Скачать презентацию Artificial leather Artificial leather — polymeric material Скачать презентацию Artificial leather Artificial leather — polymeric material

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Artificial leather Artificial leather

Artificial leather - polymeric material of industrial production, used instead of leather for making Artificial leather - polymeric material of industrial production, used instead of leather for making shoes, clothes, hats, fancy and some industrial products.

ALL KINDS OF ARTIFICIAL LEATHER CAN BE DIVIDED INTO SEVERAL GROUPS: üHaberdashery; üFootwear; üUpholstering; ALL KINDS OF ARTIFICIAL LEATHER CAN BE DIVIDED INTO SEVERAL GROUPS: üHaberdashery; üFootwear; üUpholstering; üfor clothes and technical purposes.

Advantages fills a deficit of natural materials, especially leather; has specific features relatively cheap Advantages fills a deficit of natural materials, especially leather; has specific features relatively cheap material that helps significantly reduce the cost of production;

Products of artificial leather Products of artificial leather

In Ukraine Artificial skin are made Kyiv, in Ternopil, Kharkiv, Lutsk, leatherette - in In Ukraine Artificial skin are made Kyiv, in Ternopil, Kharkiv, Lutsk, leatherette - in Odessa.

Modern industry for the production of artificial skin transformed into a large mechanized industry. Modern industry for the production of artificial skin transformed into a large mechanized industry.

Production of artificial leather has three main stages: 1)First, prepare the fibrous base, it Production of artificial leather has three main stages: 1)First, prepare the fibrous base, it depends on its quality, as far as strong, supple and soft skin will be received. 2)On the basis with the use of various technologies applied polymer coating. 3)Finishing of artificial skin can include a variety of tasks: stamping, polish or matte, print the image.

For many years, China continues to be the world's largest exporter of products made For many years, China continues to be the world's largest exporter of products made of artificial leather.

The average volume of production of leather in the world is about 1. 674 The average volume of production of leather in the world is about 1. 674 billion cubic meters ² (expressed in monetary terms, this amount is equal to $ 40 billion. ). The share of developing countries in this area is more than 60% of total volume. Near 65% of manufactured leather shoe industry consumed (volume production of footwear in the world is approximately 11 billion pairs, which is the wholesale price of 150 billion dollars. ). World production volume of leather for the automotive industry is estimated at 1. 35 billion dollars.

End of life Raw material Soles for shoes Material processing Remaking Product use Assemby End of life Raw material Soles for shoes Material processing Remaking Product use Assemby