004 Concluding Remarks 6 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

AS 680 Key Features ADS-B reporting based on Mode S extended Squitter Long Range AS 680 Key Features ADS-B reporting based on Mode S extended Squitter Long Range Capability (250 NM at FL 300) ASTERIX Cat 21 Output Compact, autonomous Unit for unmanned Operation Automated Built-In Testing down to LRU Level Flexible Network communication Full Remote Control via SNMP down to LRU Level Range of options, e. g. April 2004 n GPS Time Reference System n Uninterrupted Power Supply n Outdoor packaging Selected by Airservices Australia for the Upper Airspace Program : coverage of Australian airspace above FL 300 7 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Main AS 680 Components SPC Power PC Omni Antenna 3 m LNA Low-Noise Amplifier Main AS 680 Components SPC Power PC Omni Antenna 3 m LNA Low-Noise Amplifier SPB Thales ATM Signal Processing Board RXU Thales ATM Receiver Unit April 2004 FBX Filterbox 8 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

AS 680 Technical Data April 2004 Max. demonstrated Range: 250 NM Sensitivity: - 90 AS 680 Technical Data April 2004 Max. demonstrated Range: 250 NM Sensitivity: - 90 d. Bm Dynamic Range: 80 d. B Mean Pos. update rate: 1 / s Localisation capacity: 150 Targets/s Time of Arrival resolution: 128 MHz (7 ns / 2. 4 m) Power Supply: 110. . 240 V / 47. . 63 Hz Dimensions (w x h x d): 483 x 178 x 350 (19”, 4 HU) Weight: 19. 5 kg Site Monitor Module: 0 d. Bm, 1090 MHz ICAO Annex 10 compliant 9 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Technical Tools Technical Traffic Situation Display April 2004 Technical System Control User Interface 10 Technical Tools Technical Traffic Situation Display April 2004 Technical System Control User Interface 10 Recording and Playback Facility AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application of ADS-B-NRA AS 680: An example of an ADS-B Ground Station Typical issues n Redundancy n Coverage overlap n Ground Station Status Monitoring April 2004 Concluding Remarks 11 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Redundancy Need to ensure availability => redundancy throughout the system n At GS level Redundancy Need to ensure availability => redundancy throughout the system n At GS level (HW failures) n At communication network level April 2004 n At processing level in ATC centre 12 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Redundancy at Ground Station level Ground Station 1 Ground Station 2 ADS-B RX Antenna Redundancy at Ground Station level Ground Station 1 Ground Station 2 ADS-B RX Antenna 1 ADS-B RX Antenna 2 GPS RX Antenna 1 GPS RX Antenna 2 April 2004 13 Network Connection to TAAATS AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT To Antenna 1 Monitor Probe ADS-B RX 1 To Antenna 2 Monitor Probe To Antenna 1 Monitor Probe ADS-B RX 2 Network Connection to TAAATS

Redundancy at Communication level AS 680 AS 680 2 -way Satellite or Terrestrial Comm. Redundancy at Communication level AS 680 AS 680 2 -way Satellite or Terrestrial Comm. Link. Ground Network All Ground Station Data, i. e. : ADS-B Operational Data as Asterix Cat 21 as UDP Multicast and Maintenance Data as SNMP on UDP/IP ADS-B Test Bed All Ground Station Data, i. e. : ADS-B Operational Data as Asterix Cat 21 as UDP Multicast and Maintenance Data as SNMP on UDP/IP RCMS Melbourne RCMS Brisbane ADS-B LAN A ADS-B LAN B April 2004 Service LAN 14 SSF TAAATS Time Server AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADS-B LAN B TAAATS Melbourne TAAATS Brisbane Service LAN TAAATS Time Server

Ground station 1 B * Ground station 2 A Ground station 2 B * Ground station 1 B * Ground station 2 A Ground station 2 B * Router if required ATMB Mux Router if required DDN or VSAT link ATMB Mux ADSB BYPASS DDN or VSAT link ATMB Mux Router if required DDN or VSAT link ATMB Mux DDN or VSAT link Ground station 3 A Ground station 3 B ATMB Mux Router if required FDP * = ADS-B optional ground stations VHF Optional site FDP ADSBP FDP ADSB FP DDN or VSAT link ATMB Mux Serv LAN 3 ATMB Mux ADS-B LAN Ground station 1 A Eurocat LAN Op LAN 1 DDN or VSAT link Op LAN 2 Redundancy at Processing Level (example) FP MTP SNMAP FDP Upgrade Mux = Multiplexer Radar data FP FP FP RTP MMI April 2004 15 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application of ADS-B-NRA AS 680: An example of an ADS-B Ground Station Typical issues n Redundancy n Coverage overlap n Ground Station Status Monitoring April 2004 Concluding Remarks 16 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Coverage Overlap 1 Aircraft can be received by several Ground Stations Need to eliminate Coverage Overlap 1 Aircraft can be received by several Ground Stations Need to eliminate duplicate targets GS 2 A/B n Function performed at Centre level in ADSBP GS 3 A/B GS 1 A/B FDP Coupling / APR GS 4 A/B SNMAP ADSBP ABROAD April 2004 ADS-B Operational Data in ASTERIX CAT 21 17 Airborne Data Reception ADS-B Reports Conversion Semantic check Syntactic check AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Data Processing/ Distribution Alerts coupling ADS-B tracks MMI Processing Duplicates Extrapolation/Sync

Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application of ADS-B-NRA AS 680: An example of an ADS-B Ground Station Typical issues n Redundancy n Coverage overlap n Ground Station Status Monitoring April 2004 Concluding Remarks 18 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

GS Status Monitoring Need to monitor properation of Ground Station Need to unambiguously locate GS Status Monitoring Need to monitor properation of Ground Station Need to unambiguously locate faulty elements for quick/efficient maintenance How do you test the RF loop? n Remote site monitor ? April 2004 n Collocated site monitor ? 19 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Bite Principle Illustrated RF loop tested by collocated site monitor Extended Squitter AS 680 Bite Principle Illustrated RF loop tested by collocated site monitor Extended Squitter AS 680 Site Monitor Tranmission of Extended Squitter signal at preconfigured intervals AS 680 Cross-over BITE Summary To RCMS (SNMP) Site Monitor BITE Summary . April 2004 1090 Mhz Extended Squitter (DF 18) transmitted through DME antenna probes 20 BITE Summary • Own Ground Station BITE, (including RF loop) • Monitoring of other Ground Station Bite • Detailed BITE Details via SNMP or within User Shell To RCMS (SNMP) AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Maintenance Laptop • Pre-Configuration (Shell) • Monitoring and Configuration (SNMP) • Tests and Diagnosis • Recording/Replay • Technical Situation Display

Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application Introduction & Overview Australian Upper Airspace Project: an example of an early operational application of ADS-B-NRA AS 680: An example of an ADS-B Ground Station Typical issues n Redundancy n Coverage overlap n Ground Station Status Monitoring April 2004 Concluding Remarks 21 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

Concluding Remarks ADS-B NRA is arguably one of the simplest applications of ADS-B, yet Concluding Remarks ADS-B NRA is arguably one of the simplest applications of ADS-B, yet many issues and design decisions have had to be addressed n more to come? Operational trials and early implementations are essential n build confidence in ADS-B n uncover and address issues n establish and validate rules and procedures April 2004 n refine standards… and learn to use existing ones 22 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT